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Search results

  1. Mattathias

    United Methodist Church LGBTQ Clergy

    “The United Methodist Church voted Wednesday to allow LGBTQ clergy to serve in the Church, reversing a 40-year ban. …” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68939591
  2. Mattathias

    What does the Bible say about reading the Bible?

    “Christians have many good reasons for reading the Bible, and many books and articles extol the merits of Bible reading. But what does the Bible say about reading the Bible? Here are ten observations: …” https://www.jumpintotheword.com/2021/10/19/what-does-the-bible-say-about-reading-the-bible/
  3. Mattathias

    Who is the founder of Christianity?

    It shouldn’t be a particularly difficult question but, when asked, a variety of answers are typically given. Let’s try it and see how it goes here. Perhaps we’ll find that we’re all in agreement. Perhaps we’ll find that we’re not. Who is the founder of Christianity? Bonus question: Does it...
  4. Mattathias

    What is the most neglected book of the Bible?

    While reading through some threads over the past few days I noticed that a few books of the Bible tend to receive most of the attention. One thread, on the subject of books contained in Catholic Bibles that aren’t contained in Protestant Bible, set me to thinking about books contained in...
  5. Mattathias

    The donkey Jesus rode in on

    View: https://x.com/ciaranmurchadha/status/1779188874859733120?s=6
  6. Mattathias

    Someone wants to be baptized

    I recently saw this question posted on a social media platform: “Someone comes up to YOU and tells you they want to get baptized. What do you do next?” What would you do if this happened to you?
  7. Mattathias

    How the 6 Day War birthed the Temple Mount Movement

    “Today, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel’s Temple Institute, and Gershon Salomon’s Temple Mount Faithful are both part of the nascent Israeli Sanhedrin working for the rebuilding of the Temple. Their shared experience on the Temple Mount and their shared disappointments led to the birth of the Modern Temple...
  8. Mattathias

    Theology in a song-- tune stuck in my head

    I was driving home from a trip to the gym this afternoon when it happened. Whammo! Now I can’t get it out of my head. I had been thinking about something odd that I’d read yesterday about Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.
  9. Mattathias

    Quote of the day

    “Evil has an expiration date. Jesus Christ is coming.” - Nate Pickowicz
  10. Mattathias

    Time is short

    This is worth 4 minutes of your time.