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Where do you get your Authority?

Well, maybe in hell then, but I certainly :sneaky: hope not!
What makes you say that for? You do know that Jesus Christ has had the victory over that place? I believe John gives a wonderful revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ which was given by God to him to describe the vision in the Revelation 21-22.
What makes you say that for? You do know that Jesus Christ has had the victory over that place? I believe John gives a wonderful revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ which was given by God to him to describe the vision in the Revelation 21-22.
It was a bit of attempted humor.
Living Truth is its own authority.

Yes,.....not a book, religion, idea, concept, tradition or program necessarily....although truth can be expressed or facilitated through such tools or templates.

The essence of reality is what it is, to be communicated by its own spirit-presence and the soul faculties that perceive and know. Truth bears witness to itself, because it is what essentially exists as being true in any given context. When we recognize Source as eternal and infinite,...then there can be no end to evolution, unfolding creation (co-creation) and revelation. Therefore no one book, tradition, cult or even one personality can be the full, perfect or final revelation of truth.....although some of these vehices can be better expressions of truth per their own character, or be more suitable for a particular soul at some time in their journey as a way of learning.

Truth is One, but paths are many. There is no outside of omnipresence.

Truth is One, but paths are many. There is no outside of omnipresence.

I am Jesus' follower and He is my Lord.

And He says "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. no one comes to the Father except through Me".
I am Jesus' follower and He is my Lord.

And He says "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. no one comes to the Father except through Me".
All salvaged sons of God will pass through the creator sons worlds.