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Where do you get your Authority?

Thank you for your comment meshak, and I don't suppose I am Grace.

Haters gonna hate aint that what they say?
Are you one of the haters?

You seem to be super sensitive about criticism.

I think you need to explore this trait of yours.
Maybe I am a hater.
No, I think you are like the rest of us. Your past colors your present just like everyone else's. It gives you a lens through which you view the world just like everyone else.

Look, I think you are wrong about much in the bible but I do not doubt in the least your love for your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I do not doubt your salvation in him nor you eternal future with him and in the end, that is what is important.
Thank you for your comment meshak, and I don't suppose I am Grace.

Haters gonna hate aint that what they say?
To us everyone esle is the haters when in fact we are also haters. That is why we need a saviour.
He does not like to be contradicted in his teaching.
Yeah, sometimes. People should be allowed to have freedom in Christ by the spirit, to read and study the Bible.
No, I think you are like the rest of us. Your past colors your present just like everyone else's. It gives you a lens through which you view the world just like everyone else.
Yes, you're right. I am no different than you or any other person when it comes to the flesh, and our soul with-in our flesh (mind/will/emotions), for the most part yes, it is true that I am a human being that has faults like everyone.
Look, I think you are wrong about much in the bible but I do not doubt in the least your love for your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I do not doubt your salvation in him nor you eternal future with him and in the end, that is what is important.
Thank you for just being straight forward and honest about that you think I am wrong about much in the Bible. I think it is a great thing.
To us everyone esle is the haters when in fact we are also haters. That is why we need a saviour.
Sure thing, it is only in Him that is founded rest for our soul.
Yeah, sometimes. People should be allowed to have freedom in Christ by the spirit, to read and study the Bible.

Yes, you're right. I am no different than you or any other person when it comes to the flesh, and our soul with-in our flesh (mind/will/emotions), for the most part yes, it is true that I am a human being that has faults like everyone.

Thank you for just being straight forward and honest about that you think I am wrong about much in the Bible. I think it is a great thing.

Sure thing, it is only in Him that is founded rest for our soul.
Amen. When we all get to heaven, we will all see where we were mistaken and have a good laugh about it.
Amen. When we all get to heaven, we will all see where we were mistaken and have a good laugh about it.

The thing is I like to know what heaven is like, though I'll never know except the pictures and glimpses seen in the Bible.

Those things are very intriguing. Sure perhaps one day we will meet in Heaven, I do not know but that not impossible.

Anyway, thank you for the comments.
The thing is I like to know what heaven is like, though I'll never know except the pictures and glimpses seen in the Bible.

Those things are very intriguing. Sure perhaps one day we will meet in Heaven, I do not know but that not impossible.

Anyway, thank you for the comments.
Well, maybe in hell then, but I certainly :sneaky: hope not!