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What Does God Want?

Will you explain how the good seed elected to believe in Jesus when their election occurred before the foundation of the world? Eph 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world... in which chosen us is often rendered elected us.

You know my answer: I believe we were created before the foundation of the world.
God chose all of humanity in Jesus Christ before the foundation of the world. Not individuals. Simply because God is no respecter of anyone's person, Acts 10:34.
God chose all of humanity in Jesus Christ before the foundation of the world. Not individuals. Simply because God is no respecter of anyone's person, Acts 10:34.
It seems that in this convoluted story of God planning for everything to go wrong with his creation he chose Satan first. He could have whacked Satan but has kept him alive all along the way! He even returns after a 1000-year hiatus to cause more trouble.

If the story was true and God had planned to let Satan cause sooooo much death and destruction for so long, all of which would be blanketed by the blood of his innocent Son, then maybe get rid of the Satan character already???? At one point the creators of the saga claim that God drown the entire earth…..with the exception of an ancestor of the people who invented the story. Yet Satan escapes unscathed?

Its all speculation and conjecture. Jesus never taught such a story!
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Its all speculation and conjecture. Jesus never taught such a story!
Matt 24:
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Words of Jesus ^^^.
Matt 24:
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Words of Jesus ^^^.
Even if Jesus was accurately quoted the fact remains, the God of the Israelites killed everybody and everything on earth except their ancestor, his mixed race in-laws and millions of living things on his boat and of course Satan. Then to account for foreigners in other parts of the world they claimed that God mixed up the languages.

Satan remains the favored Son in the drama.
Even if Jesus was accurately quoted the fact remains, the God of the Israelites killed everybody and everything on earth except their ancestor, his mixed race in-laws and millions of living things on his boat and of course Satan. Then to account for foreigners in other parts of the world they claimed that God mixed up the languages.

Satan remains the favored Son in the drama.
Your problem is that you don’t believe the Bible.
Your problem is that you don’t believe the Bible.
It's not a problem, I'm blessed with just a little common sense.
Your problem is that you are forced to believe the Bible based on the false doctrine that God wrote it. And then again you don't really believe everything the Bible says but pretend as if you do.
Jesus didn't come to earth to reform the lies of Judaism; you are supposed to use the brain that God gave you to figure out a few things for yourself. He did however leave a clue: "Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you are unable to accept My message. 44You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies. 45But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me!

The Israelites were confused, deluded and even deliberately lied about their wildly exaggerated history found in the Old Testament scriptures. Humans with pride have been known to exaggerate.

Anyway, Satan lives on in the drama and you have no defense for it.
It seems that in this convoluted story of God planning for everything to go wrong with his creation he chose Satan first. He could have whacked Satan but has kept him alive all along the way! He even returns after a 1000-year hiatus to cause more trouble.

If the story was true and God had planned to let Satan cause sooooo much death and destruction for so long, all of which would be blanketed by the blood of his innocent Son, then maybe get rid of the Satan character already???? At one point the creators of the saga claim that God drown the entire earth…..with the exception of an ancestor of the people who invented the story. Yet Satan escapes unscathed?

Its all speculation and conjecture. Jesus never taught such a story!
God allows evil for a purpose. We all have a choice, we can serve evil, or we can serve righteousness. Those that serve righteousness are Christians. God does not want to impose his will on anyone. this is why we have a choice. "Chose this day whom you will serve".
God allows evil for a purpose. We all have a choice, we can serve evil, or we can serve righteousness. Those that serve righteousness are Christians. God does not want to impose his will on anyone. this is why we have a choice. "Chose this day whom you will serve".
Wouldn't there be evil without Satan based on the existence of "choice"?
It's true that Satan is still alive and kicking. He inspired your UB.
Well at least you admit that Satan is kept alive and functioning while everyone else gets punished in the book you follow.


53:2.1 Lucifer and his first assistant, Satan had reigned on Jerusem for more than five hundred thousand years when in their hearts they began to array themselves against the Universal Father and his then vicegerent Son, Michael.

53:2.2 There were no peculiar or special conditions in the system of Satania which suggested or favored rebellion. It is our belief that the idea took origin and form in Lucifer’s mind, and that he might have instigated such a rebellion no matter where he might have been stationed. Lucifer first announced his plans to Satan but it required several months to corrupt the mind of his able and brilliant associate. However, when once converted to the rebel theories, he became a bold and earnest advocate of “self-assertion and liberty.”

53:2.3 No one ever suggested rebellion to Lucifer. The idea of self-assertion in opposition to the will of Michael and to the plans of the Universal Father, as they are represented in Michael, had its origin in his own mind. His relations with the Creator Son had been intimate and always cordial. At no time prior to the exaltation of his own mind did Lucifer openly express dissatisfaction about the universe administration. Notwithstanding his silence, for more than one hundred years of standard time the Union of Days on Salvington had been reflectivating to Uversa that all was not at peace in Lucifer’s mind. This information was also communicated to the Creator Son and the Constellation Fathers of Norlatiadek.

53:2.4 Throughout this period Lucifer became increasingly critical of the entire plan of universe administration but always professed wholehearted loyalty to the Supreme Rulers. His first outspoken disloyalty was manifested on the occasion of a visit of Gabriel to Jerusem just a few days before the open proclamation of the Lucifer Declaration of Liberty. Gabriel was so profoundly impressed with the certainty of the impending outbreak that he went direct to Edentia to confer with the Constellation Fathers regarding the measures to be employed in case of open rebellion.

53:2.5 It is very difficult to point out the exact cause or causes which finally culminated in the Lucifer rebellion. We are certain of only one thing, and that is: Whatever these first beginnings were, they had their origin in Lucifer’s mind. There must have been a pride of self that nourished itself to the point of self-deception, so that Lucifer for a time really persuaded himself that his contemplation of rebellion was actually for the good of the system, if not of the universe. By the time his plans had developed to the point of disillusionment, no doubt he had gone too far for his original and mischief-making pride to permit him to stop. At some point in this experience he became insincere, and evil evolved into deliberate and willful sin. That this happened is proved by the subsequent conduct of this brilliant executive. He was long offered opportunity for repentance, but only some of his subordinates ever accepted the proffered mercy. The Faithful of Days of Edentia, on the request of the Constellation Fathers, in person presented the plan of Michael for the saving of these flagrant rebels, but always was the mercy of the Creator Son rejected and rejected with increasing contempt and disdain."

The UB destroys Lucifer, Satan, the prince of this world and every other rebel. Jesus was accused of being aligned with Satan as well and he already explained to you. "A house divided cannot stand." But who knows how you and Mr Lee torture the interpretation of that!