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Two Plans: One Jewish - One Gentile/Jewish

Yeah, AFTER the millennium is the judgment and lake of fire.
During the millennium there are still people that are going to rebel with Satan.
The lake of fire is still waiting for them during the millennium.
Death and hades are still around during the millennium.
In no way can any of that be considered the lifestyle for eternity.
I see what you are trying to get to.....During Daniel's 70th week (future) 2/3 of the Jews will die. At least 3/4 of the people on earth will die and all of the oceans will die. the Antichrist, the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire. The Armies of the WORLD take up arms against Christ and lose(the Battle of Armegeddon) (all participating in this fiasco will also die). How is this for a lifestyle.

Also during this time or before, The Body of Jesus (the church) is redeemed to heaven, The 144,000 are redeemed to heaven, the tribulation saints are redeemed to heaven. The Remnant of Israel (1/4 of their population) are saved from Satan's clutches,feed and watered by the LORD in a place called Petra for 3.5 years.

The end of Daniel's 70th week and a time before the millennium: The Sheep and Goat Judgement take place and those nations/peoples that have taken offense against Israel are removed forever. The Remnant of Israel is given the New Covenant. The Earth itself is revitalized and return to its time before the time of Noah.. A time where all animals are vegetarians and no meat is eaten by anyone or thing. No Guns needed for there is no need. Only plows will be needed.

The Millennium appears as this: The earth itself has been healed.the atmosphere is about three times as dense as what ours is today. Lush Green vegetation all around,much of it editable if not all of it. The Bear will lay down with the cow, The Child will play at the cobras den, etc.....Every person will have their own land in which to live. They will be require to attend a feast day(s) in Jerusalem at least once per year or they land will receive no rain the next year. There will be little if any criminal activity for the judgement and punishment will be swift...Rem,Jesus will what is going to happen before it happens.

Again, those that cannot accept Jesus and there will be some, will die by the time they are 100 years old..Otherwise, all living during this time will see 1,000 years unfold before their very eyes. They will be Blessed with children.

Yes, for those that follow prophecy will know what is coming. I doubt that would be told to the peopleof earth, thus their lives would be completely care free with a little work.....Is picking grapes work? It is not for the Jews????

This would be your lifestyle during this 1,0000 years...all of which you would see. Yes, at the end of the 1,000 years, Satan is loosed and he gathers up people who (most likely are less than 100 years old) would be against Jerusalem. This is happening ONLY in Jerusalem. The rest of the World probably d.oes not know as we would today. News travels slowly when they are on horseback or wagon....i do not think we will have anything like we have now. We still do not now what it was like during the days of Noah. Very little history of this era can be found. Back to Satan, GOD does not waste time this time on GOG and MayGOG. He simply opens His mouth and takes them out with fire. Here they are thrown into the Lake of Fire.....I doubt very seriously that anyone on earth other than those whose loved ones was with Satan, would know, feel,see, hear anything about it. The Peace on Earth that Jesus brings with Him is not broken.

That is very likely the lifestyle of the millennium.......Even the White Throne Judgements will be out of sight of the earth and her people.....For it only concerns those who are in Hell awaiting to be reunited with their bodies from the graves. Unlike the Rapture of Old (future to us),the grave sites will most likely not be disturbed, thus again, the tranquility of the earth will be left to go on in its own fashion as the last judgement takes place in the solitude of another dimension of time.

One more item....If the rapture were to take place today or any time soon (within the next year or so), I doubt anyone living today on earth would survive to the millennium. Thus, only hardship, death, war are going to be remembered by the time Daniel's 70th week is finished.

Blade, the final battle happens AFTER the millennium by those who are rebellious that join with Satan to attack.
At the end of the 1,000 years......yes,,,,,,,,
It is not until AFTER this battle (which people will be killed in) which is AFTER the millennium that the resurrection takes place to judge the wicked and cast them into the lake of fire along with death and hades.
Yes, all and only those awaiting in Hell will see this judgement
And THEN the new heaven and new earth begin without Satan and without the rebellious and without battle and without the wicked and without death and hades.
The sea will no longer be needed for there are no dead to give up at the last resurrection. The New Earth
will be much like the Millennium only it will be on NEW Ground where no blood has been spilled.
So the lifestyle of the millennium cannot possibly bet for eternity.
No sure what your asking......the millennium is only 1,000 years..... but the people of that period will be kept safe while GOD creates the New Earth and gets it ready... We are not told but the people of the Millennium will also populate the New Earth.......and it will be for an eternity. When you move from one place to the other (NOT country to city or city to country), do you not retain a close resemblance if not an exact match of the old lifestyle?
The lifestyle of the new heaven and new earth is for eternity, not the lifestyle of the millennium.
If the lifestyle is carried on from the millennium to the new earth, would it not be for a eternity?

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If the lifestyle is carried on from the millennium to the new earth, would it not be for a eternity?

But it's not carried on from the millennium because during the millennium death and hades are still around and have not been destroyed yet, and opposition to God will still occur.
Eternity in the new heaven and new earth will not have death and hades or anyone/anything that will ever oppose God.
But it's not carried on from the millennium because during the millennium death and hades are still around and have not been destroyed yet, and opposition to God will still occur.
Eternity in the new heaven and new earth will not have death and hades or anyone/anything that will ever oppose God.
so your saying that the lifestyle would change because these events you speak of? we are getting philosophical here...Ok,I see what you going after....

Let me ask you a question? Out of all that has been layed out about the millennium, WHO will be the ones whose lifestyle will change and why? If only Gentiles are the only ones affected by your list and only those Gentiles (I suspect who are 100 years of age or less), how would this change a lifestyle of those who are over one hundred and have already chosen Christ, thus they too will likely have the New covenant given to them(an verse driven supposition on my part)?

Interesting YES?

so your saying that the lifestyle would change because these events you speak of? we are getting philosophical here...Ok,I see what you going after....

Let me ask you a question? Out of all that has been layed out about the millennium, WHO will be the ones whose lifestyle will change and why? If only Gentiles are the only ones affected by your list and only those Gentiles (I suspect who are 100 years of age or less), how would this change a lifestyle of those who are over one hundred and have already chosen Christ, thus they too will likely have the New covenant given to them(an verse driven supposition on my part)?

Interesting YES?

There is a great change between there being more war, more rebellion, more death & no more war, no more rebellion, no more death.

before new heaven & new earth
after new heaven & new earth

The millennium is before the new heaven and new earth.

That's not the same lifestyle at all.
There is a great change between there being more war, more rebellion, more death & no more war, no more rebellion, no more death.

before new heaven & new earth
after new heaven & new earth

The millennium is before the new heaven and new earth.

That's not the same lifestyle at all.
And no more sex either. Lust and desire for sex will not be in heaven to corrupt us. It's pretty much what everyone is doing anyway, on earth it seems; lusting after people and money and things.
There is a great change between there being more war, more rebellion, more death & no more war, no more rebellion, no more death.

before new heaven & new earth
after new heaven & new earth

The millennium is before the new heaven and new earth.

That's not the same lifestyle at all.
OK...it is apparent that our definition of "Lifestyle" are different. My lifestyle is to live a simple life without fear of being killed by criminals. Since the only war that Bible speaks of in this area is this Gog/Magog reunion of Satan and a few of those that are equal to or less than 100. They surround Jerusalem and poof, they are gone. Does the rest of the world know this, I doubt it CNN will not be around,. It appears there is no death as there are no saints from this time period with that exception of the =<100 year death whicoh the bible tells the people look upon those as cursed. Of course during the 100 years, individual/group rebellion (with or with-out Satan) is next to none. The Iron Hand of CHrist will quench the thirst of the evil human sI feel these people will simply disappear as did Abraham's brother's sons because they did not follow procedure careful correcty. Because there will not be CNN, CBS, NBC and Satan to entice or lead wars and rebellions or to show people the judgement for such actions. I believeJesus has the power to make it the same as when Eternity on eternity will be. As there will be no courts, there are no judges and Jesus will certainly take care of all that is wrong out side of our s.ears and eye sight. i apologize If I let you in the wrong direction

while the Millennium and eternity here on earth will have many of the same things, there is a huge difference in 1,000 years and "Eternity"

OK...it is apparent that our definition of "Lifestyle" are different.
Yes and no.

The millennium is another period of time that ends up in a mess.
This is the pattern from Genesis to Revelation ----- mankind has it good for a while and then BOOM! they mess it up by rebelling.
Happened for Eden when Adam & the serpent rebelled against God and it happens for the millennium when man & evil spirts rebel against God, and it happened multiple times in between.
Israel's history is the same pattern over and over and over again ----- they have it good for a while and then they mess it up.
Yes and no.

The millennium is another period of time that ends up in a mess.
This is the pattern from Genesis to Revelation ----- mankind has it good for a while and then BOOM! they mess it up by rebelling.
Happened for Eden when Adam & the serpent rebelled against God and it happens for the millennium when man & evil spirts rebel against God, and it happened multiple times in between.
Israel's history is the same pattern over and over and over again ----- they have it good for a while and then they mess it up.
If we looked at the millennium like this,then why should we expect any difference in the eternity on the New Earth?

If we looked at the millennium like this,then why should we expect any difference in the eternity on the New Earth?

Because there will be no more rebellion or death when the new heaven & new earth arrive.
The millennium was not the perfect set up because there was still to be rebellion and death.
The perfect set up is the new heaven & new earth.
Because there will be no more rebellion or death when the new heaven & new earth arrive.
The millennium was not the perfect set up because there was still to be rebellion and death.
The perfect set up is the new heaven & new earth.
OK, we have worn that one down......What is your perceptions on the geographical scene of the Millennium?
