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Two Plans: One Jewish - One Gentile/Jewish



Since the beginning of this Dispensation of the Church or Grace (32 AD), anyone who believes in the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to scriptures (1 Cor 15:1-4) will receive Salvation and the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide, teach and protect them from the daily horrors of sin.

At fifty days after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, 3,000 Jews accepted Jesus as their savior and were saved and received the Holy Spirit in Acts 2. A little later another 5,000 Jews were subsequently saved and received the Holy Spirit just prior to Cornelius's (the first Gentile)Salvation? Why does this matter? It shows the Church is for everyone, Gentile and Jew alike. Yet many will tell you; other than those that are saved by the Grace of Jesus Christ, there are no two plans.
From the beginning God's Laws have guided those who chose to follow them. The Law of Moses was taught and preached in the OT until John the Baptist (Luke 16:16). Then the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD (OT) was preached until Jesus' death and Resurrection. Following Our Apostle Paul, the Age of Grace or Age of the Church will continue until it is removed from this earth at the Harpazo (Rapture). Following this event the whole earth will know about, the Everlasting Gospel will be preached by the 144,000 Jews, the two witnesses and the angels on high. This will be the Gospel for Daniel's 70th Week and the following Millennium.

During Daniel's 70th week the nation of Israel as well as the whole world will be put through a test of fire and brimstone. As the Abomination of Desolate (AoD) event happens (Mid-point (3.5 years) of Daniels 70th week), many Jews/Gentiles (the Elect) will have died in the name of Jesus Christ becoming Tribulation Saints. For the people who are in Judaea and Jerusalem at the beginning of the 2nd half of Daniel's 70th week, they will see the AoD take place directly while the whole world will likely see it through most the most popular channels of TV.

Those Jews that have become to believe Jesus is their Messiah, will flee to Petra in the mountains south (Jordan) for protection by the Lord our GOD. These living Jews will become the remnant (1/3) of all Israel. All other Jews will die (some in the name of Jesus Christ thus becoming tribulation saints) and the others fully 2/3 of Israel will die. Those that die will take part in the 2nd death and the White Throne Judgement of God.

The New Covenant, Jeremiah prophesied (Jer 31;31) and spoken of by Jesus in (Heb 8:) , tells us that God will put His laws into their heart(s) and minds. They are destined to rule Israel and Jerusalem with Jesus during the next 1000 years.
The Gentile nations that survive Daniel's 70th week will be judged at the Sheep and Goat Judgement. Those nation's, who helped/befriended Israel will see their citizens live at least 100 years into the millennium. They will be known as the Sheep. The Goats will be the Nations who did not befriend Israel. Their citizens will meet their ends and be judged at the White Throne Judgement.

Just prior to the Millennium beginning, the earth will receive a new face lift. All cities and mountains will be flattened out as the highest place on earth will be that of Jerusalem and the Temple. The earth itself will be healed back to the time of Eden. Here the Wolf will lay down with the child as Jesus reigns over the earth for 1,000 years. Not a symbolism)

Once per year, a pilgrimage to the Holy Land will take and all nations are required to be attendance or their nation will receive no rain.

The Gentiles that live in the Millennium will have 100 years to decide to accept Jesus Christ as the savior or NOT!. For the Child at 100 years old will still be a child. anyone who dies at 100 will said to be accursed. There is no mention of translated Saints coming from the Millennium. It also appears that only Gentiles will die during this time.

During the Millennium, Jesus will rule with an Iron Fist. There will be judgement quickly and decisively. Those that die will await a final judgement as all the other non-believers.

The Tribulation Saints will serve the Lord Jesus night and day most likely within the 50x50 mile Temple built just north of Jerusalem.The Bride (Church/Body Saints) of Jesus Christ will become Kings and Priest help Jesus Christ rule over Gentile Nations during His 1,000 years years.

At the end of the 1,000 Years, Satan will be released from the Bottomless Pit and will incite another Gog/Magog insurrection. When these forces surround Jerusalem, Jesus will bring down fire on all of them taking care of the problem
Once this is completed, The Great White Throne Judgement will most likely commence. The second resurrection will pair all the souls that are awaiting in HELL to their bodies asleep on/in the earth/seas, etc. Here they will sucumbe to Rev 22 Prophecies with GOD sitting on His THRONE.
After the White Throne Judgement and all those found guilty are thrown into the eternal "Lake of Fire", It is my conjecture that God will remove ALL on earth to the third Heaven as the Earth itself is will be destroyed by fire and rebuilt without oceans or seas. After it is rebuilt, a New Jerusalem will come down from heaven apparently hovering of the earth, giving it Divine Light to all the earth where no Darkness is present.

Do the people (Flesh and Blood) that lived through the Millennium, populate the New Earth. Since the New Jerusalem contains the Tree of Life where all the people will eat from it and live forever it is assumed that the lifestyle of the Millennium will be continued on the New Earth for an eternity.

As you can see, there are two plans for the peoples of the present day earth. The Church (Body of Christ) will become Saints (The Bride of Christ)residing in Heaven. Those who during Daniel's 70th week die in the name of Jesus Christ will become Tribulation Saints and......

The remnant of Israel and surviving Gentiles will live (in mortal bodies) on earth during the millennium.

it is assumed that the lifestyle of the Millennium will be continued on the New Earth for an eternity.
Hi Blade.
Hope you don't mind a few questions.

How can the lifestyle of the millennium continue on the new earth for eternity when rebellion and war is still alive and well following the millennium?
Hi Blade.
Hope you don't mind a few questions.

How can the lifestyle of the millennium continue on the new earth for eternity when rebellion and war is still alive and well following the millennium?
from you never, ask all you want. Do you want a short version or ........

Hi Blade.
Hope you don't mind a few questions.

How can the lifestyle of the millennium continue on the new earth for eternity when rebellion and war is still alive and well following the millennium?
OK, you have some miss conceptions in your question. The millennium is not an eternity, only 1,000 years. The 'New" earth is after the millennium and the White Throne of Judgement. The War I think you speak of is the war of the nations (2.0) against GOD at the end of the Millennium and after Satan is released from the bottomless pit. (2.0 = another Gog and Magog event).

The Millennium will contain these people according to God's WORD....

*The Remnant of Israel (those from all of Judah who saw the Abomination of desolate happen and fled to GOD for His Help...)

* The OT Saints (those who were at the Bosom of Abraham at the time Jesus spent His three days in Hell)

*The Gentiles of all nations that have somehow survived the Millennium. (these are those peoples of nations that also survive the Sheep and Goat Judgement.)

The above people are in mortal bodies (although it is not clear about what the OT saints are) and can have children.

It appears they will partake of the Tree of Life from the center of Jerusalem.

Each person will be as a child at 100 years (during the millennium). I take it that this is the time of knowing for it says that for someone to die at 100 is to say they were cursed....(or they did not accept Jesus)

The Jews will be given the New Covenant (Jer 31:31)prior to entering the Millennium. It appears that during the millennium, there are no deaths among them.

Jesus will rule from a 50 mile x 50 mile temple with the Tribulation Saints serving Him Day and Night. He will dispense out Justice to law breakers with a Iron Hand. Thus, it appears that only the Gentiles will be the only people who will have death among them.

The Church today and before the "anti-Christ " is publically known will become the kings and priest of the time...where we will be used is not told. We are told that where-ever Jesus is at is where we will be.

And Satan is in the Bottomless pit for duration of the millennium. The Anti-Christ and False Prophet are in the lake of Fire awaiting for the last member of the Satanic Trinity.

You're so sweet!

I just want to know why you think there is going to be rebellion and war in the new earth for eternity.
There will be no rebellion or wars in eternity nor on the New Earth.....

OK, you have some miss conceptions in your question.
But you may have misunderstood the question.

The millennium is not an eternity, only 1,000 years. The 'New" earth is after the millennium
I understand that is your view, that's why I'm asking how you think the lifestyle of the millennium will continue for eternity as you said in post #1.

"the lifestyle of the Millennium will be continued on the New Earth for an eternity"

The War I think you speak of is the war of the nations (2.0) against GOD at the end of the Millennium and after Satan is released from the bottomless pit.
Satan and rebellion are still going strong when the 1000 years are up.
And death and hades are still around because neither has been thrown in the lake of fire until after the 1000 years.
So your claim that the lifestyle of the millennium is going to continue for eternity doesn't seem to line up since none of the above is going to be around for eternity.
But you may have misunderstood the question.

I understand that is your view, that's why I'm asking how you think the lifestyle of the millennium will continue for eternity as you said in post #1.

"the lifestyle of the Millennium will be continued on the New Earth for an eternity"

Satan and rebellion are still going strong when the 1000 years are up.
And death and hades are still around because neither has been thrown in the lake of fire until after the 1000 years.
So your claim that the lifestyle of the millennium is going to continue for eternity doesn't seem to line up since none of the above is going to be around for eternity.
ok, I understand what you are asking.

Rem,after the millennium, the Final Judgement (White Throne Judgement) or all enduring the second death will take place.....After this we are told, The Millennium earth as good as it appears to have become will be replaced with a "New" Earth that Has no Seas....Here God will again walk with His People. This appears to be like that of Eden...

Let me add......The promises of GOD to the Israel was their land forever......and the promise also was inherited by those who believe in Jesus.....Thus, those alive at the end of the Millennium will have accepted Jesus and those who did not are all dead........They are then raised from the graves on the earth and seas and receive judgement.

There is no mention of any redemption of saints during the millennium...keep in mind, the Jews had rather live on the land beside a grape vine and under a olive tree......If none are redeemed to heaven during the millennium, these people will live on the NEW earth. The NEW Jerusalem comes out of heaven and apparently does not land on earth. There is no night one earth as the light from the New Jerusalem will light all of the earth...A trick for a round earth?

The rest is speculation as very little is told to us...It appears, no further rebellions, wars exist during this time....I suspect that after the 1,000 years, Jesus will simply instill the "New Covenant" to the Hearts and Minds of all the Gentiles that are alive at its end.

When was the other one?
Neither one of them have happened yet, but they will. Don't think I'll be here on earth to see the first one. Will be riding one of those white horses as the Lord Jesus returns for the second time.

Might I add.....I am a prophecy buff.....guess you did not notice????hehe.

Most of the prophecies are coming into fruition very quickly. Rem, His body, His betrothed Bride, the Church will not be here when the nukes start flying....the clock for that should be reset for about 15 sec.

ok, I understand what you are asking.

Rem,after the millennium, the Final Judgement (White Throne Judgement) or all enduring the second death will take place
Yeah, AFTER the millennium is the judgment and lake of fire.
During the millennium there are still people that are going to rebel with Satan.
The lake of fire is still waiting for them during the millennium.
Death and hades are still around during the millennium.
In no way can any of that be considered the lifestyle for eternity.

.....After this we are told, The Millennium earth as good as it appears to have become will be replaced with a "New" Earth that Has no Seas....Here God will again walk with His People. This appears to be like that of Eden...

Let me add......The promises of GOD to the Israel was their land forever......and the promise also was inherited by those who believe in Jesus.....Thus, those alive at the end of the Millennium will have accepted Jesus and those who did not are all dead........They are then raised from the graves on the earth and seas and receive judgement.

There is no mention of any redemption of saints during the millennium...keep in mind, the Jews had rather live on the land beside a grape vine and under a olive tree......If none are redeemed to heaven during the millennium, these people will live on the NEW earth. The NEW Jerusalem comes out of heaven and apparently does not land on earth. There is no night one earth as the light from the New Jerusalem will light all of the earth...A trick for a round earth?

The rest is speculation as very little is told to us...It appears, no further rebellions, wars exist during this time....I suspect that after the 1,000 years, Jesus will simply instill the "New Covenant" to the Hearts and Minds of all the Gentiles that are alive at its end.

Blade, the final battle happens AFTER the millennium by those who are rebellious that join with Satan to attack.
It is not until AFTER this battle (which people will be killed in) which is AFTER the millennium that the resurrection takes place to judge the wicked and cast them into the lake of fire along with death and hades.
And THEN the new heaven and new earth begin without Satan and without the rebellious and without battle and without the wicked and without death and hades.

So the lifestyle of the millennium cannot possibly be for eternity.
The lifestyle of the new heaven and new earth is for eternity, not the lifestyle of the millennium.