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This is a Debate about!



This will be an open debate between Mungo and Pipiripi.

If any other person wants also to have a debate apart of what we are busy with, you can begin with your chapter and verses. And begin by verse 1, is welcome.
Hi Mungo! I'm here for you to prove me the truth.

Let we start with John 1:1.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God".

What do you think is the Word? There is three things saying in verse one.
This will be an open debate between Mungo and Pipiripi.

If any other person wants also to have a debate apart of what we are busy with, you can begin with your chapter and verses. And begin by verse 1, is welcome.
Do you believe that one must keep the 7th day holy in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Why the emphasis on only one command. Does not love cover all commandments?

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. 1 peter 4:8

Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. Romans 13:10

Does it not stand to reason, Pipiripi, that God calls you to love others? What if you convince a person to keep a sabbath day but you do not love them is that not worse than loving the person though you do not convince them to keep a sabbath day?

It is often important to ourselves to convince others to believe as we believe because it makes us feel safer in our own beliefs but this is not love. How is it that we argue over religion the same way we argue over politics or sports even? Let us love even as we are loved by Christ. Wouldn't you agree?
I'm not playing Pipiripi's silly games.
Do you think that I am here for games!! You are completely wrong my friend. Now we are busy debating about our beliefs. Start answering the questions if you can!! Don't go anywhere in the Bible yet. Because today we are sitting down and here what John is saying to us. Another master of me, after Jesus Christ.
@Mungo you are being summoned.
Okay, I am summoned I feel great. But you are hypnotized by Satan, and I try to wake you up my friend. 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12.
Start the debate by answering verse 1. By the way are you a trinitarian? I HOPE yes!!
Do you believe that one must keep the 7th day holy in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Why the emphasis on only one command. Does not love cover all commandments?

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. 1 peter 4:8

Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. Romans 13:10

Does it not stand to reason, Pipiripi, that God calls you to love others? What if you convince a person to keep a sabbath day but you do not love them is that not worse than loving the person though you do not convince them to keep a sabbath day?

It is often important to ourselves to convince others to believe as we believe because it makes us feel safer in our own beliefs but this is not love. How is it that we argue over religion the same way we argue over politics or sports even? Let us love even as we are loved by Christ. Wouldn't you agree?
I am agree, love is the key. But James said if you have break one of the commandments then you have break all.

Jesus also confirms this for us.
Grace, you are a Christian for many years. So if you see something that isn't written in the Bible, never did Jesus and the apostles has approved the change from the 7th day to the 1st day of the week. You know exactly what will happen when we put something, or take something, and preached something that is not written in the Bible, is a curse upon their head. Galatians 1:1-10. Paul was challenged self the holy angels in heaven that lives with Jesus and God the Father. Do you remember what is written in Revelation 22:18-19.
I hope that you have understand my love for humanity. This is my duty, to make people see to follow only Jesus Christ and the apostles.

If Jesus Christ has kept the Sabbath as His custom. What about us? Should we walk in His footsteps or beside His footsteps?


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