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The Monkey Trial

If you believe that your God only made one man(male and female) then do you believe that your God only made one cow (male and female), one fish (male and female) etc. ?
Ahhh, may I guess that you are suggesting that GOD made many peoples at the same time, perhaps by evolution? I'm not trying to put words in your mouth but to understand if you are a believer of a heterodox pov or a non-believer which I had assumed...?
  • (in Greek tragedy) excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis.
Yet you say "Light cannot create darkness"

I form the light, and create darkness: Isa 45:7

But do I disparage you, no. Visible light cannot create darkness but that is another topic.
Ahhh, may I guess that you are suggesting that GOD made many peoples at the same time, perhaps by evolution?
If man originated from a single set of biological progenitors then you must believe in genetic evolution to account for the diversity of mankind. I am referring unto 6 digit gene in particular.

So when it came to pass, that when men begin to multiply upon the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them. Genesis 6:1

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Gen 6:4
Now post flood...​
And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant. 2 Sam 21:20

So how did men with 6 digits survive the flood the scriptures itself testifies to their presence after the flood and there are still people being born with six digits on a hand or foot, then was Adam created with six digits on his hands and feet?

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth but to understand if you are a believer of a heterodox pov or a non-believer which I had assumed...?
Reason from revelation by principles. If A=B then B must equal A, provided that it is true. Faith is the substance for the thing hoped for, Faith is the evidence of things unseen. Hence the passage, sanctify the LORD and be ready to answer any man that ask the reason for the hope in you.
Yet you say "Light cannot create darkness"

I form the light, and create darkness: Isa 45:7

Create in this verse is 1254. bara'
Bara: choose
Definition: to shape, form, create

It is eisegetics that informs which English word is the most useful... I choose the one that glorifies GOD the highest.

But do I disparage you, no. Visible light cannot create darkness but that is another topic.
GOD is light and in HIM is no darkness at all uses visible light to inform us of GOD's nature. The most important aspect of visible light is that by its being, its essence, it destroys darkness. How can it then be thought to create darkness?
It is eisegetics that informs which English word is the most useful.
I respectfully disagree. It is the meaning that is given to the word used that most beneficial in understanding the scriptures. A subjective definition falls short of an objective principle when discussing what was created and that which was made.

This is particularly true regarding the cosmology in Genesis 1 where the term 'create' by implication infers the following:

[1] a divine act which brings in existence something that has never existed in either form or substance prior to it being brought into existence.
[2] except but for the divine act that brought that it into existence; it could not have otherwise occurred in the process of time by the fixed and unalterable natural laws that govern and regulate the natural order of the universe.

Now it is possible that I might be wrong seeing that all things are possible with God, yet it was written that by two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lie that one can have strong consolation in the word as written in Hebrews 6:18.
I choose the one that glorifies GOD the highest.
I accept what the one He teaches me.
GOD is light and in HIM is no darkness at all uses visible light to inform us of GOD's nature.
Why would the eternal God use visible light to inform of his nature?
The most important aspect of visible light is that by its being, its essence, it destroys darkness. How can it then be thought to create darkness?
To answer your question, read my response in regard to your comment on eisegesis.

Your position that God did not create darkness by implication infers that darkness was either pre-existent to the beginning or it was the fruit produced by the creation.

In my opinion, that is likened to saying that all that all matter has mass and anything without mass does not exist. However, space is known and observed to exist therefore it must be matter, yet it itself is not mass. So how can that say that everything which exists must have mass without denying the obvious?