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Quite Obvious That We Have a Tentative Grasp On The Holy Spirit

Anyone who has spent any time reading your material realizes that do not even have a grasp on the law.
Is this supposed to help me?

For I will cast out the nations before thee, and enlarge thy borders:
neither shall any man desire thy land, when thou shalt go up to appear before the Lord thy God thrice in the year.

Deuteronomy 34:24

There is no truth or knowledge in the land and unfortunately you’re not changing that scenario very much.
At least I offer unleavened wafers (truth).
How are you adding to our knowledge and remembrance of God's word?

But to the land whereunto they desire to return, thither shall they not return.
Jeremiah 22:27

Once you start obeying the 10 Commandments get back to me.
Probably not, for I covet not your wife.
As you are thankful you're not like me. I guess. :cool:

So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain,
that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there:
for none shall return but such as shall escape.

Jeremiah 44:14
Nobody is ever convinced by someone telling them the truth. Telling never works and yet that is what we do.
If you could present a good argument, backed by the Lord's word from scripture,
I would reprove my saying, and never say that saying again.

And I would say thank you, for you would have blessed me. 🤠

For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light;
and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:

Proverbs 6:23

Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way:
and he that hateth reproof shall die.

Proverbs 15:10
If you could present a good argument, backed by the Lord's word from scripture,
I would reprove my saying, and never say that saying again.

And I would say thank you, for you would have blessed me. 🤠

For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light;
and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:

Proverbs 6:23

Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way:
and he that hateth reproof shall die.

Proverbs 15:10
Here's the deal, if you can present a good argument for not keeping the 7th day of the week holy and do no work in it as God wrote on stone with His finger, then I will never again believe or ay that you do not follow God's law.
Is this supposed to help me?
It isn't designed to help you. It is a warning to those who might think you are actually follow what the scriptures say. My hope is that people find God for their salvation and not "the law."
At least I offer unleavened wafers (truth).
How are you adding to our knowledge and remembrance of God's word?
By not mis-representing it. It is calling upon the name of the Lord in faith and receiving His free gift of eternal life and not sounding like a Catholic priest at mass.
Probably not, for I covet not your wife.
As you are thankful you're not like me. I guess. :cool:
When you break one you have broken God's law. Even though there are ten commandments they are one law. Your approach is to throw a scriptural salad at the wall and see what sticks.

You are not going to change because of me but my hope is that others will see through your facade and make an informed choice. Agan, you are not the target, the false message is.
Did Jesus suggest the truth, or tell it? How about Paul?
First of all we are not Jesus. Secondly I guess I need to expand on the statement. I was think of Tolstoy's statement, “The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.

So to clarify my position. I am saying that we can't convince people to change their minds by telling them the truth. We must take their beliefs and start asking questions and suggesting answers, respecting and listening.

Jesus never told the Pharisee's the truth in order to change their minds. He told them the truth to expose their hypocrisy to His disciples. But when He was presenting a truth to the teachable he usually suggested it in a parable. There is a marked difference between the ways he approached the Pharisees and the way he approached the commoners whom.

The same is true with Paul. Paul never told truth to disbelievers, all of his direct teaching by telling was reserved for those who were already saved and needed growth and knowledge. To those He was trying to reach his custom was to go into the synagogue, and ... and reason with them from the Scriptures,
Just because someone believes something doesn't make what they believe the truth, it makes it a belief, at least in my opinion.
As long it is written in the Bible, and you obey it, means that you are listening to God. But trinity, secret rapture, triune god, god holy spirit, three gods in one, and 7 year tribulation WHO IS NOT WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE, is yours mainstream teachings, and you want people to believe in yours false unbiblical self-made believe.
As long it is written in the Bible, and you obey it, means that you are listening to God. But trinity, secret rapture, triune god, god holy spirit, three gods in one, and 7 year tribulation WHO IS NOT WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE, is yours mainstream teachings, and you want people to believe in yours false unbiblical self-made believe.
So this is your approach? You might as well have said, "Your wrong, I'm right!" And then stuck you tongue out at me.

I bet you don't eat unclean meats because the bible says not to in the levitical laws. But I bet you don't keep the feast days of the Old Testament. Why is that?
So this is your approach? You might as well have said, "Your wrong, I'm right!" And then stuck you tongue out at me.

I bet you don't eat unclean meats because the bible says not to in the levitical laws. But I bet you don't keep the feast days of the Old Testament. Why is that?
You are just physical minded people with many hates of the 10 commandments of God.

You hate God, because you hate those that belongs to Him. Revelation 12:17 and Revelation 14:12-13 Why? Because you are not one of us.
And also you hate Paul!! Why? Because Paul describes who you are!! What you are? You are Romans 8:7-8. And you hate me because I am Romans 8:4. And also Paul have shown me what God did to you!! What God did to you?
2 Thessalonians 2:8-12.

Do you want more of your life? I can let you read all!! Just say yes!!

I am waiting Jesus to come now and take me to His Father house in heaven, but you are waiting for your Jesus to come, I don't know from where, and go fighting in this old earthly Jerusalem for 1000 years!!

Why should Jesus have to fight for a 1000 years, in the mean time, He can destroy everything in a second?? So dumb!!
You are just physical minded people with many hates of the 10 commandments of God.

You hate God, because you hate those that belongs to Him. Revelation 12:17 and Revelation 14:12-13 Why? Because you are not one of us.
And also you hate Paul!! Why? Because Paul describes who you are!! What you are? You are Romans 8:7-8. And you hate me because I am Romans 8:4. And also Paul have shown me what God did to you!! What God did to you?
2 Thessalonians 2:8-12.

Do you want more of your life? I can let you read all!! Just say yes!!

I am waiting Jesus to come now and take me to His Father house in heaven, but you are waiting for your Jesus to come, I don't know from where, and go fighting in this old earthly Jerusalem for 1000 years!!

Why should Jesus have to fight for a 1000 years, in the mean time, He can destroy everything in a second?? So dumb!!
Ok, now tell me why you do not keep the feast days like pass over, the feast of the tabernacles?
Warning points issued and banned from this thread.
These types of insults need to stop.
You are insulting people with your false doctrines. Why you have deleted the continuous of your false trinity doctrine?

You hate all what is written in the Bible. Even the owner of this site Patrick doesn't deleted what is written in the Bible. Don't think that you are messing with me. Even Satan run from me, when I am unmasked him in people that are running after positions to trying all their best to destroyed the WORD OF MY GOD!