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Population of Sodom and Gomorrah???

Yeah, it would make our judgments of others flawless if we could.

The OP doesn't suppose that.
The OP shows just how clueless man can be when it comes to having the correct standard of mercy and justice.

I mean, if you heard that a father down the street built a sandbox for his children to play in that had poison apples and a dangerous serpent in it ...... you might be lead to say "What a terrible father! I would never purposely place my child in danger like that!"
You might even want those children to be taken away from a father like that.

These are just some of the things that some people read in the Bible and decide they don't want anything to do with a Father like that.
I, as a parent, can certainly understand why they would think that way.
But I also know that they should have kept reading, and kept reading, and kept reading.
I find your statement here interesting....It brought a scripture to mind where the Judgement of God was being pour out on the earth dwellers in Revelation 16:9. They did not change their ways but Blasphemes God for having done it.....
the people you spoke have the same type of problem with GOD....
