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Population of Sodom and Gomorrah???

I agree that we cannot see from beginning to end; nor are out ways the ways of GOD.
Yeah, it would make our judgments of others flawless if we could.

With that being said, let us ascribe mercy and justice to GOD, and not cruelty or evil; such as the op sorta supposes.
The OP doesn't suppose that.
The OP shows just how clueless man can be when it comes to having the correct standard of mercy and justice.

I mean, if you heard that a father down the street built a sandbox for his children to play in that had poison apples and a dangerous serpent in it ...... you might be lead to say "What a terrible father! I would never purposely place my child in danger like that!"
You might even want those children to be taken away from a father like that.

These are just some of the things that some people read in the Bible and decide they don't want anything to do with a Father like that.
I, as a parent, can certainly understand why they would think that way.
But I also know that they should have kept reading, and kept reading, and kept reading.
Yeah, it would make our judgments of others flawless if we could.

The OP doesn't suppose that.
The OP shows just how clueless man can be when it comes to having the correct standard of mercy and justice.

I mean, if you heard that a father down the street built a sandbox for his children to play in that had poison apples and a dangerous serpent in it ...... you might be lead to say "What a terrible father! I would never purposely place my child in danger like that!"
You might even want those children to be taken away from a father like that.

These are just some of the things that some people read in the Bible and decide they don't want anything to do with a Father like that.
I, as a parent, can certainly understand why they would think that way.
But I also know that they should have kept reading, and kept reading, and kept reading.
They can read cover to cover and still never glean any truth or value unless GOD leads them to understand. We must have a new heart and spiritual mindset I think. I mean; Jesus wasn't promoting cannibalism and blood drinking, but you can read it and deduce as much with the wrong mindset or motive.
They can read cover to cover and still never glean any truth or value unless GOD leads them to understand.
Has God lead you to understand everything between the covers?

We must have a new heart and spiritual mindset I think.
A quality of which each opposing side says they have.

I mean; Jesus wasn't promoting cannibalism and blood drinking, but you can read it and deduce as much with the wrong mindset or motive.
And some do just that.

"It says it right here in red letters, you dunder head! "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. "
Has God lead you to understand everything between the covers?

A quality of which each opposing side says they have.

And some do just that.

"It says it right here in red letters, you dunder head! "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. "
Everything from cover to cover; no. I'm not that vain. But a spiritual mindset and a physical mindset are different. A literalist will have trouble finding truth in the bible or any other spiritual book.

People can say all sorts of stuff. Words alone prove very little. I can say I have a heart of flesh, but be hard-hearted and stout-hearted and never hear a thing. I can claim to love my enemy yet inwardly wish them harm. Faith is known by word and deed is it not?

...(tam, that you? I just realized; yes, I'm retarded/ slow)

((Is that okay to say, or are we supposed to be in super PC mode?))
Everything from cover to cover; no. I'm not that vain.
Sooooo, you must be one that is way behind all of us that know more.

But a spiritual mindset and a physical mindset are different. A literalist will have trouble finding truth in the bible or any other spiritual book.
Not so.
There was a literal Peter, Paul, and Mary.

People can say all sorts of stuff. Words alone prove very little. I can say I have a heart of flesh, but be hard-hearted and stout-hearted and never hear a thing. I can claim to love my enemy yet inwardly wish them harm. Faith is known by word and deed is it not?
You can rely on your merits if you wish.
How many times can you sin and repent before it is no longer effective?
Sooooo, you must be one that is way behind all of us that know more.

Not so.
There was a literal Peter, Paul, and Mary.

You can rely on your merits if you wish.
How many times can you sin and repent before it is no longer effective?
Way behind.

Yes; we cannot spiritualize actual people in some cases.

My merits? I have none. Not sure how long the mercy and grace of GOD will stand. It may be contingent on our own willingness to forgive and repent... We should ever turn to GOD, in all our ways and doings; to our very extent in all sincerity.
I like that Sissy?????... Got to get use to that name!

I like the Holy Roman Emperor name Constantine, a ten year old Gelding. oops
