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Pentecostalism and the Historical Gospel of Jesus Christ.

So then it was of God, not of your choosing, so how is that different from what I have always been saying. The only difference is that you say God does the same thing for everyone and I do not. (All those scriptures on predestined, called, chosen, foreknew, elect.) Can you show me in scripture where God does this for everyone.

If you can get past your hate and judgement and ridicule I might share my experience with you. Right now it is too precious to trust you with.
I could have resisted the call, but I didn't. I chose to be saved, because I knew I was lost, just like those on the day of Pentecost, Acts chapter 2.

Ephesians 1:4-11, has nothing to do with anyone being predestinated to be saved. You want it to believe that it does, but it doesn't. The word "predestinate" only appears in the Bible 4 times. None is related to anyone being predestinated to heaven or to hell. The words "Faith" and "Believe" appear in the Bible hundreds of times. Calvinism is a damnable heresy.