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On the word Elohim

I believe there to be a human Melchizedek, and then the God who is Melchizedek. I hard time believing prophecies which come from the Bar Kochba period though. Many prophecy books were badly altered in that peroid.

That kind of lines up with folks who believe that there was a human Jesus and the God who is Jesus.

It's an attempt at putting together a puzzle while missing pieces.
That kind of lines up with folks who believe that there was a human Jesus and the God who is Jesus.

It's an attempt at putting together a puzzle while missing pieces.
The name Melchizedek means righteous king. It can applied to God. John the Baptist was an Elijah for example. One whose God was YHWH, since the word means my El is Yah.
If you want to believe that Hebrew was invented by God then that's fine. I don't think it matters.
Before the creation of the physical universe which all the sons of GOD witnessed, Job 38:7, I wonder what language GOD used in HIS telepathic communication with these people?
Before the creation of the physical universe which all the sons of GOD witnessed, Job 38:7, I wonder what language GOD used in HIS telepathic communication with these people?
Why do you suppose language is needed for such a being? Language is necisarily reductive and imperfect.
Why do you suppose language is needed for such a being? Language is necisarily reductive and imperfect.
Seems probable and ordinary... What would you conceived of as an alternative to telepathic language communication?
Seems probable and ordinary... What would you conceived of as an alternative to telepathic language communication?
When you hear the word chair, do you then in your inner voice in words list all possible incarnations and dimensions of a chair?

Or do you have the concept of chair readily available in your head, so that you could pick out all chairs in a house even though they may have totally different proportions and have never seen them before?

Even a little child can pick out a very oddly shaped chair as being one without being able to verbally communicate a satisfactory definition of one that satisfies all examples of a chair.

In the same way, children and even adults frequently experience the phenomenon of "not being able to find the right words" to convey their meaning.

Chair, and other words, are like symbols or markers denoting larger concepts which cannot always be easily communicated via language.

It is unreasonable to think that superior beings not limited by physicality of this world would need communicate in a reductive or imprecise manner.

It is also the case that the Hebrew of the aincent days lacked a lot of words for things we now have words for in later Hebrew and in other languages. It is unreasonable to think that the creator would lack the ability to communicate any concept, sentiment, action, or object.

If we can infer or assume anything from the text, it is that the God (Father) of Jesus put little stock in words and knew well how easily they could be twisted. This is evident in Jesus show/illustrate vs tell approach through parables, and in his rejection of the letter of the old Law by replacing it with two more conceptual commandments which are harder to twist around.
All the better to get mortals to listen?
The question is not one of how higher beings communicate with man, but how they interact among themselves.

Obviously communication with man is done in the way which is suitable for his or her comprehension and at the level of his or her comprehension.

We cannot communicate the ethics of not stealing via Greek philosophy to a chimpanzee, but a trainer can raise his voice and make the ape understand this is a bad move. Just because this is how the human tries to get something accroos to the chimp, does not mean humans simply understand the ethics of private property by the raising of voices or the withholding of bananas.
It is unreasonable to think that superior beings not limited by physicality of this world would need communicate in a reductive or imprecise manner.
This doesn't tell me how or what you think the communication was if not by a language they understood. You seem to presume that the use of a language can only have a physical connotation which I reject because I know that all the Sons of GOD sang HIS praises when they saw HIS divinity and eternal power proven before their eyes at the creation of the physical universe, Job 38:7 with Rom 1:18-20. SONGS OF PRAISE denote language to me!

If it was not the use of language what might it have been?
This doesn't tell me how or what you think the communication was if not by a language they understood. You seem to presume that the use of a language can only have a physical connotation which I reject because I know that all the Sons of GOD sang HIS praises when they saw HIS divinity and eternal power proven before their eyes at the creation of the physical universe, Job 38:7 with Rom 1:18-20. SONGS OF PRAISE denote language to me!

If it was not the use of language what might it have been?

This is poetic language. Stars do not sing. This is like in Isaiah 24:4 where it says that the earth morns. Christians are not animist pagans, they do not believe the earth literally has feelings or is a thinking being.

As for romans I'm not sure why you quoted it.