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On the word Elohim

"I shall make man" means he was telling HIS angels to back off.
He will become like one of us elohim means he is including himself in that category. He was speaking in the same manner earlier.

I understand why this is inconvenient, but it is what the meaning of the text is.
You have no evidence for that, just like the rest of it. More totally far out claims. Why don't you start by defending the least of these, instead of continuing to re raise with more and more extravagant ones.
Languages just don't happen. Bilinguals have made new ones for 2000 years.
You have no evidence that the others happened at Babel or that they evolved into existence.
Correct. The answer is unknown. We do not default to an absurd claim like all languages evolved out of Aramaic just because we don't know.

Chinese is definitely not a form of Aramaic. Nor is finish. Nor is that tongue clucking language in Africa.
He will become like one of us elohim means he is including himself in that category. He was speaking in the same manner earlier.

I understand why this is inconvenient, but it is what the meaning of the text is.
"Us" was not elohim, but the divine tribunal.
Correct. The answer is unknown. We do not default to an absurd claim like all languages evolved out of Aramaic just because we don't know.

Chinese is definitely not a form of Aramaic. Nor is finish. Nor is that tongue clucking language in Africa.
I didn't say they evolved out of Aramaic, though Greek burrowed all of its idioms from it. An artificial language is not an evolved or natural language.
He will become like one of us elohim means he is including himself in that category. He was speaking in the same manner earlier.

I understand why this is inconvenient, but it is what the meaning of the text is.
You are a biased shirker. That is the only thing inconvenient.
English and French are examples. There has been much tampering in both.
I don't understand what your position is anymore. As long as you aren't claiming Greek or that all languages are some changed form of Aramaic, we have no issues.

If you want to believe that Hebrew was invented by God then that's fine. I don't think it matters.
I don't understand what your position is anymore. As long as you aren't claiming Greek or that all languages are some changed form of Aramaic, we have no issues.

If you want to believe that Hebrew was invented by God then that's fine. I don't think it matters.
Greek is modeled after the Aramaic dialect though. It was intentionally different phonetically. I believe the Greeks and Romans learned it from the Babylonians.