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On The Sovereignty of God

Well, you actually did because you replied to this question with that particular verse: Did God cause (by His sovereignty in all things) the evil toward Joseph because He intended it (the evil) for good?

And totally disregarded this scenario: Or . . . Did He foresee and permit Joseph's brothers do commit those things because He saw the good that He could bring out of it?
Your scenario is unlearned.
It completely disregards that you don't get to ask God why he made you depraved.
That doesn't say God forces anyone to believe.

It obviously isn't possible for you to worship this God. God completely and all throughout His word, shows that He does this very thing, and to deny it you have to disregard or change much of His word. You find it easier to worship a fickle and weak God, and blind your eyes and your intellect to the fact that that is the image you have made of Him. You even blind your intellect to the utter and complete chaos, therefore untrustworthy God, that we would have if these things of God you hate were not true. And you have the gall, the unimaginable gall of a person who has no fear of the Lord, to shake your fist at Him and tell Him what is just and unjust! Where do you get that nerve and that arrogance from? Have you never read Romans 9:19-24? You even dare to call Him horrible for being God. And if you can't worship Him as He is, then that god you say you are worshiping is one you have custom designed to fit your sensibilities. IOW no god at all.
To believe what you believe you have to deny the historical Gospel of Jesus Christ, which you have done.

Romans 9:19-24 are the "What if" Scriptures. It is not what God does. But it is what you want to believe that God does, because that is the God of Calvinism. The God that you worship is not the God that is in the Bible. The God of the Bible is, "Longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" 2 Peter 3:9. Your Calvinist God delights in sending people to hell. Yes, Your Calvinist God is horrible. If your Calvinist God is the true God, then I don't want to go to heaven, because heaven will not be a place of righteousness and justice.
Your scenario is unlearned.
It completely disregards that you don't get to ask God why he made you depraved.
God made me with the ability to know the difference between good and evil (Gen. 3:22) AND set up rules and boundaries within His word to know the difference. What He did do is give me the same judgement placed upon Adam when he fell (For the judgment following one trespass brought condemnation [Romans 5:16]) and then gave me a way out of the judgment of condemnation by giving His Son - "whoever believes in him is not condemned" [John 3:18].
To believe what you believe you have to deny the historical Gospel of Jesus Christ, which you have done.
No I don't and no I haven't. If you have read any of my OP's, any of my posts even in this thread, and you have, you know that full well. So there is a lurking question of why it is so important to you to stick to your position, which you support by what you know to be untruths, that when confronted even with the truth side by side to your lie, that you then make such lying statements as the above. If you do not know by now that you are lying, there is something very, very wrong. And if you do know by now that all you do is lie on this subject, but you keep doing it anyway, there is something very, very wrong.
I don't do any of those things.

You have a nasty streak in you, Arial.
I have noticed that whenever you throw that "nasty" word at me it is when I have given you a taste of your own medicine. And yet still you cannot see it in yourself.

Who makes a dumbly arrogant and condescending statement to another and follows it with "I know you don't like it (but I am going to do it anyway.) And continues to do it repeatedly. It reveals something about the person, and in your case, since many months ago you told me, you whole point of interacting with trinitarians was to convert them to unitarianism. Which suggests, from other things you have said on rewards, that you are trying to stockpile rewards for the future, and the forums are your field. You keep saying in your self assured way that if I don't believe your heresy in this life, I will in the next. Guess what? They are all going to be burned up or worse.

How did your medicine taste that time?
I have noticed that whenever you throw that "nasty" word at me it is when I have given you a taste of your own medicine. And yet still you cannot see it in yourself.

Who makes a dumbly arrogant and condescending statement to another and follows it with "I know you don't like it (but I am going to do it anyway.) And continues to do it repeatedly. It reveals something about the person, and in your case, since many months ago you told me, you whole point of interacting with trinitarians was to convert them to unitarianism. Which suggests, from other things you have said on rewards, that you are trying to stockpile rewards for the future, and the forums are your field. You keep saying in your self assured way that if I don't believe your heresy in this life, I will in the next. Guess what? They are all going to be burned up or worse.

How did your medicine taste that time?
We'll see what gets burned up.
"I must . . . say up front that . . . I find many Calvinists lacking in gentleness and respect. I even find these qualities missing in Calvinists' interactions with other Christians. Indeed, Calvinists are often not very gentle or respectful when debating fine points of doctrine with fellow Calvinists."
Fuller Theological Seminary president Richard Mouw -
Richard J. Mouw, Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2004; pg 15) Mouw is an American Reformed Theologian who seems to walk a line somewhere between McKim and Sproul.

but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect - 1 Peter 3:15

This speaks to everyone NOT just Calvinist based Reformed Theologians.