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New Covenant Christianity Vs. Old Covenant Law and Religion


robert pate

The apostle Paul was the only true New Covenant Christian. The rest of the apostles had trouble with the New Covenant, especially James. I can't say that I blame them, many in the early New Testament church had trouble with the New Covenant. Many still have trouble with the New Covenant, some outright reject it and reject the teachings of Paul. If you were a Jew that had been practicing Judaism for a number of years and then along comes Paul and says, "We are not doing that religious stuff anymore, because Jesus abolished it" Ephesians 2:15. What would you think?

What the law and Judaism was to the Jew, Christ and his Gospel was to the born-again New Testament Christian. The Jews said that the law was "The way, the truth and the life and was the light that enlightened everyman." John took what the Jews said about the law and applied it to Jesus, John 14:6. Judaism is a very subjective religion, because it is all about you and the law. Anything less than perfect obedience to the law is sin.

When Paul said, "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes" Romans 10:4." When the Pharisees heard this, they probably started foaming at the mouth and made plans to kill him. The law was their God and this Gentile lover wanted to do away with the law, which was their God. The Jews had no regard for Gentiles and frequently referred to them as pigs.

New Covenant Christianity is a radical change from the Old Covenant of law and religion. Paul said, "The just shall live by faith" Romans 1:17. The law says, "You shall live by every word of the law". The law says do. The Gospel says done. Jesus in our name and on our behalf, has fulfilled every demand of the law. We don't have to be good enough, Jesus was good enough for us, we are complete in him, Colossians 2:10.

All religions have evolved from Judaism and Catholicism, this is why they are anti-New Covenant and anti- Gospel. There are consequences for those that reject the New Covenant, the Gospel and justification by faith. Those that have embraced Christ and his Gospel are free from the law and are under grace. They have entered into his rest, which means that they are not trusting in their works, laws and religion, Hebrews 4:10. They are trusting in the finished work of Christ for their salvation.
What does it mean to enter into his rest?

"For he that has entered into his rest, he has also ceased from his own works (religion) as God did from his" Hebrews 4:10.

In the Gospel, Jesus defeats sin, death and the devil (God sees all things in Jesus Christ) As far as God is concerned Jesus did it all and he did it perfectly. Paul went on to say, "You are complete in him" Colossians 2:10. If we are complete in Christ then there is nothing more to be done to save us. We are in Christ and Christ is in heaven, Colossians 3:3. The work of salvation is a finished work. All that have faith in the finished work of Christ have entered into his rest. We cannot make ourselves any better than what we already are in Jesus Christ.
The apostle Paul was the only true New Covenant Christian. The rest of the apostles had trouble with the New Covenant, especially James. I can't say that I blame them, many in the early New Testament church had trouble with the New Covenant. Many still have trouble with the New Covenant, some outright reject it and reject the teachings of Paul. If you were a Jew that had been practicing Judaism for a number of years and then along comes Paul and says, "We are not doing that religious stuff anymore, because Jesus abolished it" Ephesians 2:15. What would you think?

What the law and Judaism was to the Jew, Christ and his Gospel was to the born-again New Testament Christian. The Jews said that the law was "The way, the truth and the life and was the light that enlightened everyman." John took what the Jews said about the law and applied it to Jesus, John 14:6. Judaism is a very subjective religion, because it is all about you and the law. Anything less than perfect obedience to the law is sin.

When Paul said, "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes" Romans 10:4." When the Pharisees heard this, they probably started foaming at the mouth and made plans to kill him. The law was their God and this Gentile lover wanted to do away with the law, which was their God. The Jews had no regard for Gentiles and frequently referred to them as pigs.

New Covenant Christianity is a radical change from the Old Covenant of law and religion. Paul said, "The just shall live by faith" Romans 1:17. The law says, "You shall live by every word of the law". The law says do. The Gospel says done. Jesus in our name and on our behalf, has fulfilled every demand of the law. We don't have to be good enough, Jesus was good enough for us, we are complete in him, Colossians 2:10.

All religions have evolved from Judaism and Catholicism, this is why they are anti-New Covenant and anti- Gospel. There are consequences for those that reject the New Covenant, the Gospel and justification by faith. Those that have embraced Christ and his Gospel are free from the law and are under grace. They have entered into his rest, which means that they are not trusting in their works, laws and religion, Hebrews 4:10. They are trusting in the finished work of Christ for their salvation.
I especially like your last paragraph, its first sentence. It speaks volumes to your other thread concerning 'Counterfeit Christianity'
I would add one disclaimer to it: That not all 'Jews' of Judaism or Catholics of Catholicism are necessarily anti NC and anti NT Gospel.

And you know not all religions evolved from Judaism and Catholicism. Did Buddhism for example evolve from either one of them? I think you mean only those religions where the NC and the Gospel apply or should apply.
I especially like your last paragraph, its first sentence. It speaks volumes to your other thread concerning 'Counterfeit Christianity'
I would add one disclaimer to it: That not all 'Jews' of Judaism or Catholics of Catholicism are necessarily anti NC and anti NT Gospel.

And you know not all religions evolved from Judaism and Catholicism. Did Buddhism for example evolve from either one of them? I think you mean only those religions where the NC and the Gospel apply or should apply.
You will never find a Jew or a Catholic that believes Jesus saved them by atoning for their sins on the cross. Buddhism is a false eastern religion. Not sure how it evolved.
You will never find a Jew or a Catholic that believes Jesus saved them by atoning for their sins on the cross. Buddhism is a false eastern religion. Not sure how it evolved.
Well I was thinking of the Jews for Jesus/Messianic folks and others like them, a sliver of a group. And I know of Catholics that give lip-service to their religion and do believe in the gospel and being saved by the Cross.
Well I was thinking of the Jews for Jesus/Messianic folks and others like them, a sliver of a group. And I know of Catholics that give lip-service to their religion and do believe in the gospel and being saved by the Cross.
The only way that you can tell if a person is trusting in Christ to save them, or if they are trusting in something else to save them, is to ask them why they are going to heaven. You will be amazed at the answers.
The only way that you can tell if a person is trusting in Christ to save them, or if they are trusting in something else to save them, is to ask them why they are going to heaven. You will be amazed at the answers.
Well your question is not accurate to me. I do understand what you are aiming at though.

I believe as a genuine believer in Christ today, I'm in the Kingdom from Heaven, today. And it will be completely realized when Christ returns and in a new body form.

So my question to others would be like: Why or how are you in the Kingdom from Heaven today? Why will Christ choose you to fill his Father's Kingdom when he returns? for example. I believe we all do not know enough about the place or state called Heaven today. We may not actually be in the vicinity of the throne room or seat of power or in the actual presence of the Father of heaven in the future, is a real sense?
Well your question is not accurate to me. I do understand what you are aiming at though.

I believe as a genuine believer in Christ today, I'm in the Kingdom from Heaven, today. And it will be completely realized when Christ returns and in a new body form.

So my question to others would be like: Why or how are you in the Kingdom from Heaven today? Why will Christ choose you to fill his Father's Kingdom when he returns? for example. I believe we all do not know enough about the place or state called Heaven today. We may not actually be in the vicinity of the throne room or seat of power or in the actual presence of the Father of heaven in the future, is a real sense?

Christ the anointing Holy Spirit of God our teacher, comforter and guide is not a man. God the one Spirt of truth has no form . He worked in Jesus our brother in the lord to both will and empower Jesus to do the will of the father. We serve the same Father that works in us.

Some did know the work of the Spirit of Christ that was working in the Son of man Jesus.

Before he disappeared he left clear loving commandment that that one time demonstration of the father working in him strengthening him to finish the work is over. Another demonstration was not propmised.

One demonstration of the lamb who was slain from the foundation (the six days God did work is over). If we follow the gospel to its conclusion God is not a man .

Claiming he was a man or could be is the "abomination of desolation" spoken of in Daniel

2 Corinthians 5:16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.
Well your question is not accurate to me. I do understand what you are aiming at though.

I believe as a genuine believer in Christ today, I'm in the Kingdom from Heaven, today. And it will be completely realized when Christ returns and in a new body form.

So my question to others would be like: Why or how are you in the Kingdom from Heaven today? Why will Christ choose you to fill his Father's Kingdom when he returns? for example. I believe we all do not know enough about the place or state called Heaven today. We may not actually be in the vicinity of the throne room or seat of power or in the actual presence of the Father of heaven in the future, is a real sense?
All that are "In Christ". trusting in his life, death and resurrection for their salvation are eternally saved. However, we have not arrived yet because we are still here in these sinful Adamic bodies, Romans 8:21-23. We are waiting for the return of Jesus, Romans 8:25.
All that are "In Christ". trusting in his life, death and resurrection for their salvation are eternally saved. However, we have not arrived yet because we are still here in these sinful Adamic bodies, Romans 8:21-23. We are waiting for the return of Jesus, Romans 8:25.
Are Abraham Isaac and Jacob awaiting bodies?
Nope. They are sleeping. Waiting for the last trump, 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52.
Luk 20:37
Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.(KJV)

Soul sleep is what many Unitarians believe.