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Luke 1:35 And The Real Human Nature of Jesus Christ

I don't buy it.

The Trinity is not taught in the Bible. People are taught that God is a Trinity, then go to the Bible looking for verses to support their belief. Eisegesis.

The Bible says Jesus Christ is a man. He is the man fathered BY God, ordained BY God. He said his Father is "the only true God". He ascended TO God. He learned FROM God. Jesus died, God cannot die. God raised Jesus from the dead. If He hadn't, Jesus would still be dead.

In Hebrews chapter 1 verse 6, God the Father says to WORSHIP Jesus Christ

In verse 8 and 9 the Father addresses Jesus Christ as GOD

in verses 10-12 the Father addresses Jesus as the actual Creator. Genesis 1.1 say that "in the beginning GOD Created..."

These are some Bible FACTS about Jesus Christ

It does not change whether you accept them or not
The OP neglected to inform readers that his theology denies that Jesus is a human person. I won’t speculate about the reason(s) for the omission, and I presume that he would acknowledge it if he were asked.

Jesus of Nazareth isn’t a human person.

Is that the impression that the average person who doesn’t know anything about trinitarianism would have of him when reading about him in the Bible for the first time?
“It may sound odd (or even blasphemous) to say that Jesus Christ is not a human person, but this is precisely true.”

Is it precisely true? Trinitarianism says that it is.

If you want to be a trinitarian, be a trinitarian. Tell everyone you know, and as many as you don’t know but can reach: Jesus Christ is not a human person.
“It is easy to fall prey to false suppositions that can lead to heresy when we speak of our Christology. It seems logical to say, ‘Because Christ is fully human, he had to be a human person.’ But the truth is, the former is correct, but the later is a non-sequitur.”

Trinitarianism isn’t logical and has never claimed to be.

Christ is fully human. - Correct, says trinitarianism.

He had to be a human person. - Incorrect. A non-sequitur, says trinitarianism.

Non-sequitur -> “A non-sequitur is a conclusion or reply that doesn’t follow logically from the previous statement.”

If we think Jesus is a human person because he is fully human (or for any other reason) then trinitarianism tells us that we’re thinking illiogically.

Trinitarianism isn’t a logical theology.

If Jesus’ human nature is created, does that make him a creature?


While Jesus has a human nature, he is not a human person. He is a divine person with a human and divine nature.”

“There is only one person who is Christ, and that person is divine. Thus, there is no human person named ‘Jesus of Nazareth.’ Jesus is a divine person, and medieval theologians were careful never to refer to Jesus as a human person.”

There is no human person named “Jesus of Nazareth.”

I never heard my Southern Baptist pastor say that from the pulpit. He should have. Why didn’t he?