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Jesus and the Pharisees


robert pate

Every Christians should do an in-depth study on Jesus and his relationship with the religious Pharisees.

Jesus and the Pharisees were both teachers of the Mosiac law. The only difference between them was that Jesus not only taught the law, but he was the epitome of the law. While the Pharisees were hypocrites. "They say, and do not" Matthew 23:2. The Pharisees did not believe that they were sinners born after Adam and believed that by the works of the law they would be justified, Paul said, "By the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in his sight" Romans 3:20. This may be why Jesus referred to them as, fools, blind guides, hypocrites, serpents, sons of hell, etc, see Matthew the 23rd chapter.

The Pharisees were also the first Calvinist. They believed that they were God's special chosen people. In a sense they were, because God chose the Jewish people to bring forth the savior of the whole world. Unfortunately, they were trusting in that and their law keeping religion to save them. What damned them to hell was their rejection of their Messiah, Jesus Christ. The Jews knew about the promise of a savior. There is a thread that runs through the Old Testament about the coming Messiah, but when Jesus arrived, they rejected him, because he didn't approve of their law keeping religion.

The miracles that Jesus did is what frustrated them the most. They said, "Is this not Joseph's son?" They refused to believe that Jesus was the Son of God. When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead that was the straw that broke the camel's back. They were going to have to accept him for who he was or get rid of him. They chose to get rid of him. They were afraid that Jesus would destroy their religion and their nation, John 11:46-48. This was a very crucial moment in human history. Either accept him or reject him. After the resurrection of Lazarus, they made their plans to murder him.

Here we have the Pharisees who were supposed to be Israels beloved religious men plotting to kill their Messiah, unbelievable, but yet it happened. It was either Jesus or their law keeping religion. They loved their religion more than they loved Jesus, who went about doing good. They really had no basis to put him to death other than he claimed to be equal with God. Pharisaism is alive and well. Most people love their religion more than they love Jesus.

Don't think that the Pharisees didn't try to keep the law. They even tithed down to the mint in their gardens, Matthew 23:23.

It wasn't the Pharisees as much as it was the law. The law demands perfect obedience. James said that if you fail in one part of the law, you have failed the whole thing, James 2:10. This means that the law is not a bunch of commandments, instead it is one entity.
The law purpose is to make us aware of sin.

"Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin" (Romans 3:20)
The law purpose is to make us aware of sin.

"Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin" (Romans 3:20)
Right on. Paul said, "But sin taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence (lust). For without the law sin was dead" Romans 7:8. Jesus has made us free from laws, rules and religion by nailing it to his cross, Colossians 2:14. Sin is the results of the law. This is why we need to be dead to the law, Romans 7:4-6.
Jesus became the perfect sacrifice for all sin. No more animal sacrifices. But sin still exists and we need to know what is sin. That is why we have the commandments.
Jesus became the perfect sacrifice for all sin. No more animal sacrifices. But sin still exists and we need to know what is sin. That is why we have the commandments.
Paul said, "By the law is the knowledge of sin" Romans 3:20. The law causes us to run under God's great umbrella of grace. I am so happy that, "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness" Romans 10:4. The law demands perfection, Jesus was perfect for us.
Paul said, "By the law is the knowledge of sin" Romans 3:20. The law causes us to run under God's great umbrella of grace. I am so happy that, "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness" Romans 10:4. The law demands perfection, Jesus was perfect for us.
The conclusion of the command for righteousness. Jesus by nature means very high righteousness.
The conclusion of the command for righteousness. Jesus by nature means very high righteousness.
Jesus is the end and the fulfillment of the law. This is why the law has been abolished for Christians, Ephesians 2:15.
So we no longer sin?
We miss the mark but is the sin counted against us when we do it? What faith enables us to do is to be obedient to God and allow him to work in
And through us by the Holy Spirit so we don’t miss the mark; which by (The Spirit of Christ), though our flesh when it comes back up from the grave does constantly miss the mark?