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Is God Evil?

First of all, is it or is it not dumb to call God "Evil"?
Is it or is it not an affront to God to call God "Evil"?

Answer: Yes, to both. That's half of my answer to your question.

The other half is, after years of seeing utter ignorance, stupidity, false statements, and many outright lies about the Bible, Christianity, etc., my patience with such things is done.

So yes, I called the question a stupid question. Frankly, that was the mildest most benevolent adjective I could think of. I could have said something far more accurate and crueler.

If somebody calling something "stupid" gets your panties in a wad then maybe the Internet is not the place for you. I am kind and sweet by most internet standards.
....try Jesus' standards.
....try Jesus' standards.

If I recall, Jesus made a whip, overturned tables, and called the Pharisees all sorts of rude names, far worse than what I said.

Your Jesus is a wishy washy Jesus.

I keep it real. Try that.

And for the record, you are okay with this guy calling God "Evil", but you are not okay with me calling that stupid. Spare me your phony fake self-righteousness.
If I recall, Jesus made a whip, overturned tables, and called the Pharisees all sorts of rude names, far worse than what I said.

Your Jesus is a wishy washy Jesus.

I keep it real. Try that.

And for the record, you are okay with this guy calling God "Evil", but you are not okay with me calling that stupid. Spare me your phony fake self-righteousness.
He didn't call GOD evil first off. He's trying to expound on mistranslations.

Secondly, you aren't Jesus. We are to follow His teachings....you know? Like serve all, show compassion, be gentle, love even enemy.

My Jesus is wishy-washy!!? You don't know me or my beliefs. Assumption is never the wisest move.
Are idols evil?

“Yahweh is an idol” has been put forward for our consideration on the forum.

If an idol is evil, and if Yahweh is an idol, then Yahweh is evil.

Yahweh isn’t an idol. Those who worship Yahweh aren’t idol worshippers. Yahweh is good. He alone, by himself, is the one and only true God (John 5:44; John 17:3).