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God The Father God the Son

ὁ θρόνος σου ὁ θεός means Your throne a God, not Your throne O God.
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ὁ θρόνος σου ὁ θεός means Your throne a God, not Your throne O God.

The nominative when used with the article as it is used here, is used for address and takes the place of the vocative. This is common grammar in classical and koine Greek
The nominative when used with the article as it is used here, is used for address and takes the place of the vocative. This is common grammar in classical and koine Greek
θει the vocative would have been used if it were the case. Generally a vocative like structure is accusative and followed by conjunctions.
Jesus is God jr. Like it or not he has all power and authority in heaven and on earth right now.

The JW's have people believing in a 30+ year old local carpenter from Nazareth is a temp floating space man God.
θει the vocative would have been used if it were the case. Generally a vocative like structure is accusative and followed by conjunctions.

You make it up as you go along and you are wrong
These people will have the opportunity to correct Jesus where he misleads so many, even getting himself killed for his lack of clarity!