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God The Father God the Son

Greek can be manipulated as the Bible.
The Truth can be found in almost ANY Bible.
Then what are the 4 cases for the Greek participle? I am asking you, because I know what they are called.

nominative, genitive, dative, accusative

What has this got to do with these discussions? You cannot even correctly translate John 1:1!
You don't want to learn Greek because you want to be an un-college educated JW.

you have shown more than ONCE, that your Greek knowledge is your own, and nothing to do with the language!

In # 7 you accuse me, "You used the indefinite article wrong." And when PROVEN wrong, make silly arguments!

Fragment 7: Valentinus' Vision of the Word​

I saw a newborn child, and questioned it to find out who it was. And the child answered me saying, "I am the a Word"
Valentinus' God was Jesus Christ also.