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God The Father God the Son

PROVE all things! PROVE me wrong? You CANNOT and not humble enough to admit that you are 100% WRONG!
You don't even know the basics of the Greek article. Just because a verse is translated a certain way in Tyndale's New Testament doesn't mean you should translate it that way forever. Names are definite without the article which implies the article does the opposite of what the books say.
You don't even know the basics of the Greek article. Just because a verse is translated a certain way in Tyndale's New Testament doesn't mean you should translate it that way forever. Names are definite without the article which implies the article does the opposite of what the books say.

Father and Son and NOT Names! you cannot even understand the basics of Greek grammar!
In this very small Letter in the New Testament, John's Third, we have a very powerful testimony to the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His complete equality with The Father.

"Anyone who transgresses, and abides not in the teaching of Christ, has not God. He that abides in the teaching of Christ, this has both the Father and the Son" – verse 9

Note very closely....

No 'Holy Ghost'.

And those that remain in have both Jehovah and Jesus!
I have my Lord and my God!

Your vain attempt to promote church coprolite is also vain in this verse!
No 'Holy Ghost'.

And those that remain in have both Jehovah and Jesus!
I have my Lord and my God!

Your vain attempt to promote church coprolite is also vain in this verse!

The fact remains that there are TWO distinct Persons in this verse, that are equally called GOD.
Interesting...nobody besides @ICHTHUS is even TRYING to actually prove their point. Maybe it's because they can't...hmm...imagine that. Could it be that what @ICHTHUS is saying is TRUE? Nah, the Trinity just doesn't make sense to our finite minds, so it's obviously false.
We've proven it OVER & OVER with Christ's words- what more can you ask- take a scripture and paste a new meaning on it, like Ict?

Jesus said his father is the ONLY true God; you either accept ONLY, or you try to find ways around that- a Trinitarian's Specialty!
