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God SO LOVES the Entire Human Race

There is no other way to understand John 3:16, than "God so loves the entire human race",
I showed you another way and you ignored it. You are also ignoring the fact that I informed you that Calvinist do not take the word "world" in John 3:16 to mean the "elect" and you ignored that. The world often means the entire universe and is not restricted to "the entire human race."
"This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for YOU". Even the reformed theologians, Matthew Henry and John Gill, both admit that Judas actually too the Lord's Supper. This in itself destroys the TULI in TULIP!
You can't have the T, without it arriving at the U, and the T and U arriving at the L, and th TUL arriving at the I, and the TULI concluding the P. Perseverance of the saints is grounded unmoveable in the TULI. A person can still believe in the P and rightly so, but it is largely based on conjecture and wishful thinking, or simply having been told that, and maybe on the scripture that says He will lose none that the Father has given Him, and no one can take us out of His hands. (Those who don't believe in OSAS however are able to make that scripture to be saying that no one can take us out of His hand, but we can jump out ourselves.) So when I say grounded, I mean grounded, like a boulder.
The world often means the entire universe and is not restricted to "the entire human race."

really? "the entire universe", EQUALS "the entire human race"

Kosmos in John 3:16, cannot mean anything other than EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING
really? "the entire universe", EQUALS "the entire human race"

Kosmos in John 3:16, cannot mean anything other than EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING
In that case, it also means all the fishies in the deep blue sea, all the birds in the air, all the dogs on the hearth, cattle in the fields etc. Use your head, you are much smarter than that. It also means all nations, but not every single person in those nations. Sometimes it is the nation itself.
In that case, it also means all the fishies in the deep blue sea, all the birds in the air, all the dogs on the hearth, cattle in the fields etc. Use your head, you are much smarter than that. It also means all nations, but not every single person in those nations. Sometimes it is the nation itself.

it says HUMAN BEING! are dogs, fishes, birds HUMAN???

you are being silly!

it says HUMAN BEING! are dogs, fishes, birds HUMAN???

you are being silly!

Nevertheless, when it says "world" in John 3:16 it is speaking of His created world, as well as all nations (for that is where the gospel went, and is going) and there is no way to legitimately say it means every human being. God does have a general love for all humans as His creation, but it is a special love that He holds for His covenant people alone. And none of what you say changes the fact that you began by saying Calvinists say "world" means the elect, not only in that scripture but in every scripture.

The majority of your posts are consistent, well thought out and supported, and presented with precision. So I know you are talented in that area, have much knowledge, support your arguments and articulate well. It is hard to face when we flub, and harder to admit, but this time, when you were coming against something (Calvinism) you did just that. Why? It is the usual thing that happens when a person hates Calvinism and the idea of it, and that view of God, and they want to tear it down. To do so, they have to make up something, and so their argument won't hold together, if an actual Calvinist sets the record straight. (It should give a person pause to wonder why things have to be made up and misstated in order to tear it down.) A person certainly doesn't have to agree with it, but neither do they have to misrepresent it in order to make it known that they hate it. Best to stick with what you know.
Nevertheless, when it says "world" in John 3:16 it is speaking of His created world, as well as all nations (for that is where the gospel went, and is going) and there is no way to legitimately say it means every human being. God does have a general love for all humans as His creation, but it is a special love that He holds for His covenant people alone. And none of what you say changes the fact that you began by saying Calvinists say "world" means the elect, not only in that scripture but in every scripture.

The majority of your posts are consistent, well thought out and supported, and presented with precision. So I know you are talented in that area, have much knowledge, support your arguments and articulate well. It is hard to face when we flub, and harder to admit, but this time, when you were coming against something (Calvinism) you did just that. Why? It is the usual thing that happens when a person hates Calvinism and the idea of it, and that view of God, and they want to tear it down. To do so, they have to make up something, and so their argument won't hold together, if an actual Calvinist sets the record straight. (It should give a person pause to wonder why things have to be made up and misstated in order to tear it down.) A person certainly doesn't have to agree with it, but neither do they have to misrepresent it in order to make it known that they hate it. Best to stick with what you know.

if you care to read the OP again, you will see that the person after whom "Calvinism" takes it name, John Calvin, is very clear in his comments on John 3:16. He is certainly not a believer in "Limited Atonement".

Here are some more of his comments

John 1:29;

Who taketh away the sin of the world. He uses the word sin in the singular number, for any kind of iniquity; as if he had said, that every kind of unrighteousness which alienates men from God is taken away by Christ. And when he says, the sin Of The World, he extends this favor indiscriminately to the whole human race; that the Jews might not think that he had been sent to them alone. But hence we infer that the whole world is involved in the same condemnation; and that as all men without exception are guilty of unrighteousness before God, they need to be reconciled to him. John the Baptist, therefore, by speaking generally of the sin of the world, intended to impress upon us the conviction of our own misery, and to exhort us to seek the remedy. Now our duty is, to embrace the benefit which is offered to all, that each of us may be convinced that there is nothing to hinder him from obtaining reconciliation in Christ, provided that he comes to him by the guidance of faith.”

Romans 5:18;

“He makes this favor common to all, because it is propounded to all, and not because it is in reality extended to all; for though Christ suffered for the sins of the whole world, and is offered through God's benignity indiscriminately to all, yet all do not receive him”

Commenting on Mark 14:24, where Jesus says that His death is a “ransom for many”. Calvin says:

Which is shed for many. By the word many he means not a part of the world only, but the whole human race

If, as the “Calvinists” teach, that they get their “limited atonement” from John Calvin, then they are clearly deluded! Here is a text that Jesus says that He died for “many”, and yet, you would have expected Calvin to have said, “only for a part”. But in fact, he says that it does not mean this, but Jesus’ words mean, “the whole human race”! I expect there are still those who will hold on to their lies about this doctrine and what Calvin actually taught. The context here includes Judas!

The last context is very important, because Judas is here included!

Now try to get out of these FACTS!
Who taketh away the sin of the world. He uses the word sin in the singular number, for any kind of iniquity; as if he had said, that every kind of unrighteousness which alienates men from God is taken away by Christ. And when he says, the sin Of The World, he extends this favor indiscriminately to the whole human race; that the Jews might not think that he had been sent to them alone. But hence we infer that the whole world is involved in the same condemnation; and that as all men without exception are guilty of unrighteousness before God, they need to be reconciled to him. John the Baptist, therefore, by speaking generally of the sin of the world, intended to impress upon us the conviction of our own misery, and to exhort us to seek the remedy. Now our duty is, to embrace the benefit which is offered to all, that each of us may be convinced that there is nothing to hinder him from obtaining reconciliation in Christ, provided that he comes to him by the guidance of faith.”
Note what I have highlighted in red. You simply do not understand what you are reading. Calvin is not saying that Jesus atoned for the sin of all men, or the sin of everyone in the world. If He had, universalism would be true, unless you change the meaning and accomplishment of the atonement.
“He makes this favor common to all, because it is propounded to all, and not because it is in reality extended to all; for though Christ suffered for the sins of the whole world, and is offered through God's benignity indiscriminately to all, yet all do not receive him”
Whole world here means all nations and types of people.
Which is shed for many. By the word many he means not a part of the world only, but the whole human race
By all human race Calvin means all nations and types of people.
If, as the “Calvinists” teach, that they get their “limited atonement” from John Calvin, then they are clearly deluded! Here is a text that Jesus says that He died for “many”, and yet, you would have expected Calvin to have said, “only for a part”. But in fact, he says that it does not mean this, but Jesus’ words mean, “the whole human race”! I expect there are still those who will hold on to their lies about this doctrine and what Calvin actually taught. The context here includes Judas!
Like I said, you simply do not understand what you are reading. You read into it what is not there, and read out what is there. Are you saying Judas was saved?! Now who is being silly?
If Calvin believed in predestination, then he would of necessity believe in "limited" atonement. That is it is sufficient for all but effectual only for the believer. And even the free will view must acknowledge that the atonement is only effective for the believer, which limits it. The only thing is, Pate at least, and maybe you too, are really saying it was effective for every person, and at the same time saying that it wasn't.
The unbelieving hear the same gospel as the believing do. They are told the same truth. They don't believe because they don't want to.
That's right. But they could change their minds and want to. God wants everyone to change their minds and believe the gospel. It does not require intervention by God for a person to change their mind.

Calvinism is a lie. Predestination of individuals is a lie.
That's right. But they could change their minds and want to. God wants everyone to change their minds and believe the gospel. It does not require intervention by God for a person to change their mind.

Calvinism is a lie. Predestination of individuals is a lie.
Unitarianism is a lie. That Jesus is a creature is a lie.
Unitarianism is a lie. That Jesus is a creature is a lie.
You prefer to say God suffers through Jesus.

That Jesus was a son of God, mean that he supposed to serve, since he had God as a father. Other people believe their self-centered thoughts are God communicating with themselves. I forgive it; even my eyesight is self-centered. But not all wrong doing is selfishness, and not all selfishness is a wrong.