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God’s Work In You

Your response to that in post #7 showed that you did not understand what he was saying, there, or in entire OP, and nothing he said from that point on trying to explain, would be understood by you, just contradicted. I have that same experience every time we exchange comments. If you don't like it that people notice that about you, find a way not to do it.
Why don't you try. What did he mean by "The control I'm talking about is the outcome of all things, not necessarily the cause of all things."
Why don't you try. What did he mean by "The control I'm talking about is the outcome of all things, not necessarily the cause of all things."
It isn't my place to tell you what was in his mind. And don't act like you really care what I would say about anyway.
It isn't my place to tell you what was in his mind. And don't act like you really care what I would say about anyway.
It would be nice if NetChaplain would tell us what was in his mind.
He did explain it but you are unsure of how to interpret what he had said.

You shared a case of 18 kids being killed. Was that Gods will? What is God's will for individuals to do while here on earth? You already know where the scripture is that talks about the will of God which is most likely the case.

Even though terrible thing happen like this - I do not believe it was foreordained by God to have happened unlike when the wrath of God had fallen out on Jerusalem for killing his Son.

The outcome - that can lead a person to God to seek out rest for their soul is always found in Christ. And there is a time for everything on this earth. Death is just part of the process.

It sucks for all those families, but there was nothing they could have done when a crazy person goes in to go kill some kids.

Did God drive the person in there to kill them? Is God evil? Does God produce people to kill? Sure God created good but he also creates evil.

What is the opposite of light? Darkness, right? Darkness is going away from the light which makes an heart harder not softer, as the light does.

God's goodness creates evil because of the freewill choices people have - to go against good, just as the observer with-in the Garden made the choice to go up to eve and deceive her.

So does God will for Genocide to happen?

I guess I do not know how to answer the question other than saying, no... human beings cause great evil things to happen when they are far away from God, most of the time.
Even after horrible tragic things, those who seek God find comfort. Cause at death, just like Jesus did raise from the grave, people are spiritually resurrected in the Heavenly Realm where God resides, some in the Kingdom where he stays.
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Also in some cases the family can find rest in Justice being served to catch people who do these things.