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God’s Work In You



“That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man; ye have put off the old man” (Eph 4:22; Col 3:9). What exactly is “putting off the old man”? It’s not sending it away, for it remains constant with us. To put off someone means not to attend to what they are saying, like putting off someone who desires your attention or wants you to do something for them. We are hearing the old man’s demands, but that’s all. We are not conceiving what it dictates, nor acting upon it in any way; we are just hearing it, and that’s all!

Surely it’s worth dealing with the sin nature (old man) in the proper and godly way Scripture instructs. God desire that we continue with the old man is for our continued learning (everything believers encounter is just for learning and nothing else). There is nothing more challenging to the saint than the sin nature (closest enemy), which ever attempts to trip us up, and delay our growth in the Lord Jesus (Eph 4:15). But God will not allow it to overtake you, for He has promised that “sin shall not have dominion over you” (Rom 6:14). What is sin’s dominion? It’s the ability is has to cause you to desire sin, which is countered by God’s “work in you.”

Christians have the Life of the Lord Jesus in them by the Spirit. It’s not the Life of the Spirit that He works in us but the Life of the Lord Jesus (Col 3:4); and it’s the power of the Spirit that works all this into place! Thus, it’s by the Spirit using the Life of Jesus in us that we can be a godly people, and children of the Father. Just as He will always be His Son, so shall we ever be the Father’s children!

It’s my strong suspicion that the devil uses the old man as a door when He temp us, and that the Holy Spirit uses the new man (nature from Christ - Col 3:10) to guide and enable us; but our heart’s treasure is God, thus nothing can really sway us in any direction (Mat 6:21). No matter how often we are approached by the enemy (self, Satan and society), God does not allow ultimately anything but what our treasure provides—encouragement away from sin’s opposition.

We hear the old man; we see the devil and we interact with others in a godly manner—but ultimately we always choose “to will and to do of His good pleasure,” for it is the Father Himself that “works” this “in you” (Phl 2:13).
everything believers encounter is just for learning and nothing else
That's not true. Sometimes believers encounter horrific things that are not from God. Sicknesses, losses, violent crime, any number of things. They can be straight from the devil. While we can frequently learn from trials, etc, and know that God works for the good in every situation, not everything believers encounter is "just for learning." Sometimes they're straight-up attacks from the devil with no good resulting from them at all.
That's not true. Sometimes believers encounter horrific things that are not from God. Sicknesses, losses, violent crime, any number of things. They can be straight from the devil. While we can frequently learn from trials, etc, and know that God works for the good in every situation, not everything believers encounter is "just for learning." Sometimes they're straight-up attacks from the devil with no good resulting from them at all.
In my understanding there is nothing that occurs in the life of the believer that God is not in control of. Thus we learn from everything how we are to respond to God concerning all things.
That's not true. Sometimes believers encounter horrific things that are not from God. Sicknesses, losses, violent crime, any number of things. They can be straight from the devil. While we can frequently learn from trials, etc, and know that God works for the good in every situation, not everything believers encounter is "just for learning." Sometimes they're straight-up attacks from the devil with no good resulting from them at all.
Even Satan came from God. Read Job if you don't believe me.
In my understanding there is nothing that occurs in the life of the believer that God is not in control of. Thus we learn from everything how we are to respond to God concerning all things.
So you think God was in control of all those kids getting murdered at Sandy Hook. Or that He was in control of 9/11, or that He was in control of hurricane Ian.

Tell me... what do you think the parents of those murdered kids learned?
So you think God was in control of all those kids getting murdered at Sandy Hook. Or that He was in control of 9/11, or that He was in control of hurricane Ian.

Tell me... what do you think the parents of those murdered kids learned?
The control I'm talking about is the outcome of all things, not necessarily the cause of all things.
The control I'm talking about is the outcome of all things, not necessarily the cause of all things.
Do you mean the outcome of the Sandy Hook shooting was God's will? 18 innocent kids murdered was God's will?
What do you mean?

You've done this a few times... make a statement that gets questioned, say I don't understand what you mean, and then back away.
Your just not understanding me, and not making any sense, but that's ok.
What do you mean?

You've done this a few times... make a statement that gets questioned, say I don't understand what you mean, and then back away.
That is because there is something impenetrable about your mindset. NC is wiser than me in that I try to penetrate that wall far too long and often. It only ends in prolonged fruitless back and forth.
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