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Defining the godhead - an open discussion on Unitarianism, Binitarianism and Trinitarianism

Maybe that's why Mormons do the two-step? - LOL

] cc: @O'Darby III
The JW's and SDA's are about 4000 parsecs removed from Mormons. As the Vatican explained a few years ago in once again refusing to recognize LDS baptisms, Mormon theology is "an entirely different matrix." Anyone who is not fully versed in LDS theology would be staggered to learn what the teachings actually are. Truly, more akin to Scientology than JW or SDA. (The Catholics regard SDA baptisms as "doubtful," meaning they will be examined on a case-by-case basis, and JW baptisms as invalid. All good Protestants, of course, regard Catholic baptisms as satanic.)

As a student of the anomalous and paranormal, I am fascinated by Joseph Smith and the history of Mormonism. The Smith family lived in upstate NY literally a stone's throw from where Spiritualism began at the same time. I lived right there and once rode my motorcycle up Hill Cumorah to pay homage to the golden statute of the Angel Moroni. Upstate NY was known as the "burned over district" because the entire area was "on fire" with religious fervor, of which Mormonism and Spiritualism were but two manifestations.

That being said, none of it makes any difference to me. In terms of what I think Jesus was actually talking about, my experience with JW's and Mormons puts them near the top of the list. I have no real experience with SDA's, but I'm sure they're fine folks.
I think you have made a good case for the name of God. I agree. (YHWH)
I'm surprised this "controversy" generated so much discussion. I learned God's name when I was five years old: "Our Father, who art in heaven, Howard be thy name." Sometimes I just go with Howie.

Actually, Yahweh makes sense in the context of Jewish henotheism - Yahweh as the Jewish God but not the only God. In that context, a "name" might make sense. I always understood the "I AM" passage as "Hey, bub, I am the one and only, unique, there-ain't-no-other, God. All you need to know is that I exist. I don't need a name as though I were you're cousin Fred."
I’m surprised ’Aunty Jane’ hasn’t been booted yet.
I thought Aunty Jane was terrific. She is head and shoulders above the average participant at CB. We butted heads numerous times, but I always found her posts to be articulate and well-thought-out.
I thought Aunty Jane was terrific. She is head and shoulders above the average participant at CB. We butted heads numerous times, but I always found her posts to be articulate and well-thought-out.
I agree!

But she is anti trinity, and very firm and open about it, which the admin there do not like!

I’m the same…. just not as vociferous.
Actually, Yahweh makes sense in the context of Jewish henotheism - Yahweh as the Jewish God but not the only God. In that context, a "name" might make sense. I always understood the "I AM" passage as "Hey, bub, I am the one and only, unique, there-ain't-no-other, God. All you need to know is that I exist. I don't need a name as though I were you're cousin Fred."
Please read Malachi 3:16

Best wishes!
I learned God's name when I was five years old: "Our Father, who art in heaven, Howard be thy name." Sometimes I just go with Howie.

One time, a guy was asked, “What is God’s name?”
He said,”It must be Andy.”
They asked, “Why Andy?”
He replied, “Because of the song my parents kept playing: ‘And He walks with me, and He talks with me….’”
So, you believe in a triune God, huh?
I didn’t know that.

Where did you post those Scriptures?
Let’s discuss them, one at a time. No Gish.

Start at post #304
I think there is biblical evidence for all three views.
I was raised Trinitarian, so I know the apologetics.

Start at post #304
I think there is biblical evidence for all three views.
I was raised Trinitarian, so I know the apologetics.

I'll enjoy watching you two discuss these. When you get to post #307 I'll probably weigh in on that one.