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Before Abraham Existed I AM

Please refer to Rotherham's introduction to his Bible translation which clearly describes why the "Jehovah" is incorrect. This is off topic and has been covered in two other threads. Please also refer to one of these threads where I quoted a JW article that clearly explains how the wrong version "Jehovah" came into existence. Please also refer to the two forms of YHWH in the Hebrew text, one with the vowels of Adonai, the other with the vowels of Elohim.

Kind regards
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Please refer to Rotherham's introduction to his Bible translation which clearly describes why the "Jehovah" is incorrect. This is off topic and has been covered in two other threads. Please also refer to one of these threads where I quoted a JW article that clearly explains how the wrong version "Jehovah" came into existence. Please also refer to the two forms of YHWH in the Hebrew text, one with the vowels of Adonai, the other with the vowels of Elohim.

Kind regards

Like in the beginning of the Revised Standard Version- every giving the most flimsiest of reason why it was REMOVED!

The discovery was fairly recent, and he's a foremost Hebrew scholar.
So you can have your belief...
ALL the excuses churchoids use to dishonor God's Name by removing it!
And they trying to say the symbolic name of Ex 3 was the REAL name!
Greetings again QuestionIt,
The discovery was fairly recent, and he's a foremost Hebrew scholar. So you can have your belief...
You may laugh in derision, but your information is obscure and a bit ambiguous. You say that his discovery was fairly recent, 2018. Are you saying that before the "1000th" that he discovered some time before or a long time before the other 999 manuscripts? Of the 1000 manuscripts with occurrences of YHWH with vowel pointings, did any of these contain the vowel pointings of Elohim as we have in the Bible, or were they all only the vowel pointings of Adonai? How do you understand the relevance of YHWH with the vowel pointings of Elohim in the Bible?

Kind regards
Greetings again QuestionIt,

You may laugh in derision, but your information is obscure and a bit ambiguous. You say that his discovery was fairly recent, 2018. Are you saying that before the "1000th" that he discovered some time before or a long time before the other 999 manuscripts? Of the 1000 manuscripts with occurrences of YHWH with vowel pointings, did any of these contain the vowel pointings of Elohim as we have in the Bible, or were they all only the vowel pointings of Adonai? How do you understand the relevance of YHWH with the vowel pointings of Elohim in the Bible?

Kind regards

Read the article, and decide for yourself. I don't trust church scholars who say it should be replaced, and you need vowels to say it!
Greetings again QuestionIt,
Read the article, and decide for yourself.
One paragraph from his article states:
"For two hundred years, scholars have believed based on Greek sources and conjecture that the Hebrew name of God was originally pronounced “Yahweh.” In late 2016, Gordon found never-translated traditional Jewish sources that explicitly identified the vowels of God’s name in Hebrew as “Yehovah.” This is similar to the English Jehovah, but with a “Y” and the emphasis on the final syllable."

I suggest he is making the same error as answered by Rotherham and the old JW article which is too embarrassing for the modern JWs. Glancing at his other articles he seems to support the rendition "I AM", and could himself be a Trinitarian - please check. Also his article does not answer my question to you:
How do you understand the relevance of YHWH with the vowel pointings of Elohim in the Bible?

I don't trust church scholars who say it should be replaced, and you need vowels to say it!
I cannot make much sense of your statement. I have not encountered anyone who wants to deliberately replace YHWH, and even the KJV gives all capitals LORD and GOD for the two different versions of YHWH. This distinguishes between the One God, Yahweh, God the Father represented by "LORD" in Psalm 110:1 from our Lord Jesus Christ who is represented by "Lord" in Psalm 110:1. Rotherham and the two Catholic Bibles JB and NJB use Yahweh throughout, as does Alec Motyer in his translations of the Psalms and Isaiah.

I do not consider whether or not we see a close representation of YHWH as being an issue, and I doubt whether it has anything to do with the subject of the Trinity. Actually I initially prefer a Bible that has "LORD" for the use of immature English readers and the public, as God's Name is holy and should be hallowed. Initially people should be introduced to God as God, the Father, and later they could learn the meaning of the Yahweh Name. If I was reading the KJV to immature believers or strangers I would most probably use "LORD", but when reading to our mainly mature meeting of believers, then I would deliberately substitute Yahweh for the KJV LORD. The overall JW position is incorrect, and maintains an error.

Kind regards
even the KJV gives all capitals LORD and GOD for the two different versions of YHWH. This distinguishes between the One God, Yahweh, God the Father represented by "LORD" in Psalm 110:1 from our Lord Jesus Christ who is represented by "Lord" in Psalm 110:1.

Maybe that the Hebrew as we now have it, reads Yahweh and Adoni in Psalm 110:1, as we can see from verse 5, which is speaking about Jesus Christ, there are some 20 Hebrew manscripts that read Yahweh here, Who is at the Right Hand of the Yahweh of verse 1!

Further, in the OT there are many places, where Adoni is used for Almighty God!
Greetings again ICHTHUS,
Maybe that the Hebrew as we now have it, reads Yahweh and Adoni in Psalm 110:1, as we can see from verse 5, which is speaking about Jesus Christ, there are some 20 Hebrew manscripts that read Yahweh here, Who is at the Right Hand of the Yahweh of verse 1!
I understand Psalm 110:1 uses "right hand" to indicate that Jesus has been seated at the right hand of Yahweh, God the Father in God the Father's throne Revelation 3:21. I understand that Psalm 110:5 uses "right hand" in the sense tha when Jesus goes forth to subdue the nations, Yahweh's power will be with Jesus so that Jesus will be victorious. It is Yahweh who subdues the enemies of Jesus Psalm 110:1, through the instrumentality of Jesus Psalm 110:5.
Further, in the OT there are many places, where Adoni is used for Almighty God!
Yes, for example Psalm 8:1 which clearly distinguishes between Yahweh and the Son of Man whom God made strong for Himself Psalm 8:4-6, 80:17.

Kind regards
Jehovah is a FALSE name as the Hebrew is literally translated into English by Yahweh
Originally the correct spelling was yahuah, but for modern English it is Yahwah. Hebrew did not have an e vowel until about the 10th century AD.