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Banned from Christianity Board

Do they really feel threatened by us? Or are we projecting that view on the situation from our POV?
Were we suddenly discovered? Or have then been watching us for some time?

Trying to remember the history. Did the Mods from here move over there?


I don't think that they perceive this place as any kind of a threat.... more like, it's an annoyance. It's like they run a pub in a town too small for a sports team, but where everyone wears the same jerseys and cheers for the Packers. Then a new sports bar opens up across town and it's one of those multi-screened places where there are ten games being shown at the same time..... and they are like-- Animals! Don't go there-- there are no true Packer fans at that place....... but then suddenly, or slowly.... there are. And then they are offended-- what if folks realize that that place is accepting of all sorts of customers?
I still don't know what forum rules I was in violation of.
I know it is frustrating. I do not think your threads violated a rule even if it advanced moral ambiguity.

I Think you are wrong but free speech allows for different and ‘wrong’ opinions. I think the Moderators should have the love and courage to explain to you why you are wrong. Pretending you broke a rule is abuse of power, IMO.

FWIW, when I was banned, Jforester claimed I violated a rule regarding the attributes of God.
I know it is frustrating. I do not think your threads violated a rule even if it advanced moral ambiguity.

I Think you are wrong but free speech allows for different and ‘wrong’ opinions. I think the Moderators should have the love and courage to explain to you why you are wrong. Pretending you broke a rule is abuse of power, IMO.

FWIW, when I was banned, Jforester claimed I violated a rule regarding the attributes of God.

I wonder what my violation was? Linking to this forum?
I’m concerned about you brother.
I appreciate that as well.

I think you and I were both raised in churches where believers go to heaven and unbelievers go to hell.
If you agree with everything your church teaches, you are a believer. If you question ANY of it, you are an unbeliever.
So, I suppose your concerns are warranted if you believe the church.

A "3rd path"?
What does that mean?

What are #1 and #2 paths?

I'm not sure of the best way to describe this quest you've been on for some time with all the threads you start. I've used terms like
  • unity in diversity
  • A 3rd path
  • Moral equivelance
Although the specific topics are different, the theme is always the same; the Bible cannot be relied upon as a source of moral clarity.

Now, for the record, I have not done a comprehensive analysis of all threads you've started over the last 12 months. And you know that I did not post in all your threads. Yet, I detected this theme. Specifically, your thread about LGBTQ that you said they went crazy over.

I hope this post helps and that you pray over what I've written here. I think you are going through something that needs more than online friends posting supportively. You need the Fruit of the Spirit - as we all do.

The Holy Spirit produces a different kind of fruit: unconditional love, joy, peace, patience, kindheartedness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Gal 5:22-23
I know it is frustrating. I do not think your threads violated a rule even if it advanced moral ambiguity.

I Think you are wrong but free speech allows for different and ‘wrong’ opinions. I think the Moderators should have the love and courage to explain to you why you are wrong. Pretending you broke a rule is abuse of power, IMO.

FWIW, when I was banned, Jforester claimed I violated a rule regarding the attributes of God.
I agree.
If I had a way to reach them I would ask. But I am blocked from even asking.
Frustrating, as you say.


I'm not sure of the best way to describe this quest you've been on for some time with all the threads you start. I've used terms like
  • unity in diversity
  • A 3rd path
  • Moral equivelance
What are #1 and #2 paths?

Although the specific topics are different, the theme is always the same; the Bible cannot be relied upon as a source of moral clarity.
No. I think the Bible is a great source of moral clarity.

So, I suppose your concerns are warranted if you believe the church.
No. My concern about you is not doctrinal.

You may have read for I have posted it many times that there is no doctrinal purity test - and thank God for that! My concern is that you are in a season of doubt, your faith is wavering and the Adversary is attacking you.

Do you know that verse where Jesus says he will give the weary rest? I think that's what you need. I think it was @O'Darby III who also commented about the restlessness in your soul for starting so many threads. (I'm paraphrasing). Good @Ol' Barn I think it was who wrote a year or 2 ago about resting during his lunch hour rather than study the Bible. He told me not to tell God. (It could have been another poster). That influenced me a lot to back off the gas peddle of zealotry for my own peace of mind.

Point is, you are an image bearer of God and an heir to his kingdom as a beloved son. The battle is already won. Rest easy, my friend. The all powerful, all knowing Creator of the Universe knows you best and loves you most.

Make A Blessed Day!
What are #1 and #2 paths?
What denominations who hold contradictory doctrines are. Path #1 and Path #2.

Perhaps you are trying to play the role of reconcilor? That's Jesus' role. One of the best sermons I ever heard was from the current Lead Pastor of my church. I emailed and told him so. He was very grateful for such a sentiment and said he'd hold onto it for the remainder of his career.

He said we don't have to have all the answers in reconcilling the last little bit of Scripture. When he said that, I felt a huge burden lifted from my shoulders. IMO, the Gospel is divinely simple. It is too simple for the human mind to grasp. So, we invent all these doctrines to satisfy our own intellect - even at the expense of our soul being at peace.

Imagine how freeing it is to adopt a policy of defenselessness. I don't have to defend God's word. He is capable of doing it himself and possibly, even a little better than I could. /sarcasm.