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Banned from Christianity Board

I have been reinstated at Christianity Boards.

Oops! We ran into some problems.​

You have been banned for the following reason: member was not aware of this violation. Your ban will be lifted on Jun 2, 2024 at 7:00 AM.

] cc: @O'Darby III @Mr E @Hillsage @Ol' Barn @RedFan @Joker @mailmandan

How's it going for you there? All you have to do is mind your p's and q's and don't talk about the Trinity, or the coronavirus shot, or whatever other topics they consider too difficult. They might as well ban Christianity at the Christianity Board. ;)
How's it going for you there? All you have to do is mind your p's and q's and don't talk about the Trinity, or the coronavirus shot, or whatever other topics they consider too difficult. They might as well ban Christianity at the Christianity Board. ;)
Thanks for asking. I pretty much picked up right where I left off. I had 18 alerts waiting for me on arrival. They seem glad to have me back. I had a very good discussion this morning with a gal who decided to open her home to a women's fellowship group with her friends. Really MADE my day. 😃

Thanks for asking. I pretty much picked up right where I left off. I had 18 alerts waiting for me on arrival. They seem glad to have me back. I had a very good discussion this morning with a gal who decided to open her home to a women's fellowship group with her friends. Really MADE my day. 😃


I have several alerts and pm's in my box over there that I can't access of course. I'm still hoping to bump into Dan Doughty at our coffee spot and ask him if his hens run his hen house.
I have several alerts and pm's in my box over there that I can't access of course. I'm still hoping to bump into Dan Doughty at our coffee spot and ask him if his hens run his hen house.
Sounds like a jaw-drop moment. - LOL

As you know...
If things are quiet on a forum I quickly find (am directed to?) previous topic I have created and bring them to the top.

This primes the pump and those who haven;t seen the topic before can respond, or those who want to continue the discussion chime in.

Lately on CB members have been digging around in my archives and resurrecting topics they want to discuss. Pretty cool.

In other news... Wynona blasted me re: Universalism but them came back and apologized and deleted her caustic post, which I appreciated.

"I dislike universalism but Im usually not so rude about it. I harshly criticized the ideology and its adherents, then put you on ignore without reading your response. It felt good at the time but only because of the stress going on in my life. I made christian universalism into a verbal punching bag.

It was not okay to do that regardless of personal issues. Words spoken have consequences even if we regret them later.
You do contribute value to this forum.

I apologize. Ill remove what I said in that post from that thread now."

] https://www.christianityboard.com/t...re-than-the-author.54191/page-58#post-1846063
Bible discussions get heated at times..

But most people are casual and not passionate about holy things. These are the ones I find that get people banned. They rat people out like cry babies.
Bible discussions get heated at times..

But most people are casual and not passionate about holy things. These are the ones I find that get people banned. They rat people out like cry babies.

Out of curiousity--- what was your crime?
Out of curiousity--- what was your crime?

Well, I got into a back in forth with a particular member over the Holy Bible being the word of God. I got the vibe that he was diminishing its place of authority. He claimed he was personally attacked and made a petition to the moderators.

These moderators don’t research these discussions to see how it organically progressed and just seem to side with the accuser by default.

That’s my take.
Out of curiousity--- what was your crime?
Two for roughing, five for fighting, and a 10-minute misconduct for mentioning the Trinity?
