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Banned from Christianity Board

Congratulations! If you can manage to get yourself banned from any and all other forums on which you participate, I think you'll find you have begun a new chapter in peace of mind and mental health – seriously.

Any forum with a Statement of Faith is obviously a minefield. The owners are attempting to promote and maintain a particular culture. To do so, the forum pretty much has to operate at the level of the lowest common denominator – which in the case of Christianity is some version of mindless orthodoxy. (As we have seen, however, even those "real Christians" at the lowest common denominator come unhinged and snarl at each other five posts into almost every thread.)

I was surprised – genuinely surprised – I wasn't banned at CB sooner. My posts and blog were clearly outside the boundaries of what the culture could handle. I originally thought it was actually a more enlightened forum but soon realized it was because the moderators are mostly asleep at the wheel. I was banned at ChristianForums.net for precisely the same reason – just simply, "We don't want your kind of thinking here. You're upsetting our faithful regulars with names like 'ForHisGlory'." Forums such as these can tolerate true goofballs - Flat Earthers and Young Earthers and whatnot - to some extent, but not someone who actually has the background and intelligence to be a challenge.

I've never been banned anywhere with any sort of warning or explanation. It’s always just a matter of attempting to log in and suddenly discovering I've been banned. At ChristianForums.net, I managed to get the personal email of the site owner and asked for the courtesy of an explanation. I got nothing but a snarky "Get lost" in response.

Internet forums – all of them – are inherently dysfunctional and toxic. I have friends who participate on what should be innocuous forums about things like photography, and they are EXACTLY the same as the most dysfunctional Christian forum. As I've said elsewhere, the JFK assassination forum, where we had to use real names, real photos and verifiable academic credentials, was and is among the worst.

In the first place, internet forums attract a certain personality type. They are not polite conversations among normal people. They just aren't. But the format itself is dysfunctional. The silly and always inconsistent "moderation" by suppose "moderators," some of whom are typically among the most blatant wackos themselves. The silly system of "rep points" and "post counting," conditioning participants as though they were Pavlov's dogs. (Wow, ForHisGlory has 77,939 posts and 112,000 rep points – she's a veritable forum goddess!) The silly and always inconsistent system of "reporting" offensive posts. The supposed "forum rules," which are typically honored in the breach and enforced largely on the basis of whether the moderators like or don't like the violator. None of it really works. It's inherently dysfunctional.

At the now-defunct, atheist-dominated Forum for Active and Critical Thinking Skills (FACTS), some of us on this side of sanity broke off and started an email list of people who seemed to have interesting things to say and could do so without coming unhinged. It wasn't perfect, but it was better.

My participation on forums has been far more sporadic over the past ten years than it used to be. I always reach a point of feeling slightly stupid and disappointed in myself for participating at all. Why am I doing this? Do I get anything at all out of it? Is it just mental masturbation because I'm bored and can think of nothing better to do? Can I really find nothing better to do with my time? The only justification that makes any sense to me is that I'm writing for myself, exercising my brain and organizing my thoughts – but I can do that without a forum.

Perhaps you'll find your niche at this place, although with only a handful of participants it already seems headed down the path of all forums – and I believe this is because they are all inherently dysfunctional and toxic. I actually do think you'd find enhanced peace of mind if you'd simply break free. The sheer number of threads you start does seem somewhat indicative of an obsession or addiction.

And that's all I have to say about that. If this is my last post ever on any forum, I'll be very pleased with myself. Although the Flat Earth forum does look like it might have potential, I must say, so maybe I'll just call myself ThinksItsRound as see how it goes for awhile, https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php … Or maybe not. (Wait, there actually is a participant called EarthIsRound, so maybe I'll have some kindred spirits!)

You will find Beloved O'Darby is the same way.

Maybe you should start your own and show us rubes how it's done.
Thanks for your detailed and thoughtful response.
Why am I doing this? Do I get anything at all out of it? Is it just mental masturbation because I'm bored and can think of nothing better to do? Can I really find nothing better to do with my time? The only justification that makes any sense to me is that I'm writing for myself, exercising my brain and organizing my thoughts – but I can do that without a forum.
Forums are like a writing exercise for me.
And I like the interaction. And button pushing. - LOL
Err... I mean challenges given.

The sheer number of threads you start does seem somewhat indicative of an obsession or addiction.
Certainly a daily ritual.
1) Coffee
2) NYT Wordle
3) Forum
4) Work (or not)

And that's all I have to say about that. If this is my last post ever on any forum, I'll be very pleased with myself.
Applause, applause...

Although the Flat Earth forum does look like it might have potential, I must say, so maybe I'll just call myself ThinksItsRound as see how it goes for awhile, https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php … Or maybe not. (Wait, there actually is a participant called EarthIsRound, so maybe I'll have some kindred spirits!)
That's pretty funny! (go on the flat earth forum with the username ThinkItsRound) - wow

A point to consider: Flat-earthers believe in a "round" earth. Just not a sphere.
Have you seen a flat earth map? It's round.

Maybe you should start your own and show us rubes how it's done.
I would have no clue. As the old fart who was the Buddha of our law firm used to love to say, "Some problems have no solutions." I've been on numerous religion, spirituality, NDE, UFO, paranormal, motorcycle, golf and JFK assassination forums for 25+ years and they have all been essentially the same. My friends who are on photography, cooking and pet forums - PET FORUMS, for crying out loud! - tell me the same. I understand and appreciate that you are attempting to run a more broadminded and inclusive forum, and it is or could be an improvement over things like Christianity Board, but the core problems seem to me to have no solutions and seem to have already reared their heads.

I suppose an O'Darby-operated forum would have no rules other than that if Dictator O'Darby just doesn't like you or gets tired of you, he will summarily bid you adieu. Or perhaps Dictator O'Darby must preapprove all threads and decide whether they are worthy of discussion. Or Dictator O'Darby might insist upon a very narrow focus for the entire forum rather than anything as broad as Christianity or Theology. Or perhaps participants would be limited to two posts per day and no more than two per thread in an effort to minimize the tedious fussing, feuding and dead horse beating. How popular would any of that be?

Insofar as theology is concerned, I've simply reached a "can't take it anymore" crisis point. I'm tired of all the Christian BS and nonsensical Inside Baseball discussions as though there were any meaningful answers or any minds were going to be changed. OSAS, non-OSAS, whether God is named Yahweh, whether the Trinity is true, pretrib and postrib, what this verse means, blah, blah, blah - none of it even interests me anymore. I strongly suspect Ultimate Reality and whatever or whoever is the source of Ultimate Reality is completely beyond our grasp and is certainly not captured to any significant extent by any religion. These days I find I am interested only in things that approach the level of objective evidence, that may actually increase my base of knowledge and perhaps provide clues as to what the Ultimate Reality may be.

I just finished two books: The Inescapable Love of God by philosopher/theologian Thomas Talbott (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00QJJFQA0/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_d_asin_title_351_o02?ie=UTF8&psc=1), which is apparently regarded as one of the deepest and most scholarly defenses of Universalism, and Katsugoro and Other Reincarnation Cases in Japan by researcher Ohkado Masayuki (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CZQ7R4P2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_d_asin_title_351_o00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). Well before finishing the former, which certainly wasn't worthless, I was ready to scream "JUST SHUT UP!!!" - not because I object to Universalism but because I'm simply worn out with dubious biblical and philosophical arguments of all kinds; they just go nowhere, except perhaps to reinforce what you want to believe and are going to believe anyway. When I finished the latter, on the other hand, I thought "Excellent! I have increased my base of knowledge in this area and can now add to the framework of my thinking about the possible nature and source of Ultimate Reality.

(If anyone cares, the single most influential book in my spiritual journey was Secret Splendor, a humble 128-page tome published by the Philosophical Library in 1973 and written by an absolute nobody named Charles Earnest Essert. I stumbled upon a used copy completely by chance in 1997. Essert had a minor but classic experience of Cosmic Consciousness. Upon finishing the book, I truly felt "This guy GETS IT." I've probably read it 20 times since and return to it like a life preserver of sanity when I reach one of my periodic "can't take it anymore" crisis points. It was reissued in 1997 with the subtitle The Journey Within, but I'm afraid the now-defunct publisher may have put a New Age spin on the original, used copies of which can still be found at the invaluable Advanced Book Exchange.)

Oops, the previous post was apparently not my last post ever on any forum. I would be displeased with myself, but I'm so relentlessly pleased with myself in general that I'll overlook the minor transgression. Maybe this will be my last. 🙏
Or perhaps participants would be limited to two posts per day and no more than two per thread in an effort to minimize the tedious fussing, feuding and dead horse beating.
Isn't it against the rules on this forum to talk about beating horses? (even dead ones) ???

] cc: @Mr E
I've been on numerous religion, spirituality, NDE, UFO, paranormal, motorcycle, golf and JFK assassination forums for 25+ years and they have all been essentially the same. My friends who are on photography, cooking and pet forums - PET FORUMS, for crying out loud! - tell me the same.
I think there are 2 different points here:
  1. Getting banned for wrong think.
  2. Forums tend to attract contentious personalities.
For #1, I don’t think @SteVen should have been banned for his wrong think. I was once banned at CyB for wrong think. Another poster successfully lobbied to get me re-instated.

I’m willing to lobby for @SteVen. As Voltaire said, I will argue with you until I’m blue in the face but I’ll kill and die for your right to speak.

Regarding #2, I’ve noticed most women go on forums to share challenges and ask for prayers - not to debate.

Yes, I like to debate. However, I’m very selective about what threads I frequent. Many simply don’t interest me. I suspect @SteVen can verify that I was not a frequent poster on many of his CyB threads. Yet, I did post a fair amount on some.

Enough about me. Let’s talk about you. Although I have not done it yet on this forum, on other forums I am quick to invoke the IGNORE button. I know @RedFan is offended by some of my posts. A sign of emotional responsibility is to set personal limits of snarkiness. Some, I don’t block them but simply ignore them (for the most part). MatthewG and Jack at CyB are examples.

Hope this helps.
For #1, I don’t think @SteVen should have been banned for his wrong think. I was once banned at CyB for wrong think. Another poster successfully lobbied to get me re-instated.

I’m willing to lobby for @SteVen. As Voltaire said, I will argue with you until I’m blue in the face but I’ll kill and die for your right to speak.
If you are willing to speak to someone over there, I would appreciate it, Thanks.
