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Are We to Emulate Christ Jesus?

He's not in the members list.
Does this site ban as many members as OTHER sites?
John 14:31. Just a single verse, yet prolific. Thanks to @QuestionIt for causing the study bringing me to stumble across this verse. Christ loved GOD and as GOD commanded He did. Profound yet simple.

To the thread title-question........most definitely, IF we are followers of Jesus and all that he stood for, regardless of our preferred theology or Christology.

If 'God' is love, then we as disciples of the 'Christ' will surely love and serve others in the perfect pattern and example of God's Son (His anointed), since we by love are adopted into the same realization of divine sonship as we unite to 'God' and serve his will, which is love's will. Love is its own law and will perform its own conduct. If we are branches of the Vine, we will bear its fruits.

Only those who DO his will, come into harmony with his grace and guiding spirit, which is the very motive and principle in us perfecting our worship and service to life.

The Way of 'God' is the way of his nature, character and will....no matter what name you slap on 'God' or your 'religion'.

Faith is not based on EMOTIONS~

Heb 11:1- Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

What is your 'assurance' and 'conviction' based on... emotions?
God is love. Love is an emotion.
John 14:31. Just a single verse, yet prolific. Thanks to @QuestionIt for causing the study bringing me to stumble across this verse. Christ loved GOD and as GOD commanded He did. Profound yet simple.
John 14:31 but I am doing just what the Father commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father. Get up, let us go from here."

To love God is to obey God.
To the thread title-question........most definitely, IF we are followers of Jesus and all that he stood for, regardless of our preferred theology or Christology.

If 'God' is love, then we as disciples of the 'Christ' will surely love and serve others in the perfect pattern and example of God's Son (His anointed), since we by love are adopted into the same realization of divine sonship as we unite to 'God' and serve his will, which is love's will. Love is its own law and will perform its own conduct. If we are branches of the Vine, we will bear its fruits.

Only those who DO his will, come into harmony with his grace and guiding spirit, which is the very motive and principle in us perfecting our worship and service to life.

The Way of 'God' is the way of his nature, character and will....no matter what name you slap on 'God' or your 'religion'.

Thank you sir. I'm relieved we agree here, and am glad you are well.

John 14:31 but I am doing just what the Father commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father. Get up, let us go from here."

To love God is to obey God.
But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence