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Believers are said to be buried and raised with Christ, which denotes new life. Quote
Why don't you dig your grave and let them buried you? Surely you will have a new life!! And who is that believers that said to buried and raised with Christ?

Now is it amazing 👏!! From baptizing going under water, a symbolically act for a new person in Christ, now is resurrected WITH Christ. So every person that now baptizing, a symbolism to be a new person in Christ has became resurrected with Christ. Conclusion 🤔: This new teaching is telling people that Jesus will die everytime when somebody born (resurrect) again.

O God! Has mercy 🥺 with my soul!! Now I can clearly understand why you didn't come yet. So sad 😞
One can learn a lot about the mindset and the cultural terminology ancient people used to write scripture.
Why don't they start believing what is written in the Bible, and practice what Jesus and the apostles has teaches, so that they could be capable to help others?? Everybody can write Hebrew or Greeks, but can they convinced a Chinese man what they are writing? Do you think that what is written in Hebrews or Greek was from the New student of your time without any other person writing before them?
It's not the translation of words from one language to another, that's the easy part.
One must learn what those words meant to the people at the time they were written.
Without that knowledge one would be reading blindly and could make up any meaning for the words.
If it wasn't by the power of God, that they has translated the Bible in all other languages, then in which power do you think that they did? Go read how Paul describes his knowledge about God, and who is his teacher.
Ancient Jews didn't just read scripture.
They read a variety of ancient written material of the cultures all around them, and they utilized much of the same terminology and symbolism when they wrote scripture.
Yes, that's why, today we don't need any other people to teach us new teaching. We have enough to find our salvation written in our language.

Again my friend, can you show me the world resurrected in the Bible by someone that it has happened in the Bible alive?

Can you not understand that the word BORN and Resurrect is not the same thing. I will help you, maybe you also are not an English born speaking person, maybe a resurrect person. So I have understand your teaching. But let we see how others see this two issue.

1. Infection of bear; given BIRTH to.
Although not BORN in the country, she qualifies for nationality through her grandparents.

2. (obsolete) infection of bear in other senses.

(not comparable)

1. Having from birth (or as if from birth) a certainly quality or character; innate; inserted.

(resurrects present participle resurrecting; simple past and past participle resurrected.

1. (transitive) To raise from the dead, to bring life back to.

synonyms: revive

2. (transitive) To restore to a working state.
3. (transitive) To bring back to view or attention; reinstate.

Now! Are this two words are the same thing, Born and Resurrect?
As sons of God we are not what we will be.

To be born again is to be resurrected with the promise of a new incorruptible body .Its all one in the same work of God

Its not restored but a new creation neither male nor female Jew nor gentile .

If God our confidence has begun the good work of salvation he will finish it to the last day the day we receive the propmised new bodies

You could say two resurrection in one .First a new spirit then a new body

Philippians 1: 6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Jesus said, I am the resurrection

Our citizenship is not of this world we are ambassadors for Christ sent from a foreign land. the new Jerusalem Our birth record the lamb of God slain from the foundation book is kept from moths and corrosion

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
As sons of God we are not what we will be.

To be born again is to be resurrected with the promise of a new incorruptible body .Its all one in the same work of God

Its not restored but a new creation neither male nor female Jew nor gentile .

If God our confidence has begun the good work of salvation he will finish it to the last day the day we receive the propmised new bodies

You could say two resurrection in one .First a new spirit then a new body

Philippians 1: 6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Jesus said, I am the resurrection

Our citizenship is not of this world we are ambassadors for Christ sent from a foreign land. the new Jerusalem Our birth record the lamb of God slain from the foundation book is kept from moths and corrosion

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Raised from dead is resurrection. So every Christians who has  DIE in Christ will be RESURRECTED IN THE LAST DAY.

When Jesus come now.
Stop pretending and stop plucking verses in the Bible, and twisting the word of God my friends!!

Resurrection is resurrection, and born is born.
Raised from dead is resurrection. So every Christians who has  DIE in Christ will be RESURRECTED IN THE LAST DAY.

When Jesus come now.
Stop pretending and stop plucking verses in the Bible, and twisting the word of God my friends!!

Resurrection is resurrection, and born is born
Why don't you dig your grave and let them buried you?
Why would you suggest such a morbid and deranged thing?

And who is that believers that said to buried and raised with Christ?

Now is it amazing 👏!! From baptizing going under water, a symbolically act for a new person in Christ, now is resurrected WITH Christ.
I keep forgetting you are not familiar with all of scripture.
So here ya go .....

Colossians 2
(12) having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead.

This new teaching is telling people that Jesus will die everytime when somebody born (resurrect) again.
Paul taught it so it's obviously not a new teaching.
And nothing was said or implied that Jesus will die every time one is buried and resurrected with Christ.
How do you come up with such foolish stuff?
That's why we cannot mixed resurrection with born. Stop reading Greek mythology in Greece language. It wouldn't help you with nothing. Used your own language.

If God doesn't want us to understand His Word then nobody today can translate Hebrews or Greeks or whatever.

Start using only your Bible. The earlier sholars did it all ready.
You could benefit from knowledge of Greek language. It isn't mythology, and the NT was written in it.

The NT bible is a Greek bible, so stop being stupid.
Why would you suggest such a morbid and deranged thing?
I didn't suggest it is your teaching about resurrection with Christ. You cannot distinguish between symbolic and reality languages. Otherwise you should know when to use born again an resurrected.
I keep forgetting you are not familiar with all of scripture.
So here ya go .....
My question is not about forgetting, it is all about where can I read the word resurrection when someone is still alive. I understand that your teaching has hypnotized yours mind. And God let it happened because you don't love the Biblical truths. 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12.
Colossians 2
(12) having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead.
Having been buried with Him in baptism (symbolic), in which were also raised with Him through faith (meaning the old man is dead SYMBOLIC. we don't sin anymore (not symbolic) in the powerful WORKING (not only grace) of God, who raised Him (Jesus Christ) from the dead (RESURRECTION) (not symbolic).

So baptism is going under water 💧 alive, and raised up alive. (symbolic)
Paul taught it so it's obviously not a new teaching.
And nothing was said or implied that Jesus will die every time one is buried and resurrected with Christ.
How do you come up with such foolish stuff?
I hope by giving you milk drinking in baby bottle 🍼, your eyes can open. I hate those who have poison you with this false teaching. I mean not humans but demons. Satan self doesn't have time to hangout on forums. He is hard busy working on his 2030 agenda that you don't know what it is. Why? Because his demons 😈 already have brainwashed yours mind to looking on the literal Israel and Jerusalem on earth, inplace to looking at the spiritual Israel. All true Christians are spiritual Israelites, and their focus is on the things that is in heaven the New Jerusalem describes in Revelation 21:1-27 and Revelation 22:1-20.
You could benefit from knowledge of Greek language. It isn't mythology, and the NT was written in it.

The NT bible is a Greek bible, so stop being stupid.
Then if you can understand this, why can you not understand what is written in your own language? Isn't it a stupidity thing to not do?

An old man started studying Greeks and Hebrews, that will takes him a hundred years to understand everything. I'm sure no one of yours that are pretending to know Greeks, cannot write even 10 words by memory.

Now stop twisting this teaching. Are you agree with verse 1 and 2?
I didn't suggest it is your teaching about resurrection with Christ.
Here is what you said:
"Why don't you dig your grave and let them buried you?"
Not only is that unbiblical, but a morbidly stupid thing to say.
What possessed you to say something like that?

You cannot distinguish between symbolic and reality languages.
Sure I can.
What makes you think that symbolic language used doesn't result in a reality?

Otherwise you should know when to use born again an resurrected.
One is born anew when they are resurrected, are then not?
Sure they are!

I understand that your teaching has hypnotized yours mind. And God let it happened because you don't love the Biblical truths. 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12.

Having been buried with Him in baptism (symbolic), in which were also raised with Him through faith (meaning the old man is dead SYMBOLIC. we don't sin anymore (not symbolic) in the powerful WORKING (not only grace) of God, who raised Him (Jesus Christ) from the dead (RESURRECTION) (not symbolic).

So baptism is going under water 💧 alive, and raised up alive. (symbolic)
Baptism is symbolic of being buried with Christ, so going under the water is death, and coming up out of the water is symbolic of being resurrected with Christ.
They go together.

I hope by giving you milk drinking in baby bottle 🍼, your eyes can open.
Not the sour milk you offer.

I hate those who have poison you with this false teaching. I mean not humans but demons.
The milk you offer is poison and demonic.

Satan self doesn't have time to hangout on forums. He is hard busy working on his 2030 agenda that you don't know what it is.
It's a fantasy theology taught to you by demonic spirits.

Why? Because his demons 😈 already have brainwashed yours mind to looking on the literal Israel and Jerusalem on earth, inplace to looking at the spiritual Israel.
You are under the demonic influence that both the literal and spiritual won't happen.
Believers trust God's promises that both will happen.

All true Christians are spiritual Israelites, and their focus is on the things that is in heaven the New Jerusalem describes in Revelation 21:1-27 and Revelation 22:1-20.
True believers trust every promise of God, not just the ones they cherry pick.
Here is what you said:
"Why don't you dig your grave and let them buried you?"
Not only is that unbiblical, but a morbidly stupid thing to say.
What possessed you to say something like that?

Sure I can.
What makes you think that symbolic language used doesn't result in a reality?

One is born anew when they are resurrected, are then not?
Sure they are!


Baptism is symbolic of being buried with Christ, so going under the water is death, and coming up out of the water is symbolic of being resurrected with Christ.
They go together.

Not the sour milk you offer.

The milk you offer is poison and demonic.

It's a fantasy theology taught to you by demonic spirits.

You are under the demonic influence that both the literal and spiritual won't happen.
Believers trust God's promises that both will happen.

True believers trust every promise of God, not just the ones they cherry pick.
Sorry sister I didn't mean to hurt you. I just want you to resurrect without sin and without corrupt body. Because by baptism you are living in sin everyday till Jesus Christ come back. So it is better to die. Are you agree with me?❤
I'm sure no one of yours that are pretending to know Greeks, cannot write even 10 words by memory.
There are those here that can read, write and speak Hebrew as well as Greek.
You really should stop being puffed up by your delusions of grandiose intellectual prowess.
Sorry sister I didn't mean to hurt you.
I ain't hurt.
Why would you think such a stupid thing as that?

I just want you to resurrect without sin and without corrupt body. Because by baptism you are living in sin everyday till Jesus Christ come back. So it is better to die. Are you agree with me?❤
Baptism is the symbolism of both death and resurrection.
Both, not just one, both.
Those demon blinders you wear are preventing you from seeing that.