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Banned from Christianity Board

I agree.
If I had a way to reach them I would ask. But I am blocked from even asking.
Frustrating, as you say.


Yes— they are rather nasty… They obstruct access to your account so you can’t

access personal messages in your inbox. This prevents you from asking why you were banned, or protesting the action.

It even prevents you from logging off so that you could simply view the site as a guest without posting privileges. This action also makes it appear to others not as your having been banned, but simply that you are still around and just not posting.

It’s nasty, unnecessary and dishonest.
Anything strange going on over at Christianity Boards?
When I came over here I discovered that O'Darby had been banned from Christianity Boards.
Then I was banned and right after that Mr. E was banned.
See post #1 of this topic for more info about my removal from Christianity Boards.

Anything strange going on over at Christianity Boards?
When I came over here I discovered that O'Darby had been banned from Christianity Boards.
Then I was banned and right after that Mr. E was banned.
See post #1 of this topic for more info about my removal from Christianity Boards.

Things are as they were. The same stridency you remember, and undoubtedly must miss so dearly. I stick around to get my fair share of abuse.
Things are as they were. The same stridency you remember, and undoubtedly must miss so dearly. I stick around to get my fair share of abuse.
Indeed. - LOL
White Horse is quite a departure from the other forums.

A Forum of a Different Color.

] cc: @Mr E
No. My concern about you is not doctrinal.

You may have read for I have posted it many times that there is no doctrinal purity test - and thank God for that! My concern is that you are in a season of doubt, your faith is wavering and the Adversary is attacking you.
No doctrinal purity test? Wow.
Where does that leave you? Can there really be no single answer?
Is there really doctrinal diversity after all?

Do you know that verse where Jesus says he will give the weary rest? I think that's what you need. I think it was @O'Darby III who also commented about the restlessness in your soul for starting so many threads. (I'm paraphrasing). Good @Ol' Barn I think it was who wrote a year or 2 ago about resting during his lunch hour rather than study the Bible. He told me not to tell God. (It could have been another poster). That influenced me a lot to back off the gas peddle of zealotry for my own peace of mind.
I think I found rest by getting off the evangelical treadmill.

However, rejecting the bad theology that so many cling to as a security blanket has left me without the pacifier of religion.
I'm embracing the mystery. That requires some adjustment.

And I suppose there's a fine line between restless and tireless. I think tireless may be a better fit for me.
My forum involvement is as much for me as for others. I like to write. It gives me personal clarity.
Some of my topics are half-baked because they are used to formulate my thoughts.
And it doesn't always work. Oftentimes I return to them later. (like a dog to vomit) - LOL

No doctrinal purity test? Wow.
Where does that leave you? Can there really be no single answer?
Is there really doctrinal diversity after all?
Of course there is doctrinal diversity but there is no unity in it! We are not supposed to be united in doctrines but love for one another.

You can believe the name of God is Fred Flintstone. That does change the fact that we are supposed to be united by love for one another.

Where does that leave me? <sigh> it’s like that funny quip about Americans and Brits. We are different people separated by a common language.
Of course there is doctrinal diversity but there is no unity in it! We are not supposed to be united in doctrines but love for one another.
You finally understand.
The unity of the faith is NOT doctrinal unity. It's unity in diversity. = love

it’s like that funny quip about Americans and Brits. We are different people separated by a common language.
Brit: "That's not a bug on your windshield, it's an insect on your windscreen."
American: "Wait, it's a windshield. We invented the automobile."
Brit: "Quite right, but we invented the language."

I take it they are still deep in prayer about your possible readmission to the CB priesthood?
I know!
What kind of pseudo-spiritual disingenuous behavior was that? - LOL

"Would you consider allowing St. SteVen back on the forum?"
"Well, we'll pray about it." (then we NEVER hear from them again) BIG surprise. - LOL

] @Wrangler
I know!
What kind of pseudo-spiritual disingenuous behavior was that? - LOL

"Would you consider allowing St. SteVen back on the forum?"
"Well, we'll pray about it." (then we NEVER hear from them again) BIG surprise. - LOL

] @Wrangler
Obviously, they never heard from God in response to their prayers - alas, an all-too-common experience!

"We'll pray about it" is indeed one of those trite "Christian" ways to tap-dance away from an issue. Because they are "Christians," they can't simply say "We'll take a vote." No, they have to "pray about it" so it isn't them but God who decides you aren't CB material. They did their best, but God just wasn't on board. Actually, what "We'll pray about it" really means is "We have no intention of changing our minds but it's too uncomfortable just to say so, so we say we'll pray about it and hope you'll go away and forget you asked."