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Defining the godhead - an open discussion on Unitarianism, Binitarianism and Trinitarianism

It sounds like you are accusing the translators of some degree of sloppiness. Me too.
I think many words can be used for father. Abba (Daddy) being the most intimate and childlike. ???
We certainly do that in English. Father, Dad, Poppa, Daddy, Pops, Old Man... I used Daddo - LOL
My Dad actually called me "old man".

] cc: @RedFan
Moses was right, because Moses says so? It's circular reasoning.
I confess I'm not used to anyone slandering the prophet Moses. Are you going to just ignore how other prophets affirmed our Father's name, our Creator's name is YHWH?

Almighty Bob. In fact, whenever we think of a Supreme Being, I want everyone to call him Bob-- got it?

And everyone did.

Wups. Except Jesus. Jesus said call him Daddy.
Not sure what your objection is coming from. The person's name who created us, who fathered us is YHWH. Relationship names include father, son, cousin, neighbor, boss/master/lord. But ones relationship is different from one's name.
Except Bob messes up now and then. He makes stuff and it doesn't always work out for him. So he wipes out all life, including all humanity with the exception of 8 people.
Wow! You are blaspheming a lot today. Do yo love Bob (YHWH) with all your heart, mind and strength as Jesus said?

Watched a vid about how we are in Rev 6 of tribulation. The eroding of the church is prophesied and happening. The pastor Steve Ciocallanti said God will leave a remnant, how there is nothing new under the sun, God has destroyed and left a remnant many times before. Object lesson?
A Greek word was chosen by the author to represent what Jesus supposedly said in a different language. Did Jesus ever use "Abba"?
You know, I've always wondered about that. The OT is written in Hebrew (Aramaic?) Jesus spoke in Aramic and most of the Gospel writers are Hebrews. So, why is the NT not written in Aramaic? I've heard it was an academic thing, akin to for over 1,000 years academic work was written in Latin.
You know, I've always wondered about that. The OT is written in Hebrew (Aramaic?) Jesus spoke in Aramic and most of the Gospel writers are Hebrews. So, why is the NT not written in Aramaic? I've heard it was an academic thing, akin to for over 1,000 years academic work was written in Latin.

There are Aramaic manuscripts-- the Peshitta.

I confess I'm not used to anyone slandering the prophet Moses. Are you going to just ignore how other prophets affirmed our Father's name, our Creator's name is YHWH?
As I understand it, the Israelites were forbidden (?) to speak the name. (or even write it) Thus YHWY.
But you seem to think we should be using it?

As I understand it, the Israelites were forbidden (?) to speak the name. (or even write it) Thus YHWY.
But you seem to think we should be using it?

Yup! Jesus said to keep his name holy. He didn't say don't use it.
Yup! Jesus said to keep his name holy. He didn't say don't use it.
Did Jesus use the name Yahweh?

Did the 12 Apostles use the name Yahweh?
Did the Apostle Paul use the name Yahweh?

I don't see it anywhere in the New Testament. (send help)

This is interesting. (to me)

Exodus 3:15 Peschitta
15And God said again to Moshe: “In this way speak to the children of Israel: ‘LORD JEHOVAH,
the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Yaquuv has sent me unto you’;
this is my Name to eternity and this is my memorial to a generation of generations.

This is interesting. (to me)

Exodus 3:15 Peschitta
15And God said again to Moshe: “In this way speak to the children of Israel: ‘LORD JEHOVAH,
the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Yaquuv has sent me unto you’;
this is my Name to eternity and this is my memorial to a generation of generations.


With respect-- you are relying on the source to confirm the source. You have no verification that doesn't come from the same single source.

Moses- is the source. Moses makes the claim and Moses certifies it. It's like moon rocks. NASA had so many that immediately after bringing them home by the boxful they started giving them away to more than 100 different countries. How can you tell a moon rock apart from say--- an old piece of petrified wood? Well, because NASA says they brought all those rocks back and they personally certified them to be authentic moonrocks... from the moon.


The Dutch national Rijksmuseum made an embarrassing announcement last week that one of its most loved possessions, a moon rock, is a fake -- just an old piece of petrified wood that's never been anywhere near the moon.

The Rijksmuseum is famous for its fine art collections, especially paintings by Rembrandt and other masters. One of its lesser known objects, the "moon rock", was first unveiled in October 2006 as the centerpiece of a "Fly me to the moon" exhibition. At that time, the museum said the rock symbolized the "exploration of the unknown, colonization of far-away places and bringing back of treasures..." A reading about the "moon rock" was even held on October 7 because it was a full moon!

The rock was given as a private gift to former prime minister Willem Drees Jr in 1969 by the U.S. ambassador to The Netherlands, J. William Middendorf II, during a visit by the Apollo 11 astronauts -Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin, soon after the first moon landing.
According to an article published by the Rijksmuseum, at one time the rock was insured for approximately half a million dollars, but its actual value is probably no more than around $70.

Former U.S. ambassador, Mr Middendorf was unable to recall the exact details of how the rock came to be in the U.S. State Department's possession. It is known that NASA gave lunar rocks to over 100 countries in the 1970s.
Did Jesus use the name Yahweh?

Did the 12 Apostles use the name Yahweh?
Did the Apostle Paul use the name Yahweh?

I don't see it anywhere in the New Testament. (send help)
So what that our God's personal name is not in the NT? What name is it in the Lord's Prayer that we are supposed to keep holy? (Not 'the Father' but YHWH).