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Why Christ's Deity is important

People seize on somewhat incidental remarks in the Bible and make them cardinal maxims.
100% agree.
we (definitely including me) speculate farther than what I believe the Word actually reveals.
I wonder what is it about the human condition that drives speculating about the revealed Word?

I suppose I speculate about people’s motives but try to be a minimalist, as you say. If you see me speculating beyond the revealed Word, please point it out to me.
I'm really a theological minimalist, which is so dreadfully hard to do with a book containing ¾ million English words, you know?
I believe there are 2 minimalist points:
  1. Theologically minimalist
  2. Not verbose
These are correlated. Those who tend to extrapolate beyond the revealed word tend to rely on verbosity.

One clear cut example I use is what day of Creation man was created on. We can quote the explicit Scripture and be done with it. By contrast, there is no corresponding explicit Scripture on what day Eve was created. What makes this a good example is there is no theological significance to Eve’s creation.

Why can’t people recognize recognize they doctrinally invest in ambiguous verses? There is a legal term for such incidental remarks, dicta. This shows the phenomena is not just on religious matters.