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Who wants to know the law?

You have the picture of someone who is older. You are acting like you are 13.
Thank you, burning man.

I read your posts, and couldn't even find a yes or no to the question.
You spoke about;

the Pharaoh's sorcerers,
then about the angels of God,
then about harlots and wine,
and then about Rasputin and Hillary Clinton.

Maybe I sound like a 13 year old to you,
but I can stay on topic, and do try to answer the questions.
And I am 18, btw.
18 years in God's land.
Spiritual Law gets into things "Extra Biblical," and some people, they have not liked that. Spiritual Law may be "between the lines," and seen in the context of men living God.

How many Angels are there? What are their functions? How are they allowed to interact with man? What does it mean "We are to judge the angels? (1 Corinthians 6:3) The context of this, it gets into some things Extra Biblical.

If someone were to tell me that Michael and Gabriel were the only named angels in the Bible, I may point out that Azazel is a named entity. Angel names end with an El. What was Azazel, what was his function, and why would people send goats to him with their sins on its forehead? Understanding, someone is getting into Spiritual Law.

Simply put, Jesus' teaching and commandments are a spiritual law, IMO.

Simply put, Jesus' teaching and commandments are a spiritual law, IMO.


Given God spoke through someone, that may be Spiritual Law. Jesus Christ was a Prophet.

The Bible is The WORD of God. Have you ever heard someone say "My Word is my bond?" God doesn't lie.
Thank you, burning man.

I read your posts, and couldn't even find a yes or no to the question.
You spoke about;

the Pharaoh's sorcerers,
then about the angels of God,
then about harlots and wine,
and then about Rasputin and Hillary Clinton.

Maybe I sound like a 13 year old to you,
but I can stay on topic, and do try to answer the questions.
And I am 18, btw.
18 years in God's land.
I used to be a teacher. I also took care of privates in the Army.

Given you would like to learn, that is good.
Given God spoke through someone, that may be Spiritual Law. Jesus Christ was a Prophet.

The Bible is The WORD of God. Have you ever heard someone say "My Word is my bond?" God doesn't lie.
So you take a pick of which one you follow not necessarily Jesus' teachings?

I thought Christians are Jesus' followers.

Are you a Christian?

“I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God. Luke 12:8

Given someone like a Kesha, she has Jesus on her ear, someone like Kesha, who has been known for some Satanism, why does she acknowledge Jesus?

She was working to get some angels. Luke 12:8 has no caveats.

We are to judge the angels. (1 Corinthians 6:3)

Who wants to know the law?​

If you claim His name, all His teachings are the law for them.
so if you want to know the law, you ought to read 4 gospel books that contain mostly Jesus' teachings.

It is the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Revelation.
so if you want to know the law, you ought to read 4 gospel books that contain mostly Jesus' teachings.

It is the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Revelation.
Jesus Christ could not be a Prophet without the Prophets of The Bible. Someone reads the New Testament from an Old Testament understanding.

Someone like Apostle Paul, prior to there being a New Testament, he taught out the Book of Isaiah.