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Who is This?

Where does Genesis say YHWH is a spirit/son of the Father-God?

Chapter one is all (and only) about the elohim in general.

Chapter two names one specific elohim.

The elohim are described in detail in scripture in places like Deuteronomy- as divine beings-- sons of God.
Do you think Yahweh would have prayed to the Father?

Not exactly-- Yahweh is in spirit, in the presence of the Father-- if by praying, you simply mean communicating with Him-- then yes.

Psalms 82:1-8 is where the idea comes from. It's fascinating.

An elohim stands in the assembly of the elohim..... and in the midst of this assembly of gods-- he governs. You have one in charge of all others.

He chastises them all... judges them, and presiding over them he accuses them of all kinds of wrong-doing- particularly for the injustice and unfairness in the treatment of the poor and the fatherless. (these are those below-- mankind).

And he says (and this is important, enough so that Jesus points right to it) ----

‘You are gods; all of you are sons of the Most High.

The one speaking is one among the many.... and the one that they are all sons of is apart. The Father. The Most High.
Not exactly-- Yahweh is in spirit, in the presence of the Father-- if by praying, you simply mean communicating with Him-- then yes.

Psalms 82:1-8 is where the idea comes from. It's fascinating.

An elohim stands in the assembly of the elohim..... and in the midst of this assembly of gods-- he governs. You have one in charge of all others.

He chastises them all... judges them, and presiding over them he accuses them of all kinds of wrong-doing- particularly for the injustice and unfairness in the treatment of the poor and the fatherless. (these are those below-- mankind).

And he says (and this is important, enough so that Jesus points right to it) ----

‘You are gods; all of you are sons of the Most High.

The one speaking is one among the many.... and the one that they are all sons of is apart. The Father. The Most High.

I would say that communicating with the Father is a very reasonable definition of praying to the Father.

Yahweh has a lot to say in scripture. Why do you think he says, for example, “There is no God besides me”?

If the Father is Yahweh’s God, and if Yahweh communicates with / prays to his God, then what he says about there being no God besides himself is troublsome.
I would say that communicating with the Father is a very reasonable definition of praying to the Father.

Yahweh has a lot to say in scripture. Why do you think he says, for example, “There is no God besides me”?

If the Father is Yahweh’s God, and if Yahweh communicates with / prays to his God, then what he says about there being no God besides himself is troublsome.

Not really.

If you are the top dog, and you say that there are none among the pack of dogs --like you..... where is the conflict?
Not really.

If you are the top dog, and you say that there are none among the pack of dogs --like you..... where is the conflict?

I wouldn’t think the Father would be pleased with anyone besides himself saying, “I alone am God.”
I'm 100% sure He would not.

Sounds like something a Father would discipline a son for saying.

It does. Do you believe the Father has disciplined his son, Yahweh? A private matter, perhaps, not mentioned in scripture?

Are Jesus and Yahweh brothers in your theology?
It does. Do you believe the Father has disciplined his son, Yahweh? A private matter, perhaps, not mentioned in scripture?

Are Jesus and Yahweh brothers in your theology?

This is a deep and wide-ranging topic. Did the Father discipline His son? Without a doubt. LORD of all the earth is not really a title worth winning. Neither is 'God of Israel' for that matter and many consider Yahweh to be both, while not for a moment even considering that he might not be the Father.

It's interesting. In theological twister-- when you put your right foot on the blue dot, you also have to at times put your left hand on a red dot. There are many Christians who come to the conclusion that Jesus (the man) is also Yahweh, and the Father--- all at once. Now put your right hand on the yellow dot.....

No-- Jesus was the brother of James, Joe Jr, Simon and Judas.
This is a deep and wide-ranging topic. Did the Father discipline His son? Without a doubt. LORD of all the earth is not really a title worth winning. Neither is 'God of Israel' for that matter and many consider Yahweh to be both, while not for a moment even considering that he might not be the Father.

It's interesting. In theological twister-- when you put your right foot on the blue dot, you also have to at times put your left hand on a red dot. There are many Christians who come to the conclusion that Jesus (the man) is also Yahweh, and the Father--- all at once. Now put your right hand on the yellow dot.....

No-- Jesus was the brother of James, Joe Jr, Simon and Judas.

It is interesting.

Since Yahweh and Jesus aren’t brothers, what exactly is their relationship to one another in your view?
It is interesting.

Since Yahweh and Jesus aren’t brothers, what exactly is their relationship to one another in your view?

Without wanting to put the cart too far ahead of the horse.... I'll offer this much.

If you want to know who that one above is (Yahweh)-- look at those below (for a likeness). The book of beginnings says-- look at Adam.

If you want to know who the Father is--- look at the one made in His image. Look at Jesus.