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What techniques do you use...

Having experienced deep grief, I had an opportunity to talk to a friend some time later who had recently lost his wife. I asked him how he was doing and he said that he didn't think he was doing very well. I told him that there would come a time when he didn't have to cry everyday but for not, let the tears come....the look of relief and comfort on that man's face was astonishing when he realized that he was actually doing okay with that kind of deep grief and that someone else understood.

I know that we aren't talking about grief alone here but thought I would offer this...Since we are talking about wounds that need to heal and in the example, grief from death, let me also put this out there for anyone who might come across such a need. When our son died, I remember 1 person and what they said (I don't remember who said it, just the words that help so much comfort) Someone said, "I have no words!" that said it all. Most of us say, "I'm sorry" or "they are in a better place" or something like that, but the depths of grief cannot be reflected in words and it is a grief that we are to share with one another, thus we took great comfort in knowing that someone recognized the depths of our pain by acknowledging there were no words to convey the situation. Just thought I would offer that for anyone who might struggle with knowing what to say in a situation like that.
very thoughtful of you..and sometimes words simply fail us to show our love for the other person.
