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What is/are your favorite theology/ apologetic related argument(s)?

Ted T's post is about #2 of course.
My post addresses (and resolves) all three points:

Why does anything exist?
GOD created so HE could share the love that existed within the Trinity to extend the marriage unity of the Trinity to a huge number of others. All theology must address this without contradiction.

Is there an unbroken line of continuity between God and evil, or is God mad that evil exists, too?
Everyone was created in perfection, without sin for any reason or by and means because GOD cannot marry an evil or sinful person and HIS reason to crate anyone was to enter into the perfect marriage unity with them.

No one was created in sin whether in their own sin or in another's sin. Everyone was created able to fulfill HIS purpose:
Isaiah 43:7, 21
7 "whom I created for my glory"
21 the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.

whereas created in Adam's sin means unable to fulfill HIS purpose until after they are changed...


Is it possible to know our world and God truly
It is illogical to believe that GOD would create a Bride that was unable to know HIM and themselves in a meaningful way so as to be unable to fulfill HIS purpose of a true marriage based upon love with HIM by our free will.

I agree that HE IS THERE AND HE IS NOT SILENT is Dr. Schaeffer's best book and all his work fired up my acceptance of the Christian pov of reality (half a lifetime ago!) though the Holy Spirit gently tweaked it greatly after that first rush of acceptance, :).
My post addresses (and resolves) all three points:
Since your initial post #9 presented a summary of your foundational theological beliefs, I’d consider this an expansion of the pointed utilization of the argument within post #9.

The wording of the above portion had me thinking “rebuttal”, at first. As I notice this, it may be tricky to stay out of the appearance of “debate territory” if a counter-arguments are posted in quick succession to arguments… I guess that’s a bridge to cross when we get there.

Anyway, thanks for your continued participation
Thank you for the book recommendation. One of the reasons I was glad to see your name in this thread because I was certain you’d recommend some kind of literature.

I’m personally less familiar with arguments on the 3rd problem listed here, would you say that this book offers your favorite argument on that subject or would you recommend a different source for the curious?

The subject is epistemology. He actually spent 2 chapters on it, one defining the problem, the other showing the Christian answer.

I'm not aware of a better, only newer. Like Sire, Groothuis. When I find a specific in Lewis, I'll let you know. His son Middelmann's PRO-EXISTENCE has a chapter called "The Circumference of Reality" and interacts with philosopher Heller on the modern 'insidious deficiency in the concept of reality.' Which material is actually very pertinent to today, considering gender nonsense, identity nonsense, or why you might call 'hyper-subjectivity.'

Brinsmead might have some material in which the same problem would be related to justification by Christ. IOW, modern confusion in epistemology is largely due, not just to a general loss of Christian knowledge, but specifically the loss of justifications doctrines and details. I can give you an ex. I came across that shows this, but I don't know the source now. It was a direct connection between the 'God is dead' leader _____ and the absence of teaching justification. He said we can't possibly teach justification as Paul or Luther did, and thus God's death. As you may know, the German Lutheran church met with the Vatican reps in the 90s at Augsburg and said 'it was all big mistake.' (mentioned in a newer documentary on Luther).

You could say that the 1859 events is the moment when knowledge was seriously disrupted.
My post addresses (and resolves) all three points:


GOD created so HE could share the love that existed within the Trinity to extend the marriage unity of the Trinity to a huge number of others. All theology must address this without contradiction.


Everyone was created in perfection, without sin for any reason or by and means because GOD cannot marry an evil or sinful person and HIS reason to crate anyone was to enter into the perfect marriage unity with them.

No one was created in sin whether in their own sin or in another's sin. Everyone was created able to fulfill HIS purpose:
Isaiah 43:7, 21
7 "whom I created for my glory"
21 the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.

whereas created in Adam's sin means unable to fulfill HIS purpose until after they are changed...


It is illogical to believe that GOD would create a Bride that was unable to know HIM and themselves in a meaningful way so as to be unable to fulfill HIS purpose of a true marriage based upon love with HIM by our free will.

I agree that HE IS THERE AND HE IS NOT SILENT is Dr. Schaeffer's best book and all his work fired up my acceptance of the Christian pov of reality (half a lifetime ago!) though the Holy Spirit gently tweaked it greatly after that first rush of acceptance, :).

I think the marriage element may be too much, but it does make it more personal. The question of being/existence is a question from the human point of view, like Sartre: 'the basic philosophic problem is that things are there.' (In atheism or what Lewis calls materialism, there shouldn't be anything there.)