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We told him to stop.



Luke 9:49-50

We told him to stop, the disciple John told Jesus.

Even though I personally do not believe demons are running around anymore due to the victory of Christ Jesus over all of his enemies and things in heaven, in the earth, even under the earth.

There are people who are allowed to freely choose to teach as they are lead without having to worry about the judgement of others, and Jesus is the defense on this.

He told John and the disciples do not stop him, for anyone who is not against us is for us.

This is an amazing testimony from Jesus himself, though people may have difference in their theology from others and understanding in which is hopefully lead by the Holy Spirit, people can take what one has to share in consideration or rejection, this is good news.

Not everyone of the body has all the knowledge of the Bible despite what they may believe that includes me, even though someone may share something that is from there heart lead by the spirit and learned from the scriptures someone out here in this world is going to do just like John did, and tell them to stop.

The only thing we can ultimately agree on is the death, burial and resurrection. If you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead in your heart, who has the right to judge you? Where do they get the authority?

The truth is the only authority that can make you stand or make you sit down and think about what you have done is God himself.

A good reminder, and insightful one, for anyone who believes in Jesus and his life, death, burial and resurrection and has experienced new life through him by the Father in heaven, will not so be quick to call Jesus accursed.