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Valentinus and his LOGOS idol

I plan to redo this thread based on information which I was able to organize and gather recently.
I plan to redo this thread based on information which I was able to organize and gather recently.


'Logos', even 'God' is just a word and a concept to some :) - Valentinus was probably just as valid as Paul or any other follower of Jesus (whether they met Jesus in the flesh or not, which Paul did not, or there is not much proof of such), as each had their own 'version' of what or who Jesus was. - Christianity is a hodge-podge of various belief systems, symbols and archetypes, molded in your basic greek-pagan mystery religion cult patterns with other elements formulated as a final state-religion by ROME. In any case,.....Paul even borrowed much from Philo on the 'logos' idea, as well as whoever wrote John's letters,....it was a part of the philosophical mind-set of the times. If the logos concept or idea can serve in some good and constructive way, so be it,.......but many versions of 'Jesus' exist, let alone his so called 'pre-existent' state, or HOW he is somehow the 'logos' of 'God' and what that means.

We all carry the logos of 'God' in us as the very temples of 'God', so we can play with this idea in so many ways :)
