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Tony DeMello-- Jesuit Priest from India

I love this story Tony told--- about a man who discovered how to make fire.....

He took his fire-making tools to the cold, snowy north, and there taught a village this life-preserving craft. The people, grateful for the gift they had received, honored the Fire-Maker.

The leaders of the village, however, were threatened by this new visitor. Jealous of his popularity, they secretly poisoned him.

To cover their tracks and stave off the suspicion of the people, they had a picture of the Fire-Maker commissioned and built a memorial to the Fire-Maker's life and achievements. They had all of the Fire-Maker's words and actions collected in a book and enshrined the Fire-Maker's tools in a decorative box.

For generations thereafter, the picture and book were revered; the temple was expanded; the tools for making fire were ferociously guarded; and the Fire-Maker could only be spoken of in the most reverential way.

But there was no fire. Ritual? Yes. Remembrance? Yes. Veneration? Yes. But there was no fire.
But there was no fire. Ritual? Yes. Remembrance? Yes. Veneration? Yes. But there was no fire.
The sin of servant leaders who value power and control over the prosperity and best interest of the people who are depending on their effective leadership.