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The LAW, the Law or the law: Which should you keep?


Grace Accepted

Religion is for the most part irrational to human thinking. After all we are worshiping an invisible God whom we speak to and then interpret various feelings, coincidences or intangible signs as answers. All that is very subjective and malleable. We can take the irrational substance of our spiritual desires and mold any type of system we wish to make ourselves feel better. From the Tibetans who figure the more prayers they offer up the better chances they have that these prayers will be answered and rather than spend the entire day mumbling the same prayer over and over again they simply write it on a pinwheel and stick it in the wind and figure that every time that wheel goes round the prayer goes up to God to Jews who wail at the wall of a long destroyed the temple to Christians who too often offer up prayers as a talisman of good luck. It's not that they expect the thing to happen but they hope it will give the thing a better chance at happening.

The same goes for God's law. Like religion it is often very irrational on the spiritual side. On the physical side it is measurable, consistent, and unbreakable. Gravity always works. But on the spiritual side of things you can have 10 people who obey “the law of God” and not only are they obeying 10 different laws but they are obeying them in 10 different ways. Each one thinking that they are the ones who have identified God's law correctly and are obeying it correctly and everyone else is just simply wrong.

Most of the time it is our psychology that informs our religion. For instance, if we grew up in a chaotic and very uncontrolled environment we often have hard baked into us a desire for control so we seek out a religion that has levers and knobs that we can push and pull and we reject religions that are amorphous to us or I do not have a well-defined ladder to climb. On the other hand if I grew up in a laissez-faire environment where I was basically free to come and go as I pleased I might seek a religion that has plasticity where I can mold and bend it to any shape I choose. This goes for the law of God.

Many people do not take the Bible as their Authority but instead read all religions and try to seek the commonalities in them and thus discover the law of God. On this forum we have many different representations of the law of God. If you read the writings of @Studyman you will have one vision of God and his law but if you turn then and concentrate on the musings of @Comingfrom you will receive an entirely different view of the law of God and how to keep it. If you read my writings you'll have a third vision of the law of God and why to keep it.

As I prayed and thought about this phenomenon I realized that the only place we can find the truth is through the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately our flesh will not accept the things of the spirit but make its own strawman spirit to follow instead and this means our flesh must be destroyed and removed out of the way in order for us to hear and understand. It is the reason I firmly believe that God gives us salvation first (brings us to life or makes us alive) upon hearing him we either submit and abide or we reject and return to our old fleshly self.

It turns out, for me anyway, that the reason religion is irrational is because I tried to practice it on this mortal plain but the promises do not work here consistently. Most of the time, when a crisis arises, the chances that prayer will resolve the temporal turmoil by giving me what I desire is very slim. If Christians received a solution to all of their temporal earthly problems, the world would flock to the religion. In other words we would come for the loaves and the fishes and not for Jesus. But when, by the Holy Spirit, we transcend to the eternal plane, everything the bible promises comes true. This, of course, is something the Holy Spirit has to reveal for it is an impossible thing for the flesh to understand. But if with all our hearts we truly seek him, we shall ever surely find him amen.
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Religion is for the most part irrational to human thinking. After all we are worshiping and invisible God whom we speak to and then interpret various feelings, coincidences or intangible signs as answers. All that is very subjective and malleable. We can take the irrational substance of our spiritual desires and mold any type of system we wish to make ourselves feel better. From the Tibetans who figure the more prayers they offer up the better chances they have that these prayers will be answered. Rather than spend the entire day mumbling the same prayer over and over again they simply write it on a pinwheel and stick it in the wind and figure that every time that wheel goes round the prayer goes up to God to Jews who wail at the wall of a long destroyed the temple to Christians who too often offer up prayers as a talisman of good luck. It's not that they expect the thing to happen to but they hope the thing will have a better chance at happening.

The same goes for God's law. Like religion it is often very irrational on the spiritual side. On the physical side is measurable, consistent, and Unbreakable. Gravity always works. But on the spiritual side of things you can have 10 people who obey “the law of God” and not only are they obeying 10 different laws but they are obeying them in 10 different ways. Each one thinking that they are the ones who have identified God's law correctly and are obeying it correctly and everyone else is just simply wrong.

Most of the time it is our psychology that informs our religion. For instance, if we grew up in a chaotic and very uncontrolled environment we often have hard baked into us a desire for control so we seek out a religion that has levers and knobs that we can push and pull and we reject religions that are amorphous to us or I do not have a well-defined ladder to climb. On the other hand if I grew up in a laissez-faire environment where I was basically free to come and go as I pleased I might seek a religion that has plasticity where I can mold and bend it to any shape I choose. This goes for the law of God.

Many people do not take the Bible as their Authority but instead read all religions and try to seek the commonalities in them and thus discover the law of God. On this forum we have many different representations of the law of God. If you read the writings of @Studyman you will have one vision of God and his law but if you turn then and concentrate on the musings of @Comingfrom you will receive an entirely different view of the law of God and how to keep it. If you read my writings you'll have a third vision of the law of God and why to keep it.

As I prayed and thought about this phenomenon I realized that the only place we can find the truth is through the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately our flesh will not accept the things of the spirit but make its own strawman spirit to follow instead and this means our flesh must be destroyed and removed out of the way in order for us to hear and understand. It is the reason I firmly believe that God gives us salvation first (brings us to life or makes us alive) upon hearing him we either submit and abide or we reject and return to our old fleshly self.

It turns out, for me anyway, that the reason religion is irrational is because I tried to practice it on this mortal plain but the promises do not work here consistently. Most of the time, when a crisis arises, the chances that prayer will resolve the temporal turmoil by giving me what I desire is very slim. If Christians received a solution to all of their temporal earthly problems, the world would flock to the religion. In other words we would come for the loaves and the fishes and not for Jesus. But when, by the Holy Spirit, we transcend to the eternal plane, everything the bible promises comes true. This, of course oh, it's something the Holy Spirit has to reveal for it is an impossible thing for the flesh to understand. But if with all our hearts we truly seek him, we shall ever surely find him amen.
This is why... "The just shall live by faith" Romans 1:17. Faith in Christ and his Gospel.

The LAW, the Law or the law: Which should you keep?​

For ye shall diligently keep all these commandments which I command you, to do them,
to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, and to cleave unto Him;

Deuteronomy 11:22
Religion is for the most part irrational to human thinking. After all we are worshiping an invisible God whom we speak to and then interpret various feelings, coincidences or intangible signs as answers. All that is very subjective and malleable. We can take the irrational substance of our spiritual desires and mold any type of system we wish to make ourselves feel better. From the Tibetans who figure the more prayers they offer up the better chances they have that these prayers will be answered and rather than spend the entire day mumbling the same prayer over and over again they simply write it on a pinwheel and stick it in the wind and figure that every time that wheel goes round the prayer goes up to God to Jews who wail at the wall of a long destroyed the temple to Christians who too often offer up prayers as a talisman of good luck. It's not that they expect the thing to happen but they hope it will give the thing a better chance at happening.
What you are missing, and it permeates throughout the religion you promote on this forum, is the belief or projection of the religious practices or voices of others as part of God's "Religion". Here is a good example of this. There is no instruction from God to wail at the wall of a long destroyed man made religious shrine of worship. It is true the nations of the world have practiced such things, and a religion called "Christianity" has adopted them for their own "tradition". But in the entire Bible, there is nothing that would promote this practice. The same would go for "many" traditions of this world you and I were born into. Building an image of the invisible Christ a birthday cake. Creating religious businesses of this world "In Christ's Name". Building shrines of worship in Christ's Name. I could go on and on and on from fish on Friday, to coloring Easter Eggs.

None of these beliefs, promoted or implied by this world's religions, are from the Scriptures. They come from "Other Voices" such as the one who deceived Eve. But "many" don't believe this. Like those who "wail" on the walls of a broken down man made shrine of worship, there is no instruction from the God of the Bible to do so. The religious practice is 100% created, and taught by the religious voices of this world we were born into. And then passed down from generation to generation as Biblical Fact. To the point where the Tradition becomes the standard, and anyone who would challenge the religious tradition in favor of what is actually written, becomes the enemy.

As a result, the "Tradition" is promoted and defended at all costs. But those who are defending the Tradition, believe they are Defending God's Way. Not being able to discern between the religious traditions, Philosophies and Doctrines of man, from the Righteous, holy and Perfect instructions of God. There are shown the difference, but they don't believe the source. What's Special about the Holy Scriptures is that the God who inspired them, pointed this phenomenon out from the beginning of recorded history, and warned of the very practice promoted by the religions of this world we were born into.

For me, that is a wisdom and a miracle that could only be achieved by a far greater power than exists in the Flesh today.

The same goes for God's law. Like religion it is often very irrational on the spiritual side. On the physical side it is measurable, consistent, and unbreakable. Gravity always works. But on the spiritual side of things you can have 10 people who obey “the law of God” and not only are they obeying 10 different laws but they are obeying them in 10 different ways. Each one thinking that they are the ones who have identified God's law correctly and are obeying it correctly and everyone else is just simply wrong.

This is your opinion. But my experience has not shown this. The answer to this circumstance you are addressing is in the Scriptures themselves, in my view. The "10" different ways to obey God is the result or influence of other religious voices, working to convert others to their religious business, without which their business could not succeed. After centuries of this world's religions, all calling Jesus Lord, Lord, have been competing for seats to fill the vacancies in their man made Shrines of Worship, all having adopted the religious philosophies of different preachers, religions, voices etc., we find our self in a world such as the one we are in now.

Jesus knew the greatest danger to those who would leave their life in submission to His Father, in Faith, would all these "other religious voices", who "Come in His Name", but do not represent the Teaching of His Father. He warned His Disciples of this very thing. It's just that people really don't believe Him.

But if 10 people refused to listen to any other voice, other than the Word's Jesus and Paul directed them to Hear, there would be no such circumstance. I fellowship with a dozen men, all of whom have studied, not the sermons of Calvin or Wesley or attended a catholic Church or any of this worlds religions which existed before we were even born. But all who, in their own time, in the quiet solitude of their own home, studied God's Word, "apart" from the influence of the "flood" of other religious voices, all come to the same conclusion. I met a man on one of these forums from Indonesia I think. His forum name was Shamah. We PM'ed for many hours, rejoicing in the Scriptures, having the same understanding as the others I knew, who like Caleb, placed their Faith in God's Word despite the religious voices which surrounded him. I thanked God a hundred times for Shamah.

So the point is, you haven't separated yourself from the very forces Jesus and Paul warned you about. This is the reason for our contention. AS a result, you place the chaos and foolishness of this world's religions you have been promoting, on God for creating Laws you have been convinced by "other voices" no one can understand or follow.

Most of the time it is our psychology that informs our religion. For instance, if we grew up in a chaotic and very uncontrolled environment we often have hard baked into us a desire for control so we seek out a religion that has levers and knobs that we can push and pull and we reject religions that are amorphous to us or I do not have a well-defined ladder to climb. On the other hand if I grew up in a laissez-faire environment where I was basically free to come and go as I pleased I might seek a religion that has plasticity where I can mold and bend it to any shape I choose. This goes for the law of God.

Again, God's Word speaks to everyone, regardless of their life's experience. He said "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

The idea or implication that God doesn't know the "Cross" I bear, which is our life's experience, which is different for every person, to me is foolishness. This is the Miracle of God's Law. It was written for Every Human ever born, all of which are different by design. We all have a cross to bear, and they are all different. God never instructed men to "SEEK" out a religion to fit their "cross" or life's experience. What you are describing is this World's religious Traditions. It is the Religious tradition of "Christianity" to pick one religion from the Smorgasbord of religions to choose from, depending on what suits them. But God isn't like that. You may preach that HE is, but it isn't true. God is no respecter of Persons, His Laws are not designed to be molded and shaped as you mold and shape them.

This is another of the "many" religious philosophies of man Paul warned of.

Many people do not take the Bible as their Authority but instead read all religions and try to seek the commonalities in them and thus discover the law of God.

This describes you GA. You religion is a conglomeration of the teaching of Constantine and the early RCC, along with the sermons of Calvin and Wesley, but you don't include hardly any of the Law and Prophets in your religion. When a person challenges your preaching, and they post Scriptures, you really aren't interested in the Scriptures. Even to discuss or examine them. As a Student of the Bible, I found the example of the Pharisees the Christ inspired for me, did the same exact thing. I surmised that because the Pharisees were convinced they were already "Eternally Secure", there was nothing for them to gain by examining Scriptures or taking Heed of the Warnings. That has been your claim as well. All of this was Prophesied centuries ago, which is amazing to me personally.

Jer. 6:16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. 17 Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.

On this forum we have many different representations of the law of God. If you read the writings of @Studyman you will have one vision of God and his law but if you turn then and concentrate on the musings of @Comingfrom you will receive an entirely different view of the law of God and how to keep it. If you read my writings you'll have a third vision of the law of God and why to keep it.

I never claimed to be a representative of the Law of God, just a Student of His Word. My focus is on posting and examining Scriptures in discernment of this world's religious philosophies that both Jesus and Paul warned about.. Your focus to date, has been to justify yourself and every teaching that you promote.

I don't know CF enough to make a judgment of his focus, but if he believes what is written in the Holy Scriptures including the Law and Prophets, then it is for sure you and he will clash.

As I prayed and thought about this phenomenon I realized that the only place we can find the truth is through the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately our flesh will not accept the things of the spirit but make its own strawman spirit to follow instead and this means our flesh must be destroyed and removed out of the way in order for us to hear and understand. It is the reason I firmly believe that God gives us salvation first (brings us to life or makes us alive) upon hearing him we either submit and abide or we reject and return to our old fleshly self.

There is one option you have yet to consider. What if the God of the Bible is right? What if His Word's are Just, and His Sabbaths are Holy unto Him and Holy into His People. What if God's Law is Spiritual, and walking in His Law IS Walking in the Spirit of God?

Of course there would be a great cost to this belief. You would be humiliated, like Paul was. You would might lose some money. Be Ridiculed and rejected by friends and family like Caleb was. In many cases alone in your Faith as Daniel and Zacharias was. To offer your life a living sacrifice unto an invisible God, "holy, acceptable unto God," is scary for a time, but as a person grows in the knowledge of God, I have come to really appreciate His Chastisement, and have gained a great deal by placing my Faith in HIM, over this world's "other voices".

Sadly most can't bring themselves to believe in this God, choosing instead to let "other voices" speak to them. "And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die."

I have never offered to tell you how to obey God GA. I have only promoted the belief that we should trust God's Word "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."

And that we should obey the Christ. "Man shall live by Every Word that Proceeds from the mouth of God"

It turns out, for me anyway, that the reason religion is irrational is because I tried to practice it on this mortal plain but the promises do not work here consistently. Most of the time, when a crisis arises, the chances that prayer will resolve the temporal turmoil by giving me what I desire is very slim. If Christians received a solution to all of their temporal earthly problems, the world would flock to the religion. In other words we would come for the loaves and the fishes and not for Jesus. But when, by the Holy Spirit, we transcend to the eternal plane, everything the bible promises comes true. This, of course, is something the Holy Spirit has to reveal for it is an impossible thing for the flesh to understand. But if with all our hearts we truly seek him, we shall ever surely find him amen.

Prov. 28:9 He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.

What if the Word's of God are truth. Surely a man should consider this.
Note: The gentleman's accusations and insults will be highlighted in yellow and disregarded as there is no point to them.

What you are missing, and it permeates throughout the religion you promote on this forum, is the belief or projection of the religious practices or voices of others as part of God's "Religion". Here is a good example of this. There is no instruction from God to wail at the wall of a long destroyed man made religious shrine of worship. It is true the nations of the world have practiced such things, and a religion called "Christianity" has adopted them for their own "tradition". But in the entire Bible, there is nothing that would promote this practice. The same would go for "many" traditions of this world you and I were born into. Building an image of the invisible Christ a birthday cake. Creating religious businesses of this world "In Christ's Name". Building shrines of worship in Christ's Name. I could go on and on and on from fish on Friday, to coloring Easter Eggs.
This first paragraph does not address the point of the post so does not need to be replied to.
None of these beliefs, promoted or implied by this world's religions, are from the Scriptures. They come from "Other Voices" such as the one who deceived Eve. But "many" don't believe this. Like those who "wail" on the walls of a broken down man made shrine of worship, there is no instruction from the God of the Bible to do so. The religious practice is 100% created, and taught by the religious voices of this world we were born into. And then passed down from generation to generation as Biblical Fact. To the point where the Tradition becomes the standard, and anyone who would challenge the religious tradition in favor of what is actually written, becomes the enemy.
This still does not address anything close to what this post is about. I see no connection between what is written here and the OP.
As a result, the "Tradition" is promoted and defended at all costs. But those who are defending the Tradition, believe they are Defending God's Way. Not being able to discern between the religious traditions, Philosophies and Doctrines of man, from the Righteous, holy and Perfect instructions of God. There are shown the difference, but they don't believe the source. What's Special about the Holy Scriptures is that the God who inspired them, pointed this phenomenon out from the beginning of recorded history, and warned of the very practice promoted by the religions of this world we were born into.

For me, that is a wisdom and a miracle that could only be achieved by a far greater power than exists in the Flesh today.
Still off topic.
This is your opinion. But my experience has not shown this. The answer to this circumstance you are addressing is in the Scriptures themselves, in my view. The "10" different ways to obey God is the result or influence of other religious voices, working to convert others to their religious business, without which their business could not succeed. After centuries of this world's religions, all calling Jesus Lord, Lord, have been competing for seats to fill the vacancies in their man made Shrines of Worship, all having adopted the religious philosophies of different preachers, religions, voices etc., we find our self in a world such as the one we are in now.
How does this address the OP? How is your approach any more rational than the Tibetan monk' s point of view? Both of you must embrace irrationality for your religions.
Jesus knew the greatest danger to those who would leave their life in submission to His Father, in Faith, would all these "other religious voices", who "Come in His Name", but do not represent the Teaching of His Father. He warned His Disciples of this very thing. It's just that people really don't believe Him.
You are riding on a different track than this OP is on. While I acknowledge that you believe this but it is as irrational as the Muslim who believes that Mohammad rose to heaven right through a rock. You do not have a lock on rationality.
But if 10 people refused to listen to any other voice, other than the Word's Jesus and Paul directed them to Hear, there would be no such circumstance. I fellowship with a dozen men, all of whom have studied, not the sermons of Calvin or Wesley or attended a catholic Church or any of this worlds religions which existed before we were even born. But all who, in their own time, in the quiet solitude of their own home, studied God's Word, "apart" from the influence of the "flood" of other religious voices, all come to the same conclusion. I met a man on one of these forums from Indonesia I think. His forum name was Shamah. We PM'ed for many hours, rejoicing in the Scriptures, having the same understanding as the others I knew, who like Caleb, placed their Faith in God's Word despite the religious voices which surrounded him. I thanked God a hundred times for Shamah.
What does this have to do with rationality?
So the point is, you haven't separated yourself from the very forces Jesus and Paul warned you about. This is the reason for our contention. AS a result, you place the chaos and foolishness of this world's religions you have been promoting, on God for creating Laws you have been convinced by "other voices" no one can understand or follow.
Unsupported accusation based on your bias. Sigh.
Again, God's Word speaks to everyone, regardless of their life's experience. He said "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

The idea or implication that God doesn't know the "Cross" I bear, which is our life's experience, which is different for every person, to me is foolishness. This is the Miracle of God's Law. It was written for Every Human ever born, all of which are different by design. We all have a cross to bear, and they are all different. God never instructed men to "SEEK" out a religion to fit their "cross" or life's experience. What you are describing is this World's religious Traditions. It is the Religious tradition of "Christianity" to pick one religion from the Smorgasbord of religions to choose from, depending on what suits them. But God isn't like that. You may preach that HE is, but it isn't true. God is no respecter of Persons, His Laws are not designed to be molded and shaped as you mold and shape them.

This is another of the "many" religious philosophies of man Paul warned of.
So far you have delivered a diatribe that has nothing to do with this post. I suggest you post it in a new thread.
This describes you GA. You religion is a conglomeration of the teaching of Constantine and the early RCC, along with the sermons of Calvin and Wesley, but you don't include hardly any of the Law and Prophets in your religion. When a person challenges your preaching, and they post Scriptures, you really aren't interested in the Scriptures. Even to discuss or examine them. As a Student of the Bible, I found the example of the Pharisees the Christ inspired for me, did the same exact thing. I surmised that because the Pharisees were convinced they were already "Eternally Secure", there was nothing for them to gain by examining Scriptures or taking Heed of the Warnings. That has been your claim as well. All of this was Prophesied centuries ago, which is amazing to me personally.
More uncalled for personal attacks. You should at least make an appearance of supporting your negativity rather than just thinking you can say it without proof.

I never claimed to be a representative of the Law of God, just a Student of His Word. My focus is on posting and examining Scriptures in discernment of this world's religious philosophies that both Jesus and Paul warned about.. Your focus to date, has been to justify yourself and every teaching that you promote.

I don't know CF enough to make a judgment of his focus, but if he believes what is written in the Holy Scriptures including the Law and Prophets, then it is for sure you and he will clash.

There is one option you have yet to consider. What if the God of the Bible is right? What if His Word's are Just, and His Sabbaths are Holy unto Him and Holy into His People. What if God's Law is Spiritual, and walking in His Law IS Walking in the Spirit of God?

Of course there would be a great cost to this belief. You would be humiliated, like Paul was. You would might lose some money. Be Ridiculed and rejected by friends and family like Caleb was. In many cases alone in your Faith as Daniel and Zacharias was. To offer your life a living sacrifice unto an invisible God, "holy, acceptable unto God," is scary for a time, but as a person grows in the knowledge of God, I have come to really appreciate His Chastisement, and have gained a great deal by placing my Faith in HIM, over this world's "other voices".

Sadly most can't bring themselves to believe in this God, choosing instead to let "other voices" speak to them. "And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die."

I have never offered to tell you how to obey God GA. I have only promoted the belief that we should trust God's Word "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."

And that we should obey the Christ. "Man shall live by Every Word that Proceeds from the mouth of God"

Prov. 28:9 He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.

What if the Word's of God are truth. Surely a man should consider this.
You appear very bitter and vengeful. See the highlighted portions of your off topic screed as support for my anaysis. The substance of this screed was to stick it to me every chance you got.

Please do not post off topic here.
Note: The gentleman's accusations and insults will be highlighted in yellow and disregarded as there is no point to them.

This first paragraph does not address the point of the post so does not need to be replied to.

This still does not address anything close to what this post is about. I see no connection between what is written here and the OP.

Still off topic.

How does this address the OP? How is your approach any more rational than the Tibetan monk' s point of view? Both of you must embrace irrationality for your religions.

You are riding on a different track than this OP is on. While I acknowledge that you believe this but it is as irrational as the Muslim who believes that Mohammad rose to heaven right through a rock. You do not have a lock on rationality.

What does this have to do with rationality?

Unsupported accusation based on your bias. Sigh.

So far you have delivered a diatribe that has nothing to do with this post. I suggest you post it in a new thread.

More uncalled for personal attacks. You should at least make an appearance of supporting your negativity rather than just thinking you can say it without proof.

You appear very bitter and vengeful. See the highlighted portions of your off topic screed as support for my anaysis. The substance of this screed was to stick it to me every chance you got.

Please do not post off topic here.
I think he believes the way to "win" is to filibuster all topics wherever he finds an opening. That is why he doesn't bother to answer questions, or address scriptures given, or stay on topic. The longer he deflects, the more he gets to say. In an obstructive manner an at inordinate length. It helps to copy/paste blocks of scripture, so he has to find fewer of his own words, and can just stick to mainly the insults and accusations.
I think he believes the way to "win" is to filibuster all topics wherever he finds an opening. That is why he doesn't bother to answer questions, or address scriptures given, or stay on topic.

The sermon GA gave in this thread contained ZERO Scriptures. EVERY WORD he posted was his opinion. So it would be difficult to address Scriptures given, as he didn't give any. I addressed his opinion, with mine.

You don't like my opinion. I'm OK with that.

The longer he deflects, the more he gets to say. In an obstructive manner an at inordinate length. It helps to copy/paste blocks of scripture, so he has to find fewer of his own words, and can just stick to mainly the insults and accusations.

When you say I stick mainly to insults and accusations, it is an accusation and an insult against me. I see your posts as rife with accusations and insults of those which whom you disagree. In your religion, am I just to do as you say, but not as you do?
I think he believes the way to "win" is to filibuster all topics wherever he finds an opening. That is why he doesn't bother to answer questions, or address scriptures given, or stay on topic. The longer he deflects, the more he gets to say. In an obstructive manner an at inordinate length. It helps to copy/paste blocks of scripture, so he has to find fewer of his own words, and can just stick to mainly the insults and accusations.
Yeah, his posts to me have increasingly been anti-me filled with insults and accusations that then fall upon Christ.
The sermon GA gave in this thread contained ZERO Scriptures. EVERY WORD he posted was his opinion. So it would be difficult to address Scriptures given, as he didn't give any. I addressed his opinion, with mine.
With all due respect, he doesn't even care about the Greek, which shows the deficiencies in the English.
For ye shall diligently keep all these commandments which I command you, to do them,
to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, and to cleave unto Him;

Deuteronomy 11:22
Are you talking about all the Levitical laws that Moses gave to Israelites?