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The Last Twelve verses of Mark 16: 9-20

There many forms of material to write on from that time period to include stone, clay, papyrus, Leather, Parchment or Vellum and Metal...I would recommend the following book to get the true story of this copper scroll. Here is the author and the Book.. There is no sense telling you about it, you would deny, so get it from those that were there.
VanderKam, James C. The Dead Sea Scrolls Today. Grand Rapids, MI Eerdmans,1994.

There is also a bookby the name of:The Copper Scroll: A Jon Bennett Series Political and Military Action Thriller (Book 4) (The Last Jihad series), John Rosenburg........it is one of those (if you insist) books....

Good reading
Copper was expensive back then, thus why write about the metal treasure of the 2nd temple which doesn't no longer exist.
The Dead Sea Scroll have few forgeries, but the copper scroll is one of them.
one other bit of information about the scrolls.....The information given by these 650 or so scrolls were divided into categories. Rules and Regulations, Poetic and Wisdom Texts, Reworked or Rewritten Scripture, Commentaries (Pesharim) and Miscellaneous Writings (the Copper Scroll).

The most important part of them was: they were not written by Christian authors, have no Christian individuals by name. They do not have anything directly related to the young baby Christians and Jesus.

Copper was expensive back then, thus why write about the metal treasure of the 2nd temple which doesn't no longer exist.
They give us valuable information about the Judaism of the second temple....Perhaps that is all they had to write on at the time...It is hard to tell for the writing material was not available like paper is today which is why so many different type of writing material was used.....The dead sea scrolls changed nothing in the Bible....In fact, they confirmed many passages...

I deny that the ink is old on the capital letter manuscripts. It isn't old. It's plagiarism. Use the cursives if you must.
"Most of the early copies of the New Testament were written on vellum in a writing style called uncial (large/capital) writing. This was a style of writing that was used until the 10th century A.D. when it was replaced by a more cursive script called minuscule writing. Later, the leather pages were bound together into books or “codices.” Over 350 of these codices still exist today, the most important of them being: Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Vaticanus and Codex Alexandrinus." (The Bible's Historical Background, Steve Elwart)
Language writing system

Below are copies of such writings.

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