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Self-Defeating Religions


robert pate

All false religions are self-defeating. They are self-defeating because of what they require a person to believe. Example. Catholicism is self-defeating because the Catholic church teaches that salvation is by faith plus works. The works cancels out faith. This is why Paul wrote, "Therefore by the deeds of the law (what we do) there shall no flesh be justified in his sight" Romans 3:20. Works and obedience count for nothing in the New Testament. The only thing that counts for something in the New Testament is the work and obedience of Jesus Christ. In the judgment Catholics are going to be in the "Lord, Lord, didn't we" group. Matthew 7:21-23. They are trusting in their works and religion to save them, which is self-defeating.

Calvinism is self-defeating. Calvinists believe that God predestinated people to hell before they were ever born, which makes God an unjust tyrant. It is not humanly possible to have saving faith in a God that would do such a horrible thing. They don't have faith in God, what they have is faith in a doctrine. Worse yet, they believe that Jesus did not atone for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. Calvinists believe that Jesus is a failure. It is not possible to have faith in a savior that cannot atone for all sins. Therefore, Calvinism is self-defeating.

All false religions are self-defeating because they replace faith with obedience, works, predestination or whatever. The only thing that is required for salvation is faith, not works, obedience, predestination, etc. Faith in the work and the person of Jesus Christ. Satan knows that salvation is by faith alone, this is why he wants people to believe that it is faith plus something else. Salvation is by faith alone, because it is by Christ alone. Jesus did it all and he did it perfectly. We are complete in him, Colossians 2:10. No laws, rules, predestination or religion needed.
What we believe and have faith in will determine where we will spend eternity. God wants his people to have faith in his Son Jesus Christ, not faith in a doctrine or a religion. Faith in a doctrine or a religion is not always about faith in Christ and his Gospel. Actually, religion is a diversion away from Christ and his Gospel and is usually another Gospel, Galatians 1:6-10. Religion, whether it is Calvinism, Catholicism or whatever, clouds the Gospel and makes it of no effect.
What we believe and have faith in will determine where we will spend eternity. God wants his people to have faith in his Son Jesus Christ, not faith in a doctrine or a religion. Faith in a doctrine or a religion is not always about faith in Christ and his Gospel. Actually, religion is a diversion away from Christ and his Gospel and is usually another Gospel, Galatians 1:6-10. Religion, whether it is Calvinism, Catholicism or whatever, clouds the Gospel and makes it of no effect.
the belief in and worship of a supernatural controlling power, especially a personal God.
a particular system of faint and worship
a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
Are you saying you have no religion, and not having a religion is what saves a person?
the belief in and worship of a supernatural controlling power, especially a personal God.
a particular system of faint and worship
a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
Are you saying you have no religion, and not having a religion is what saves a person?
just as I suspected. You are a religionist.

I have no religion, what I have is faith in Christ and his Gospel, that is not a religion.

RELIGION: Man's preoccupation with his spirituality, which is himself.

The Pharisees were religious. They even tithed down to the mint in their Gardens, Matthew 23:23. Jesus referred to them as hypocrites, because they say, but don't do. Read the 23rd chapter of Matthew if you want to know what Jesus thinks of people that are religious.
just as I suspected. You are a religionist.

I have no religion, what I have is faith in Christ and his Gospel, that is not a religion.

RELIGION: Man's preoccupation with his spirituality, which is himself.

The Pharisees were religious. They even tithed down to the mint in their Gardens, Matthew 23:23. Jesus referred to them as hypocrites, because they say, but don't do. Read the 23rd chapter of Matthew if you want to know what Jesus thinks of people that are religious.
Nothing here about the faith of Christ.
Is the reason why, that you disregard it?
I have no religion, what I have is faith in Christ and his Gospel, that is not a religion.
That is a religion! It's called Christianity. I guess I should just get off your case. You seem to have trouble with understanding the meaning of words.
Nothing here about the faith of Christ.
Is the reason why, that you disregard it?
Jesus was faithful unto his death on the cross. We are saved by his faithfulness and not our own. All that Jesus was, and all that Jesus did was for our justification and our salvation. If anyone goes to heaven it will because of the faithfulness of Jesus.
That is a religion! It's called Christianity. I guess I should just get off your case. You seem to have trouble with understanding the meaning of words.
Religion is not an indication of faith. Religion is an indication of the absence of faith. You are not able to trust in Christ alone for your salvation, this is why you need Calvinism. In the judgement the only thing that is going to pass is the righteousness of Christ, you don't have it. What you have is Calvinism.
Religion is not an indication of faith. Religion is an indication of the absence of faith. You are not able to trust in Christ alone for your salvation, this is why you need Calvinism. In the judgement the only thing that is going to pass is the righteousness of Christ, you don't have it. What you have is Calvinism.
Religion is not an indication of faith but neither is it an indication of the absence of faith. I suppose it is too late for you to learn to think at this stage.

Calvinism isn't a religion. It is a theology. And one developed by numerous thinkers, who spent the majority of their lives thinking about God and His scriptures.

Calvin is dead. Jesus lives. That is who my trust is in. Beats Pateism hands down.
Religion is not an indication of faith but neither is it an indication of the absence of faith. I suppose it is too late for you to learn to think at this stage.

Calvinism isn't a religion. It is a theology. And one developed by numerous thinkers, who spent the majority of their lives thinking about God and His scriptures.

Calvin is dead. Jesus lives. That is who my trust is in. Beats Pateism hands down.
Calvinism is a religion, it requires that you to believe a certain doctrine which is TULIP. If you don't believe TULIP then you are not a Calvinist.

Theology is the study of God, not a religion. Calvinism is not a Bible based religion; it is a man conceived religion. The word "Calvinism" does not appear in the New Testament. Calvinism is a misinterpretation of scripture. If Calvinism was a true doctrine the Bible would be full of it, there is nothing. It is a great error to believe a doctrine that is not based upon scripture. There is no scripture about anyone being predestinated to heaven or to hell. It your trust was in Jesus you would not need Calvinism.
Calvinism is a religion, it requires that you to believe a certain doctrine which is TULIP. If you don't believe TULIP then you are not a Calvinist.
Calvinism is a theology, and it is the study of God, more so than any other theology. It also contains all of the doctrines found in the Bible that make up the Christian religion, (of which you say you are not a part of) including the ones you say it does not contain, and omitting the false doctrines that you put forth. They are false because they do damage to God, to Christ and His work, and do not line up with what the Bible teaches. They are nothing more than Pateism and the tangled meanderings of his mind. You might get it right if you could learn to think through things logically. But people who start by thinking that they are smarter and wiser than all who have gone before them, brainwash themselves, or are brainwashed by others, to the point of not even being able to perceive and grasp concepts, let alone think critically.
Calvinism is not a Bible based religion; it is a man conceived religion. The word "Calvinism" does not appear in the New Testament. Calvinism is a misinterpretation of scripture. If Calvinism was a true doctrine the Bible would be full of it, there is nothing. It is a great error to believe a doctrine that is not based upon scripture. There is no scripture about anyone being predestinated to heaven or to hell. It your trust was in Jesus you would not need Calvinism.
Calvinism is a theology---the study of God, and from what God tells us about Himself---rather than leaning on our own understanding and sticking to what the finite mind can explain and what appeals to us, and calling that God. Are you aware, in all your attacks on Calvinism, that many men were involved, not just Calvin? Luther for example. Knox. Master Bruce. And many many more. Calvin, as a lawyer and brilliant in deductive reasoning and articulation, just happened to be the one most capable of putting it into coherent and consistent language. And He did not do so with TULIP, but carefully laid out in logical and non-contradictory form. The acronym came centuries later.

And Calvinism requires nothing of anyone, it is something. A person either believes it or they don't. Those who say they are Calvinist do, and if they didn't they wouldn't be Calvinists.
I have no religion, what I have is faith in Christ and his Gospel, that is not a religion.
That is a religion.
RELIGION: Man's preoccupation with his spirituality, which is himself.
That is not the definition of religion. It is your definition to serve your own purposes. It is a case of once again making up your own definitions of words in order to fit it in with your religion. As you do with propitiation and atonement.
The Pharisees were religious. They even tithed down to the mint in their Gardens, Matthew 23:23. Jesus referred to them as hypocrites, because they say, but don't do. Read the 23rd chapter of Matthew if you want to know what Jesus thinks of people that are religious
Jesus did not call them hypocrites because they were obeying the religion that God gave them to follow. He called them hypocrites because of the evil that lay in their hearts, when they demanded of the people what they would not do themselves. And the greed for money and power that was within them, rather than any faith in or love for God.