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Scripture study of the Immortal Soul (spirit of man/woman)

Yes, but you do believe and teach this:

...which is also false.
The human spirit/mind/soul is not immortal and needs a brain to operate. I don't believe the body is a shell.
But you believe the mind can live without the body against the second law of thermodynamics, thus stating your belief in the immortal soul/mind/spirit.

I win, and you lose.
The human spirit/mind/soul is not immortal and needs a brain to operate. I don't believe the body is a shell.
But you believe the mind can live without the body against the second law of thermodynamics, thus stating your belief in the immortal soul/mind/spirit.

I win, and you lose.
No I don't. And I do not believe the soul/mind/spirit are immortal.
Thank you for sharing and answering.

I personally believe God is going to give a spiritual body to unbelievers and believers that is a biblical promise as shared earlier. We might be like angels but I don’t think we actually be angels. Founded in 1 Corinthians 15.

Either way it seems you fo believe in an afterlife but where does your soul/spirit go when you die? For you personally what is it you believe @7thMoon that is my last question.
@MatthewG I am a Unitarian. I believe God has always raised the dead. I believe the Messiah has come again. The NT was written before the 2nd Temple's destruction.
No I don't, because God has to wake it from a corpse.
God will raise people from the dead. Everyone who has died is still dead with the sole exception of Jesus Christ. God raised him from the dead. Nobody (human) is in heaven except for Jesus Christ (John 3:13). Everyone else is still dead, awaiting resurrection, which will happen at either the rapture or one of the upcoming resurrections.