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Predestination and Election Explained

Your preacher is hard to listen to imo. He takes too long to say something, to make his point, and then by the end I am still wondering what his point was. It is titled Castle of Calvinism. It seemed like he kept setting up these huge smoke screens about language variations, and side trips, much laughter, speaking of God as though He were a man like us, and made the point that God wasn't really talking about individuals, but the nation Israel when He chose Jacob, and as though it were a surprise to Him that there were twins and He had to choose one. I guess
one could get so distracted by all the smoke, that they thought He actually proved Calvinism to be wrong. And I can see how one would choose to look at it the way you do, and he does. But it won't hold water when you consider all that the Bible says. Not in my book.

IMO one of these preachers knows how to expound on scripture and the other one knows how to make a show of doing so.
The video is not titled “Castle of Calvinism,” that was my comment. And maybe not in your book, but it does hold water when you consider all the Bible says.

Thanks for your opinion. We all have one. You’re Reformed covenental a-millennial cessationist. I’m free-will dispensationalist pre-trib pre-mill charismatic.

Two peas in a pod. :)

I hope Boaz is better.
How can Christ be the elect if He is God the Son come as Son of man? People are always trying to find a way around God's election of people. Why I don't know, but I think it has to do with the very core of our fallen nature which we will have until corruption puts on incorruption. This teaching is one of the clearest in the Bible. Once you see it and understand it, you see it everywhere in scripture. It is just that we are trained form the beginning, this teaching having been finally murdered by Charles Finney, (there is not a person alive today who did not begin there walk with God under that influence,unless they happened to grow up in a Reformed or Calvinist church) to skip right over the clear words and turn the scriptures into applying to something else. Rather than extracting the meaning from the scriptures. We don't even see them, or don't look closely at them because we have already been told what we are to see. And guess what? That teaching that was murdered back in the 1800's, in the last twenty years, and increasing rapidly recently, is coming back to life. People are hungry for the real God, for something real, not all this superficiality and felt needs.

Where do you get that it was said that Rom 9 is saying they (who?) were always doomed?

The ones Rom 9 was saying were doomed anyway were the vessels for destruction, which was prob the Jews of the revolt, because v6 insists that we distinguish within Israel. But again, there has to be a real bona fide appeal by God/Christ to Israel not to revolt in order for the anguish of Christ about Israel/Jerusalem to be meaningful.

There are many passages that call Christ the elect/chosen one. Eph 1 describes election as in Him, just like a ton of other things. Even the Seed was Christ, understood proper, Gal 3.

Anyway, it is clear that the John chapter was wrestling with this tension and that it is resolved in v40.
There is a consolation from realizing that some are doomed; that evangelism is not a lost cause. The holes in the net are not our fault. We are not responsible for 100% results, only for spreading the Gospel.
Sorry I didn't quite answer the initial response. Christ was elected to be our representative just like Adam was a rep. He lived and acted on our behalf. That's the how.
Sorry I didn't quite answer the initial response. Christ was elected to be our representative just like Adam was a rep. He lived and acted on our behalf. That's the how.
I suppose there is no harm in looking at it that way. He is elected in that sense, but I see it more as a covenant agreement within the Godhead---the covenant of redemption, that existed before the world was ever made. The Son would at the right time come as Son of man to do the redemptive work. But I do not consider that when the Bible speaks of chosen, chose, elect, foreknown, etc. that Jesus is the elect it speaks of (if that is what you mean.) Individuals are elected to be In Him, through faith.
Compare the seed. Paul says it didn't mean many people, but one Person, Christ. And yet through Christ it does mean many people. Gal 3:29, 'then you are Abraham's seed.'