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My Heart

Isaiah 52:13 Behold, my servant shall act wisely; he shall be high and lifted up, and shall be exalted.

John 3:14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up,

Acts 5:31 God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.

(BTW, thank you Apak for participating in this thread.)
You are welcome @patience as I do like the Bible study embedded in your view of scripture of a personal nature.

I always learn from people like you. No one has it all locked up. I tweak things I know or I think I know of the word of God from time to time. I enjoy it.

Partners and brothers and sisters in Christ are always welcome in my neighborhood!
You are welcome @patience as I do like the Bible study embedded in your view of scripture of a personal nature.

I always learn from people like you. No one has it all locked up. I tweak things I know or I think I know of the word of God from time to time. I enjoy it.

Partners and brothers and sisters in Christ are always welcome in my neighborhood!
Isn't Jesus good enough to learn from?

Jesus says He is the Teacher.

And He is the perfect Teacher.

If you dont think He is not good enough for you and needs other men's help, there is something wrong with your faith.
Isn't Jesus good enough to learn from?

Jesus says He is the Teacher.

And He is the perfect Teacher.

If you dont think He is not good enough for you and needs other men's help, there is something wrong with your faith.
Let's add some realism to your words meshak. You see to be just barging in on a post just because you want to be heard, and without realizing the consequences of it.

So tell me, by saying Jesus is the perfect teacher to someone, and he was as scripture records, how can they then use these words in their life for the benefit of Jesus and his Body today? Isn't it the same Spirit of truth that inhabited the disciples after Christ's ascension to teach and provide gifts to them on their evangelistic treks abroad the same used today for believers?

Your words are not meaningful at the level you present them. They are too general and inaccurate. They are words you might find on a whiteboard in a classroom when teaching Bible 101. We now have to transform these words of yours into a clearer form that have more meaning within the Body of Christ for today.

The Spirit has given specific gifts within his Body to different folks for different purposes for the benefit of Jesus. Some are more gifted in knowledge an wisdom of the word of God than others. I'm indicating here that patience has these gifts.

I would really examine what you are actually saying meshak before hitting the keys...just saying

Happy Trails
Let's add some realism to your words meshak. You see to be just barging in on a post just because you want to be heard, and without realizing the consequences of it.

The Internet is open to the whole world.

And we are claiming God and Jesus' names meaning we represent them.

And God and Jesus' reputation is greatly tarnished by professed believers.

So when I see the inconsistent presentation of God and Jesus' teaching, I will speak up which most professed believers always do their best to silence.

And you are one of them with your kind of criticism of my challenge.
The Internet is open to the whole world.

And we are claiming God and Jesus' names meaning we represent them.

And God and Jesus' reputation is greatly tarnished by professed believers.

So when I see the inconsistent presentation of God and Jesus' teaching, I will speak up which most professed believers always do their best to silence.

And you are one of them with your kind of criticism of my challenge.
Well enjoy you secret unrevealed faith you possess that you cannot divulge to anyone. What are you really afraid of meshak? I hope your spiritual restlessness abates in time.

Meantime, continue to grow in faith to true belief in the Father and his Son as the core of our salvation. A belief so solid and sound that you know they are truly within you and you in them, everyday, working, for you, along with their angels. Amen
Well enjoy you secret unrevealed faith you possess that you cannot divulge to anyone.
Nothing is secret about my mission.

It is just not conventional, that's why I am doing it.

It has been treated as an elephant in the room.
