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Jesus and the Pharisees


robert pate

Jesus and the Pharisees were followers and teachers of the Mosiac law. You would think that because they had that in common that they would be friends, instead they were bitter enemies. What offended the Pharisees the most about Jesus is that he made himself to be equal with God. When Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I am" John 8:58. They took up stones to stone him, but Jesus walked out of the temple going right through the midst of them. I guess they couldn't see him, John 8:59.

In the book of Matthew Jesus referred to the Pharisees as hypocrites 17 times. The Pharisees were deeply offended by this accusation. The Pharisees were the champions of religion, they even tithed down to the mint in their gardens, Matthew 23:23. I have never heard of anyone tithing down to what is growing in their garden. The main complaint that Jesus had with the Pharisees is that "They say, and do not do" Matthew 23:3. Which made them hypocrites. The Mosiac law contains hundreds and hundreds of religious instructions. The Torah contains over 600 religious' instructions. The law was the religion of the Pharisees. They said that the law was "The way, the truth and the life and was the light that lightened every man" Jesus took what the Pharisees said about the law and applied it to himself, John 14:6.

What the law was to the Pharisees, Jesus Christ was to the New Testament Christian. One of the 10 commandments is, "You shall not have any other Gods before me" Deuteronomy 5:7. The Pharisees had made the law their God, which is idolatry. Jesus severely rebuked them for doing that, see Matthew the 23rd chapter. Another problem that Jesus had with the Pharisees is that they were not qualified to teach the law. All of the prophets that taught the law were appointed by God. The only one that was and is qualified to teach the law is Jesus Christ. If you are not without sin, then you are not qualified to teach the law either, otherwise you will make yourself a hypocrite. You will be saying and not doing. The law demands perfection, if you are not perfect, don't teach it.

God never intended for his people to live by laws, rules and religion. What kind of a relationship is that? You have to be told to obey? A good son does not need to be told to obey, a good son loves his father and will not do anything to disappoint him. If you love Jesus, you will not do anything to disappoint him. Love, not laws, rules and religious instructions is what motivates the Christian to be obedient. This is also known as living by the Spirit. The Pharisees didn't really love God, what they loved was their religion. There is a bunch of people today that don't love Jesus but love their religion. I can tell because that is all that they talk about.