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I'm Wynona

Hello Wynona!
Welcome to White Horse :)
In some of your posts below between your good self and Mr E (@Mr E ) you mentioned your interest in gender studies: quite a broad spectrum of study!
I appreciate that willingness to read as much of the ideations right to left and left to right.
Oh, at first (where are my manners): congratulations on your babies on the way! I am a Papa of two girls, and it is both a joy and enriching experience.
I believe I am the resident leftie- either self appointed or whispered by others so :)
I really hope to have some good debate with you... I am in the South of the World and when I first started posting on American theological forums I felt like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!
I really wish there was no need for 'cultural war and its politics'; and inclusivity was the primal signifier.
Massive blessings to you sister.

I hope the two of you engage. I’ve never known @Wynona to be political, nor idealogical, so I’m sure good conversations can be had, despite your left-leaning myopia. 😂
Hello Wynona!
Welcome to White Horse :)
In some of your posts below between your good self and Mr E (@Mr E ) you mentioned your interest in gender studies: quite a broad spectrum of study!
I appreciate that willingness to read as much of the ideations right to left and left to right.
Oh, at first (where are my manners): congratulations on your babies on the way! I am a Papa of two girls, and it is both a joy and enriching experience.
I believe I am the resident leftie- either self appointed or whispered by others so :)
I really hope to have some good debate with you... I am in the South of the World and when I first started posting on American theological forums I felt like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!
I really wish there was no need for 'cultural war and its politics'; and inclusivity was the primal signifier.
Massive blessings to you sister.

Thank you so much! I grew up in a very left leaning environment. Now, I'm a Christian deconstructionist and a supporter of biblical patriarchy. Im not the deconstructionist who questions bible doctrine. I have endless questions and distrust for a wide variety of modern church tradition.